
Chapter 210 34: True Goblins! Misconceptions!

"Oooh? Oooooh! If it isn\'t our cute Mel\'Zeth!!!" The harsh old man suddenly became super for; his strong muscles no longer mattered as he began to weep and cry, letting the cute girl rush into his arms. He was there when she was born, and their blood relation was thick; seeing her grow up and the happiness in her aura caused him to feel relieved.

\'I\'m so happy... most of you girls are so miserable and feel the harsh reality that humans just hate goblin females... but she seems too vibrant and delighted; I wonder if she\'s found herself a little husband, or maybe kidnapped one!\'

Vincent and his party members let Mel\'Zeth and her uncle chat; his eyes then began to focus on the unusual architecture and strange creatures bustling about. Not just goblins, but grey dwarves, kobolds and strange animals that walked on two feet, like a walking cat, caused him to feel this was a magical world beyond anything he could ever have imagined.

\'Wow... the goblins are much more diverse than I thought....\'

"Wow! A walking kitty!" Zera said, her two tails swaying as she darted off, following the poor elderly female Cat Sìth. Still, thankfully Zera was polite and offered to help the old lady carry her apples to the stall and back, along with all the other items she seemed to be selling at the market.

"Cat lady, do you have any fish? I want to eat fish....?" Zera\'s voice echoed as they walked a slight distance away.

"That girl... she\'s so..." Vincent was about to complain when a soft hand grasped his; the next moment, two other girls darted forward and followed Zera; the mention of fish and all those delicious looking fruits, an apple the size of a fist with a beautiful dark red colour caused them to get excited and chase her.

"Don\'t worry... I will watch them, darling." Titania said, her lips softly pecking his cheek as she skipped towards the three girls now helping the old lady like well-behaved children, each getting an apple as they even helped build the second stall, letting the cat lady rest on a chair.

His mind looked back to Mel\'Zeth, who stopped her uncle Darius from running off, seeming to show an embarrassed face and looking at Vincent several times as Darius seemed to eye Vincent, maybe sizing him up, which Vincent merely gave the nod to the older guard and a soft smile before admiring the scenery of this town.

Vincent had heard of the goblin\'s legendary blacksmithing and engineering skills, but he had never imagined a place like this. The town was a maze of intricate wooden bridges and walkways that twisted and turned between the buildings, all woven into the natural structure of the forest. Strange devices and machinery lined the walkways, powered by water and steam.

It didn\'t take long for Mel\'Zeth to return; uncle Darius seemed to make another guard take control of his duty as they greeted all the women, and the carriage was slowly controlled by Momo as everyone else departed the carriage; Momo took it to the stables then come back here in a few moments.

"Husband~ my uncle says we can tour the town first, and he will help escort us all. Is that okay? Will I take you to see my mother and sisters later, okay? I want you to see where I was born! Will you come with me?" Her voice was filled with delight and joy, her eyes beaming like a candy store child.

There was no real need to ask; seeing her so happy, he wrapped an arm around her waist, causing Darius to nod happily, a strange smile on his face as he gave a secret thumbs up to Mel\'Zeth, who returned it to him, looking away from Vincent as they worked together to make her look better in front of Vincent.

"Of course, I would love for you to guide us around this town; how about we take it slowly? You love this place. This town inspires your blacksmith back in Verina? Haha."

Mel\'Zeth was happy that he noticed this and even paid attention to these things. At first, she thought she was just a booty call for him, a tight and slimy pussy that felt good. Yet over the past few weeks, he began to show more interest in her work and future and began to speak more like someone in a relationship for the future rather than just some quick sex.

Mel\'Zeth guided Vincent and his party members through the twisting streets and walkways of the goblin town, showing them the various workshops and forges where the goblins created their wares. As they walked, her happiness radiated, and she chattered excitedly about her hometown and its many wonders.

"You see... this is where I first used a hammer; I wanted to fix my broken belt but was too scared to use my mothers... So aunt Mel\'Vida let me use hers... the moment I felt the heat, those searing flames, it was like something awakened in me and created the girl you know today!"

Each time Mel\'Zeth spoke, it caused Vincent to understand more; this girl truly loved to make things, and her love for blacksmithing wasn\'t just about the weapons or money; Mel\'Zeth just loved to play with metal, create new things and show other\'s what she created.please visit

Vincent listened intently, fascinated by the goblin\'s stories and her passion for speaking of her people. Despite the stark differences between a goblin and a human appearance, he was struck by her beauty. Her pointed ears and sharp features seemed to add to her allure, and Vincent was drawn to her infectious energy.

\'She\'s such an adorable girl... I am glad the other girls also seem to be warming up to her...\' In the meantime, while they had the guide, many of the girls would ask questions; since the start of the journey, he found that most of his women now referred to each other by a nickname or a name filled with an affectionate meaning; even Tama was starting to enjoy spending time with Vincent\'s women as she even seemed to be classed as one of them some time since a few days ago.

As they continued their tour, Mel\'Zeth\'s Uncle Darius joined them, his broad shoulders and muscular frame hinting at his expertise as a blacksmith. He watched Vincent and his companions with a shrewd eye, intrigued by their interest in goblin technology.

Mel\'Zeth proudly showed them her forge, where she created her most intricate and delicate pieces. The party members were amazed by the level of detail and skill that went into each creation, and Vincent realized that Mel\'Zeth was not only a skilled artisan but a true artist.

As they made their way back through the town, Darius engaged Vincent in conversation, asking about his experiences and skills. Vincent was hesitant at first, wary of the goblin\'s potentially malicious nature. Still, as they talked, he realized that Darius was a true craftsman, passionate about his work and eager to learn from others.

But it turned out to be his stupid thoughts; Darius just wanted to know more about the lover of his beloved niece and the only girl that ran away and began to search for a man but also seemed to have fulfilled her dream; everyone in the town knew about her application for the blacksmithing exam, the fact she came home just before it started caused Darius to feel humbled and delight.

\'This cute girl that used to pee herself and cry still comes home in this time of conflict even when she\'s so busy... I hope that she doesn\'t get dragged into this stupid war... That boy cares about her; he did not interrupt her when she got lost in her long chats about blacksmithing... He asked her honest questions and showed genuine interest... He seems a little apprehensive of me; not sure why? Is he a jealous guy? Maybe... But one goblin wife is enough for 1000 goblin men, as they say... Hahaha! Let\'s make sure to invite the lad out for a drink...\'

Their thoughts of Darius were all positive, and he decided to see this lad as a family already, wanting to see the reaction of those little witches when the youngest Mel\'Zeth has a partner, and they still don\'t even have real jobs!

By the time they parted ways, Vincent had gained a newfound respect for the goblins of Mel\'Zeth, and a deep admiration for the beautiful and talented Mel\'Zeth herself. He couldn\'t help but feel a sense of longing as he watched her disappear into the winding streets of her birth town, hoping he might see her again someday.

As they made their way through the town, the party members noticed the goblins working tirelessly on their creations. Some were hammering away at metal ingots, creating intricate weapons and armour, while others tinkered with gears and levers, testing and improving their machines.

Despite their strange appearance, the goblins moved with grace and precision that spoke to their expertise. Their movements were almost mesmerizing as if each goblin was a master craftsman lost in their work.

The party members couldn\'t help but be awed by the goblins\' skill and dedication. Vincent, in particular, was impressed by their ingenuity and the unique beauty of the town. It was clear that the goblins had a deep connection to the forest and the natural world, which was reflected in their intricate designs.

As they continued through the town, Vincent and his companions realized their assumptions about goblins had been misguided.

\'I guess the dungeon twists the normal person\'s concept of a goblin; there was no woman tied up and used by multiple males, no raw flesh for dinner... There was a high-class restaurant that served demon-style cuisine... it was amazing to see the goblins all cooking in the kitchen while a taller pale goblin began to scream and shout about there being no lamb sauce or something... Then slamming it down, but the goblins and other races eating there all seemed to cheer. Strange...\'

"Do you want to try eating there?" Mel\'Zeth asked, her arms wrapped around Vincent\'s right arm. Currently, they were now browsing, not for the guide, but each woman wanted to see different parts, some weapons, others\' perfumes and those weird gadgets.

With Mel\'Zeth on his right arm and Momo gingerly holding his right, he began a second lap of the city, enjoying the sights Mel\'Zeth remembered most fondly and enjoyed.

"How about we go another time, as a date? Just me and you....? Maybe stay at a hotel or inn if there\'s a nice one in this city?" Vincent whispered in the ear of Mel\'Zeth, his hand stroking her\'s as the cute olive-skinned girl blushed and nodded rapidly, exhaling powerful breaths.

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