
Chapter 63: The journey to Zenith city I

Chapter 63: The journey to Zenith city I

{Story will be going premium soon, I don\'t really know when though. So for now just enjoy the free chapters, I hope others will stick around when you still have to give coins. Let me know if I should start a donation for me on p-a-t-r-e-o-n or something, I can\'t post chapters there, but I can accept donations from you guys. I\'m still not making any money.}

I have a long journey from this this point on ward. I have to travel a few thousand miles without Fenrir helping me this time. If I travel at top speeds it will still take a few days. Not to mention I have to stop and see mom and dad in Nelmorp, while I\'m there I can send a message to Amelia. I can also spend some time with my parents helping them learn the basics if they aren\'t already being taught by someone. It\'s the middle of the night so many are off right now and I can say for certain that my parents got off along time ago, they still have to take care of Marcus after all. Looking at my quests I have quite a few now, the most difficult is the legendary quest I still have to do.

My levels and skills have gotten better, and once I get my mana aura my health and stats will be increased. My sword will also level up once I complete my tier up quest, it gets stronger along with me. I haven\'t met a challenge I couldn\'t overcome yet, but I cant lie. That\'s because I have an advantage. Now that advantage is gone, and I will more than likely die on difficult quests. Losing levels at this stage is crucial for my class, and if I can help it I wont die. I haven\'t eaten in a long time, but I want to get as far as I can through the night. After a few hours I\'ll get off to eat some food and drink some water.

As Cera makes his journey through the night, others in the real world are having problems of their own. Its confirmed at this point Omega Course is unavoidable, there are no other hyper intelligent A.I.\'s that can compete with Angelus. I\'m sure that Jericho is preparing a massive shipment and slash on prices. If we want to lower casualties then we need as many people logged in and have them had at least created a player. I\'m currently on the phone with my family and friends telling them to get on Ancients World ASAP. "Go out and buy gaming pods as soon as the prices go down..... All you need to do is create a player.... Make sure that you are fast, they will probably go in the first day when the prices drop to what they will be..... Alright, tell the kids I love them and I\'ll see you all in a few days. *CLICK*" I lean back into my chair and think about all the life decisions I\'ve made, I\'ve never been a bad or greedy man. So I don\'t know what I did to deserve this.

I look at the empty lab and see what I feel, nothing. I look at the screen and just look at the countdown till our end. The ones already used to Ancients World will have an easier time than the rest of us. Many will die because of our actions, I\'m sure Jericho is eating himself up as much as I am. We were meant to change the world, not end it. Tomorrow we will be heading to a meeting with the world leaders and debrief them on the situation. It will be private and only the top powers will know. We need all the help we cant get if are to save as many lives as possible, we don\'t have enough gaming pods for everyone.

While J&X Incorporated prepare, many are unaware of the situation, however the Adamo family is having a stroke of luck. You could almost call it fate. Violet Adamo is currently talking with her daughter and youngest son. I can see why Hailey is not really into the idea, but our family needs this. Chris and I have decided to pull Marcus out of school since he no longer needs to go. Now our family will be home full time, and that\'s why Christian and I have purchased 2 more ZZR-12000\'s. "Marcus, just because you don\'t have school anymore doesn\'t mean I\'ll neglect your education. We will be teaching you things like math and reading ourselves." I\'m sure he isn\'t listening to a word I\'m saying.

I look over to my daughter and she looks more confused than anything. "Why do I have to play? I still want to try and become an actress. If I wanted to play games for a living I would have joined Cera after he earned all that money." Its not about why she has to play, I just want to be free with all my children. If Hailey cant see that right now then that\'s fine. Once she experiences Ancients World for herself she\'ll understand why I want her with the rest of us.

I get up and sit next to my only daughter, I bring her into a big hug and just hold her for a few seconds. "Please just try it. If you aren\'t doing it for you, can you do it for me?" She stays silent for a few seconds and releases a giant sigh, I have to restrain myself from smacking her across the head. She pulls herself off me and stands up. I cant help fear that she will say no, my fear is washed away as she reluctantly agrees. I watch her go upstairs to her room and more than likely go to bed. Speaking of bed I should put Marcus to bed as well. He never gets to stay up this late, his sleeping schedule will be messed up now.

I take Marcus to his room and put him to bed, he wore himself out by celebrating never having to go to school again. Now that all my children are taken care of I can finally relax, I make it back to the living room and sit on the couch. I cant stop myself from being happy, I can see why Cera loved Ancients World so much. I hear the front door open and my husband walks in. "So did you take care of everything?" Our \'family\' has been harassing us for money since we\'ve become rich, Chris just got done talking to the police about restraining orders and such. I cant believe they would disapprove of our marriage so much to the point of disowning us and then have the gall to demand money from us after we become rich.

My husband walks over to the couch and sits next to me. "Yeah, the restraining order has been placed and they are no longer allowed to talk to us, I also looked at the delivery time for the 2 ZZR-12000\'s and they will be here 8:00 am sharp. So once the machines set them up, I\'ll tell Hailey and Marcus which city to spawn in so we can all be together." I\'m glad we have everything taken care of, we turn on the T.V. to see what\'s going on in Ancients World. I can understand why Cera always has this channel on when I see him watching T.V.

While watching the news with my husband a commercial break starts right when we turn it on. He groans in response, he is the one who hates commercials the most. I hear footsteps make it down the stairs and I turn my head up to see Cera make his way towards us. "Hey sweetie, you get a lot done today?" I want to know how the most successful of my children is doing right now. He gives me a big toothy grin that lights my world up. He makes his way over to the couch and sits with us.

He puts his feet up and relaxes. "I got a lot done today, I should be meeting up with you guys in a few days. I have a lot of ground to cover to get to you." I\'m happy to hear that my whole family will be in one place together in my new favorite place to be. I know Cera wont be able to stay for long, but I do want to take a screenshot of all of us together. I bet if Hailey heard me say that she would be red in the face.

The news turns back on and we all hear some very odd news. "All gaming pods sold by J&X Inc. are going on an extreme sale. They are practically giving them away for free, many of their subsidiaries are also slashing prices. Nobody knows what\'s causing this sort of response, but its a very welcomed one." Now that\'s weird, from what I\'ve learned gaming pods are expensive to make, why would they put them up for.... 95% percent off!!! This seems kind of fishy, but there is no way we could know anything. I\'ll just have to let it go, a reputable company like J&X wouldn\'t do anything to endanger us.

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