
34 Chapter 34

\'These filthy, inbred dogs! I\'ll skin them all alive! Just wait till my father hears about this!\'

"Ah, sorry, what was your name again? Mildred? Mildew? My bad…" Vincent said with a faint smile as he walked onto the stage.

Several students and teachers gathered after they saw the first year\'s 7S class group on the duel platform.

\'Word travels fast, huh?\'

Vincent looked into the air. He loved the clear blue sky with a few fluffy clouds that floated around. His eyes squinted when the sun\'s glare blinded him. While he was relaxed and held Raizel lazily, Felia was in the crowd being her usual self and forced people to cheer for him.

\'Oh? Is that Titania in her official outfit? How sexy… Let\'s have her wear that tonight.\'

Zedrid walked with an elegant and prideful gait. His chin was in the air with his hands behind his back. Since this was an official duel, he would act impartially, no matter the end. The wind blew his short, blonde hair. The great genes of the elves kept him young and blonde.

\'She looks cooler than the old man.\'

Tania walked behind him. She was one head taller than him. Her caramel skin shone in the sunlight as her red eyes stared forward with a stern glint. She wore a formal black jacket with various medals and silver stripes and tight full length pants made from cows hide. Her hand flicked through the white hair down to her neck.

"I shall be the judge of this duel. Narara Bruna shall be my assistant to maintain a fair duel."

"Are you both fine with that?" Said Zedrid as he finished the preparation for their fight.

"Ah, she looks cool, so I\'m good." Vincent said with no deep care.

"Tsk! Another dirty abomination! First the damn half elves, now a dark elf. This place is a real dump. Why the princess studies here, I cannot comprehend. Let\'s hope she doesn\'t catch any illness."

"Let\'s get this over with! Felia is coming home with me!" Madrid said with his confident look.

Tania walked into the centre of the men and raised her arms. She parted her glossy lips as a red tongue slid along them as she looked at Vincent. Her actions were far more seductive now. She enjoyed the pleasure of a woman with Vincent. This seductive action, however, was for him alone.

"Since this duel is one to the death, the match will continue till either of you dies or the other person accepts your surrender. Also, no poisons or hidden weapons! Are the rules clear?"

Both men gave a nod as they warmed themselves up. She stepped back and stood on the side behind Zedrid.





Vincent lifted his right hand, that glowed blue, towards his side and left hand that blazed with black flames to the front. The moment his lips opened, unknown hymns sang out in his gentle voice. He sang in a lost, forgotten language.

Madrid shot forward, prepared to perform his more practised skill as green waves of mana pulsed from his feet and legs. The silver sword vibrated as a screech like a noise sounded.

— Lady of frost Heed my call! My beloved maiden of snow! Come forth Silvari! Lay waste to our enemies!

He span once around as black flames and ice blue shards danced around his body.

— Blazing Queen of flames! Knight of the forsaken prince! Efrita, show me your promised eternal loyalty!

His closed palms opened as a large violet crystal of ice shattered in his right palm. Inside his left, a flaming rock shattered.


A large female humanoid monster appeared in the crowd. As they stood shocked and felt terror.

Silvaria dropped with slowly as brilliant blue crystals floated around her body, two large horns of ice now grew from her forehead. She no longer used the fake form with more aesthetic beauty. Her purple skin filled clad in frozen crystalline clothes and over 7ft tall.

The ocean blue hair swayed in the wind as she floated closer to the ground with a gentle pat. Her eyes were black with crystallised ice in a vertical line from pupils. From her ass grew a blue coloured tail filled with lingering cold.

Her sides, thighs, cheeks and back adorned filled with light blue scales etched with ancient runes.

"Your beloved spirit and wife, Silvaria, at your command, Lord!"

She clasped around his right arm and knelt down to kiss the icon of their bond on the right hand with her dark blue lips. He felt her soft, icy lips press against him as she teased him with her long serpent tongue.

\'This form is my first time. It\'s so pretty. She lacks the muscles of Efrita but has the soft hips and chest to make up for it!\'

\'Hehe, thank you, darling!\'

\'No problem, just my honest thoughts… I forgot you could hear me.\'

The poor elf was moments away from the area where a deep red crack appeared on the ground. His foot touched the steaming hot rock and seemed to trigger something as an explosion went off, throwing him into the air with a spin. His head was in pain as he slammed into the ground.

The rocks shot into the air, filled with intense flames, as a female monster burst through the ground. This form encased her body in black scales and rocks. Two curved horns that flicked behind her back and a black sclera with golden eyes.

She was shorter than Silvaria, but a little taller than Vincent. She hid away her large meaty ass from plain sight with thick black scales just like her breasts. Efrita left her abs on display as her brown flesh shone in the sun. Because of her lord\'s compliments, she felt elated.

Her hands became hulking black claws and large sharp nails. She gave a massive smile as her mouth opened with sharp teeth.

If Silvaria was grace, Efrita was intensity.

Efrita knelt before Vincent, just like Silvaria. She kissed his left hand with her red lips of ardent passion. Her eyes only saw him. There was no crowd or fans. Her only focus was Vincent.

"Your knight is here to answer all your desires! My noble prince!"

Her flames only soothed his body as they flickered from her body. She then turned to face the noble who stood up with his bust nose and lip that drooled with blood.

\'I am always happy to show you my body and abs, dear lord!\'

\'Oh? Really… Then tonight!\'

\'Oi!? What about my abs? Well, there are none, but I\'ve got amazing tits!\' Silvari thought with a jealous tone.

The three never took this useless elf seriously. But because of his words, he would torture the cunt.

"Y-you! Cheated! Who are these women!? Zedrid kill him, he broke the rules!"

Zedrid didn\'t move. He just looked toward the stage with a smile. He felt happy to see this little bastard that treated him like a dog every day. The only reason he did not kill this goblin seed was to protect his mission for the queen and slowly eliminate the people behind him.

\'To think I could see him with this look, haha! Is he going to cry? Maybe piss himself?\'

"Sorry, kiddo. Our cute little Vincent is a summoner. Those scary older sisters are his the monster\'s he summoned!"

Violetta shouted from the crowd as she ate a box of buttered popcorn beside Felia and her other retainers.

"Tsk! This cannot be fair? The duel is off. I don\'t agree… hurry a Guha!"

A ball of ice shot like a bullet into his balls as it screamed through the air. The crunch on impact caused this poor noble to cannot produce children again.

\'Efrita, pin him down and crush every bone in his arms and legs. Silvaria freezes his mana core, take away his ability to use magic again.\'

\'Yes lord!\'


Madrid trembled. The shot to his balls shattered his pelvis as she slammed to the ground like a sack of rocks. He floundered as his eyes watched the large black scaled woman approached and stomped on his legs with a single foot.

"Gyaaaaaaaaaah~ My Legs!"

Tears poured from his eyes as snot dribbled from his nose. Vincent\'s face may have seemed easygoing. But a deep fury filled his eyes and burned greater each moment he didn\'t release it. His wrath and anger triggered by this mans careless words.

\'Silvaria, keep him alive. No matter what I do. Never let him die. If you complete this task, I\'ll reward both of you with anything you desire, apart from marriage and children.\'


"The lord of the abyss calls for you soul! I am the bringer and the judgment feel my wrath [Ruina]" Vincent chanted in the abyss language.

A black shard of flames and negative energy shot towards the elf more aptly called a goblin and pierced his skin like a sausage with a fork. Blood oozed from his body as part of his liver exploded with a pop.

Dirty warm liquid poured from his pants that disgusted both women who stood close to him. Silvaria froze it but used too much power and turned his manhood into shards of ice.

Madrid let out a pigs squeal moments later.

Vincent didn\'t bother to care about his remaining animal as Efrita stomped on the boy\'s arms, then held him up like a target dummy.


By the time Silvaria snapped out of her daydream. The goblin noble lost his eyes, liver and one lung as Vincent controlled his power. His mind replayed the insults towards the women he cared about over and over.

Few noticed the smirk of delight that showed upon his lips as each shard pierced through the boy\'s body.

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