
Chapter 3



Everyone in the hall was horrified.


“T-This person is……….”


The Count was so taken back that he stammered. But no one was able to laugh at him. Because it meant they would attract the attention of Serwon, who was well known for his ruthlessness.


“On the way here, I met some thieves. This is the head of their boss.”


“But why did you bring the head……?”


“He resisted without a motive.”


He spoke calmly.


“I caught the whole band. If it’s too troublesome for you to dispose of them, I’ll have the knights do it.”




“You have to obey the law.”


“According to the imperial law, thieves are subject to the death penalty…….”


The Count grew paler and paler. Nevertheless, by law, you weren’t obligated to kill someone for just a small act of theft. In a rural area like this, burglars were only required to pay a fee. In fact, they resembled hunters or slash-and-burn farmers rather than thieves.


“S-Since these thieves are in my territory, I’ll take care of it.”


The Count spoke in a trembling voice. Serwon nodded, not paying much attention. He didn’t care about what the Count had to say. Instead, he turned his head and inspected the hall.


Meanwhile, Amelie set her wing on her chest and gasped.


‘A-A person’s… human head……..’


With his clothes caked in blood, Serwon looked like a colossal and gruesome god of death. It was to be expected, looking at the condition of the bandits. Amelie’s wings quivered.


‘Serwon killed Amelie.’


Her death was becoming more and more like a reality. That large hand suffocating Amelie. Her body trembled with instinctive fear.


Then, she felt goosebumps all over herself.




She felt Serwon’s golden eyes on her.




When their eyes met, she was startled by his piercing eyes. Amelie collapsed before hurrying to hide behind a pot. Her round chest moved up and down rapidly.


‘He might’ve accidentally seen me on the way here, did he really? On the route here?’


Amelie was positioned in a secluded part of the hall. There was nothing eye-catching about her location, and she was far from Serwon who stood by the entrance. Moreover, she was a different size – at least as small as a fist. Even if you knew she was there, it’d be hard to find her.


‘It’s fine; he won’t be able to figure out I’m actually a human, right?’


Amelie struggled to comfort herself. Currently, she was hiding behind the pot. She’d only be able to come out when Serwon leaves. Run and don’t look back.


It was then. Serwon looked around the hall and suddenly moved. His actions startled everyone in the hall. What’s the crazy Emperor doing again?


“Your Majesty!”


Count Delaheim was surprised to see what direction the Emperor was turning towards. It was where Amelie had made her hurried escape.


‘There’s no way he would’ve seen our baby, right?’


There was no one in that direction; it couldn’t be that bad. If Serwon found Amelie running away, the worst that could happen was him catching her.




The Count hurriedly followed Serwon. Even if it means sacrificing myself, I have to protect my daughter! But before he could stop the Emperor, Serwon stopped in his tracks. Out of the blue, he kicked the pot. It flew back, hitting the wall.




The flowerpot shattered to pieces, its soil and water scattering everywhere. Everyone in the hall gathered and stared at the flowerpot.


“Your Majesty? Why all of a sudden…… Huk!”


The count found it. A little shivering crow-tit[1] in the place where the pot had been. Because of its small body, the bird looked like a ball of pink feathers. The count, who knew Amelie was a witch, immediately realized it was her.


‘Amelie! My daughter!’


The count screamed on the inside. He instantly panicked. If Renee hadn’t grabbed his arm, he would’ve screamed and attacked Serwon.


Renee also noticed that the crow-tit was Amelie. Though she didn’t really stand out, her behaviour provoked Serwon. She was afraid Amelie would get hurt. The count and Renee prayed internally that Serwon wouldn’t be interested in the bird.


Everyone held in their breath while watching him.


Seeing the unexpected situation, Amelie blinked. A big dark shadow loomed over her, but she couldn’t move. She raised her head slowly. Her neck was stiff with fear, seemingly making a creaking noise.


Serwon resembled a huge wall rather than a man. Big and solid, he filled the house with a bloody odour. Even though he bent down, she was barely able to see his face. His golden eyes were like blades of fire. When their eyes met, the hairs on her body stood up.




I’m scared.


Amelie trembled. Serwon reached out for her. His large, bloodstained hands were ready to strangle her. He grabbed her tightly. The blood on his hands soaked her feathers.


Serwon sniffed her back. As he inhaled and exhaled, her feathers shook. Amelie was now on the verge of a heart attack.


“This isn’t right. It definitely smells…….”


He muttered quietly. His voice was only heard by Amelie. A horrifying, deep voice that brought her to tears.




Her tears moistened her feathers.


She was most definitely in danger. But why was she currently being held by Serwon? With her luck, she’d probably fall and break her nose.


‘Somehow, the ominous……!’


Her regret came a bit late. She realized that the ominous feeling followed her all the way to the mansion.


Amelie’s grandmother taught her many things when she was growing up. Regardless of whether Amelie, who was this close to being considered an idiot, was listening. She often said a witch’s intuition should never be ignored. If you have a bad feeling, don’t think twice and run away quickly.


‘Run away…… Yeah, I have to run……!’


She’s not dead yet.


This was a crisis. Her tiny head quickly turned. In order to survive in the harsh nature, small animals had to find a way to get out of situations like this.


‘Pretend to be dead!’


Amelie quickly relaxed and let her body go. She put up a whole performance. Her eyelids flickered, looking like a real dead bird. The Count forgot how to breathe as he looked at her. If Renee hadn’t noticed and held her father back, the count would’ve lost all his reasoning and rushed in.


Amelie slowly blinked as she stared at Serwon. If a healthy bird dies in his hands, he’ll let go because it’s dirty and gross.


Her prediction was right. The fingers tightly holding onto her loosened. Amelie didn’t miss the gap. She rapidly flapped her wings.


‘Escape…! Hok!’


Amelie let out a scream that sounded like ‘gyaaak’. Serwon reacted quickly and caught her. His large hand refused to budge. She couldn’t move, feeling as if she was in a narrow prison.


‘Why on earth are you doing this to me?’


Amelie thought that it was unfair. Then, the count carefully stepped out. His forehead covered in sweat, hands clutched so tightly blood would stop circulating. Serwon was scary, but he couldn’t back down when it came to saving his daughter.


“Your Majesty. Let go of that bird.”


Serwon’s eyes turned to the count. He flinched. Everyone in the mansion paled as they watched the count. Tension enveloped the room, waiting for something to happen.


“My knights are very tired. Guide them to their room.”


“Your Majesty, it’s a bird that is very dear to us. Please let it go.”


Renee joined the count. Serwon’s gaze switched over to her.


“Do you use a sword?”


“….Pardon? Yes, I’m able to use a sword.”


His mouth pressed into a thin line. When his expression loosened, the tension eased. But Amelia was more nervous than ever.


According to the original novel, Serwon was dangerous when he did that. Everything got on his nerves, and he constantly felt unbearable irritation. Renee was an outstanding swordswoman, but to Serwon, that meant she was an excellent stress-relief toy.


‘No! Absolutely not!’


An immediate situation. Amelie recalled a part of the novel.


The Count and Renee… and Amelie. The three of them were forced apart, but they were definitely a family. They respected and wanted to protect each other. Just now, they risked their lives and stood up to Serwon.


Amelie couldn’t bear to see them in danger. So she pecked Serwon’s hand with her beak. He looked down at her with an unaffected expression. During that time, she looked back and forth between the count and Renee.


‘Never, don’t even try to come closer.’


She hoped that her thoughts would be conveyed to them. The Count faltered when he realized the meaning of her actions. Renee bowed deeply as she bit her lip. It was to hide her anger.


“I’ll take it to my room.”


“The knights will follow the servants.”


Serwon nodded. When she saw that his face had returned to that cold expression, Amelie sighed with relief.


Serwon was guided to his room by the Count. Amelie rested like a cherished item in Serwon’s hands, held captive by him. Behind him, his knights followed in a line. Clank, the sound was like a chain binding her.


[1] Crow-tit


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