
Chapter 9

In the primordial world of Chaos, time had always been of the least value.

But it differed from the ‘Chronology-less Primordial Wilderness’ of the East. Since the advent of chronology, with the division into years, months, and days, the passage of time had been recorded.

In the blink of an eye, a thousand and five hundred years had passed since Laine prophesied atop the Mount of the Gods.

On this day, another intense dispute broke out on the Mount of the Gods.

This was not the first time. Ever since the birth of Uranus’s three misshapen children, such arguments between the Heavenly Father and Mother Earth had erupted periodically.

“Uranus, they are your children, too!”

Gaia’s voice rose, but it was tinged with weakness and sorrow.

She had tried numerous times to persuade the Divine King to accept those three offspring, even if only as his guardians, but time and again Uranus had rejected her.

“Children? No, they are not. They are but a base breed born of an accident.”

The voice was cold, and the Divine King had grown weary of this debate.

“Please think about it carefully, my sovereign. They are only different in appearance…”


A thousand and five hundred years had elapsed, and the Mount of the Gods had grown even taller.

The King of All Gods stood at the place closest to ‘The Sky’ in this world, cutting off Gaia’s plea with a cold indifference.

Before him, three monstrous creatures with a single eye each glared at him angrily. Although the great divine power of the Divine King pinned them to the ground, they seemed not to know what fear was and continued to stare defiantly at Uranus with their sole eyes.

“Look, Gaia. Such twisted life dares to confront my rage.”

Once again inspecting the three giants on the ground, Uranus seemed to have reached a decision.

“The eldest son, yet not the oldest. Hehe, the leader of the monsters is also the eldest, isn’t he?!”

“You’re mad, Uranus!”

Gaia, who now appeared to be in her twenties, called her husband by name for the first time. She didn’t understand how Uranus could consider someone with low intelligence and an ignorance of fear to be fit for the Divine King.

No Divine King would be unworthy of godhood.

“I’m mad? Hehe, perhaps, but stop your ridiculous pleading.”

Gaia’s words finally incensed the Divine King. With a dispassionate glance at his once beloved wife, he extended his hand to push her aside.

Standing atop the summit of Mount of the Gods, Uranus once again exercised the authority of the Divine King to pronounce judgment on the giants.

“I have tolerated you for a long time, perhaps a hundred years, or maybe two hundred.” Uranus scrutinized the three giants before him, yet still couldn’t see fear in their eyes.

“But every tolerance has its limit. You dirty, ugly, a disgrace to my lineage, I am sick of your existence!”

“Cyclops? A laughable title. No more forgiveness for you because of Gaia, but instead, I will send you to where you belong.”

“Lowly trash, the Bottomless Abyss is your destiny. In the name of the King of All Gods, I declare you guilty by virtue of your inherent baseness. The sentence: eternal!”

A mighty voice came from the edge of the sky, and in a cave, Laine slightly lifted his head.

The sky outside had darkened, and the great Sun also tried intensely to restrain its own light.

This was the rage of the dominion of the sky. Although Uranus was no longer the sky itself after giving birth to his Self, he still wielded absolute influence.

“It’s a bit far.”

Mere eyesight wasn’t enough for Laine to see the Mount of the Gods, so he decisively chose another method, using the Moon in the sky to observe for him.

After fifteen hundred years of orbit, this artificial celestial body had finally become somewhat complete. Its associated role of the Moon in godhood had also slowly climbed to the status of a level 3 deity.




Through the perspective of the Moon, Laine could vaguely see three streaks of light flying out from the central mountain in the vast land, one after another, before plummeting into the western part of the land, piercing directly through the thick strata.

Through that dark cavern, Laine could sense an incredibly chaotic and powerful aura seeping out.

That was the Abyss, the bottom of the world, the physical shell of the Primordial God Tartarus.

Unlike the other three Primordial Gods, Tartarus seemed to have abandoned awakening his self-awareness, maintaining a state of chaos and disorder.

Because of this, he was the only being who had not fallen in power due to personification; he remained an Ancient God with Great Divine Power.

“Cyclops, huh…”

Whispering the name of those three streaks of light, Laine felt no surprise.

Unlike the twelve Titans, the Cyclops were more like monsters with great strength.

There was no corresponding shift in the Law upon their birth, and the vicinity of Mount of the Gods did not even witness their presence, so it was only natural for Uranus to deny their existence.

Even the future second-generation Divine King did not recognize his ‘brothers.’ Later on, Zeus rescued them but only used them as crafters and jailers.

Despite Mother Earth’s existence, which made the Divine King tolerate them for two hundred years, the Heavenly Father was not a generous god; he ultimately couldn’t restrain himself from casting them into the Abyss.


Another thunderous boom rose, and this time, Laine did not need the Moon to see it, because the sky and the earth were once again melding together.

It seemed Gaia’s pleas had enraged Uranus, who made the heavens and earth tightly embrace, just as they had before the birth of the twelve Titans.

The Sun anxiously dodged, meteorology sought refuge from land to sea, a large number of plants were destroyed, and the once verdant lands that flourished over fifteen hundred years reverted to desolation… The Divine King violently unleashed his primordial desires to vent the dissatisfaction in his heart.

Laine hid in a cave, quietly watching this scene unfold.

The Divine King had ruled the world for fifteen hundred years, his twelve sons conscientiously fulfilling their spiritual duties under oppression, but Uranus still did not favor them.

He often shattered celestial bodies, watching with cold laughter as Coeus cried out in pain from the wounds. Occasionally, he would pluck the Sun from the sky and cast it into the sea, watching his children and brother suffer due to the conflict of their powers, which was one of his rare forms of entertainment.

No music, no nectar, there was hardly any life upon the earth.

Apart from the other Primordial Gods, Uranus could only vent his surplus energy on his own offspring.

As for Laine, he had always lacked presence, and the Prophecy subtly filled the Divine King with apprehension. So while Laine’s location could not be concealed from him, the Divine King nevertheless did not seek him out to cause trouble.

“I wonder how much longer it will be.”

“Five hundred years, or perhaps a thousand. The era of the Heavenly Father was indeed dull; it is Cronus’s reign that shall be more interesting.”

Having glanced at the Moon in the sky once more, Laine no longer focused on the outside world.

The scattered ownerless Memories had mostly been integrated, and his role in Spirituality had thus risen by one level. It was foreseeable that when the Memories were fully assimilated, Spirituality would gain another promotion.

Besides the godhood, in terms of the growth of Divine Power, unlike the currently meager supply from Spirituality, the role of Chronology provided Laine with an abundance of Divine Power every second.

A similar upper limit of godhood did not equate to the same speed of Divine Power provision. Light and Sun were equally potent, but the latter’s Divine Power accumulated much faster than the former’s.

Though Chronology was not a role known for easily increasing Divine Power, it paled in comparison to Spirituality, which hadn’t moved up a level in thousands of years.

Fifteen hundred years had passed, and he now stood at the peak of Weak Divine Power. Unforeseen circumstances aside, he should be able to shed this lowest tier of Divine Power before the birth of the Hekatonkheires.

The commotion outside continued, and Laine once again entered a deep slumber.

While the godhood is the upper limit, Divine Power is what one currently possesses. He would not leave this place until he advanced even further.

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