
Chapter 117 Monster

Connor, upon waking up and seeing that Xavier was uncomfortable sharing the small space he slept in with a large duffel bag, decided to move the bag and place it elsewhere.

However, as soon as he put his hand out to grab it, Xavier jumped up with unbelievable speed and explosive power.

Despite just waking up and his eyes barely opening yet, he instinctively rushed to attack and wrapped his legs around Connor\'s head, before getting him into an armlock.

Xavier also didn\'t stop there and twisted his torso with as much force as he could to throw Connor off balance and cause him to fall to the ground.

"Argh! What the fuck are you doing?!" yelled Connor, who felt immense pain in his arm and knew that at any moment, he could suffer a horrible injury.

Hearing his voice, Xavier snapped out of his dazed state and immediately released his armlock, baffled by how he was suddenly on the verge of breaking his friend\'s arm.


There was a moment of silence before Connor started yelling wildly.

"Were you trying to break my arm?!"

"What kind of monster wakes up like that anyway?!"

"And how are you so fast?!"

Meanwhile, Xavier felt slightly lightheaded after getting up from being asleep so quickly. He was also shocked by how rapid and deadly his instincts were, with him immediately taking down Connor.

Of course, it was because Connor had just woken up and had been caught off guard that it had been so easy. And if it had been anyone else that Xavier had attacked, they wouldn\'t have been able to resist the powerful armlock with physical strength. That would leave their arm broken in a matter of seconds.

But Connor\'s second question stuck with Xavier, and he was unsure why he had woken up like that.

He truly was like a monster when he attacked Connor, and there were only 2 things he could think of that might be the reason behind it.

It was either because he had almost lost his life the night before and was still subconsciously on edge despite not being mentally bothered by it much?

Or because his Gangster Instincts were getting sharper and Connor was trying to grab the duffel bag that he had placed beside him?

Either way, Xavier impressed himself, and after apologising to Connor sincerely, gave him the explanation that was most feasible.


"Well, I was trying to protect the duffel bag and acted reflexively. I was still half asleep when I attacked you, so it was only after you shouted that I realised what was going on."

Xavier spoke the truth and Connor wasn\'t angry or upset in any way, since he hadn\'t gotten injured, and just shook off Xavier\'s armlock as if it was nothing.

And if it came to it, he was pretty sure that he would have been able to break out of the armlock by resisting with his other arm and using his strength to slam Xavier into the floor.

However, he was both in awe and horror of Xavier, feeling that he would have had no chance even if he had fought back.

Of course, he would always stand by him and he felt indebted to him.

But the fact that he woke up like that and his first instinct was to attack when someone approached him in his sleep was absurd.

Connor even doubted that the finest soldiers in the military could replicate what Xavier had just done. Meanwhile, the flexibility, speed and decisiveness that he had displayed was not something someone so young should have.

And the most shocking thing was the fear that Connor felt while he was being attacked by Xavier while he was half asleep.

Unlike when they sparred or play around, Connor felt as though Xavier was out to kill him and was attacking him seriously. This caused him to freeze up and feel as though it was pointless to try to fight back.

It was a similar feeling to what Xavier had experienced when attacked by the one-eyed demon and it made both of them realise that they still had a long way to go.

However, Connor, just like Xavier, didn\'t feel disheartened and was looking forward to seeing just how much he could develop and improve.

But that didn\'t change the fact that Connor was seeing Xavier in a different light, and it was difficult to remember his age after seeing what he was capable of, especially after what he revealed next...


"Are you sure your arm is okay?"

"Yeah, it\'s fine," Connor assured him while punching the air.

Relieved that he hadn\'t hurt him, Xavier let out a sigh of relief before easing up. He then took a moment to replay what had happened since he had woken up in his head.

And after he did, he was surprised by himself and also impressed by how well Connor had resisted his armlock, despite being caught off guard.

But then came Connor\'s next question, which after he received the answer, left him shocked out of his mind.

"So what\'s in the bag that you were protecting? Is it drugs or maybe money?" asked Connor, slightly sarcastically, not expecting it to actually be either of the things he suggested.

However, when Xavier handed it over to him and told him to check for himself, Connor stumbled backwards and hadn\'t seen that much money in his entire life.

It was as if it was straight out of a movie. And grabbing one of the stacks of money and pulling out a 20 dollar bill, Connor put it under the light. He was then amazed to see that it was real.

"I-Is it all real?" he asked, stuttering and visibly shaking out of excitement and amazement.

"Yeah," answered Xavier nonchalantly.

"Incredible! Just how much is in here?!"

Seeing how overjoyed Connor was, Xavier smiled and was glad that he had been able to keep his word to them about making a couple hundred thousand dollars.

However, in merely 3 days he had been able to even surpass that and upon revealing that it was over a million dollars, Connor was even more elated.

"Just what do you have in mind to use this money for?" asked Connor in excitement, imagining all sorts of things, but then a punch to the gut got him to snap out of his daydreaming.

"Listen, Connor, this money is nothing. It\'ll all be spent in the next few days and if you think this is a lot, you aren\'t thinking big enough."

Taking a moment to catch his breath after being winded by Xavier\'s precise blow, Connor nodded his head before asking for more specifics and returning to how he was in front of his unit.

Since he was in front of Xavier and at his home he was relaxed. But when it came to things to do with the Outlaw Gang, there was nobody more serious than Xavier.

And seeing that, Connor acted the same way.

However, his question seemed to slip into one of Xavier\'s ears and out of the other as the youth stood there deep in thought.

"Hello? Earth to Xavier. Are you there?" asked Connor after being ignored.

"Oh... Yeah, sorry. What was your question again?"

Xavier smiled wryly, but he hadn\'t ignored Connor for no reason.

He was just in awe of how accurate his punch was. Despite it not having much power behind it, he had been able to knock the wind out of Connor and leave him gasping for air.

\'Is this Expert Precision?\' he wondered with a smile that stretched from one ear to the other, eager to test it out further.

However, first, he had to answer all of Connor\'s questions, and he did so while making and eating breakfast with him.

And after telling Connor most of what had happened the night before and what he had been doing the past few days, since he hadn\'t taken much time to talk to him lately, Connor was left amazed.

It was clear that Xavier wasn\'t joking or lying about seeing 2 women be killed, while the fact that he himself was almost killed caused Connor to seethe with rage.

However, after Xavier reassured him that he was fine and wouldn\'t return to the fight club any longer until it was time to take over the Wolf Gang, he calmed down.

But it was clear that Connor was not the biggest fan of the one-eyed demon.

And after hearing more about what Xavier was planning to do with the money, Connor was even more motivated than he usually was and believed in Xavier wholeheartedly.

He had never let them down and had helped so many of them change and find something that they believed in.

All coming from varying backgrounds and upbringings, the Outlaw Gang was very diverse. However, they were brought together to succeed no matter what, and that common cause allowed them to put all their egos aside.

And now with the funds that they needed to get the ball rolling, they were finally ready to start properly preparing to establish themselves in the criminal underworld.

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