
Chapter 6 - The System And Regulators

The two otherworldly humans spoke in their own native tongue, unconcerned of the threat of firearms posed by the soldiers surrounding them.

"Do you understand these people are saying, Ceone?"

"Negative, Cetwo. They speak a rather primitive language."

"I expected as much. Such primitive tools do not pose any threat. Can you sense the presence of the True Immortal anywhere, Ceone?"

"Negative. No True Immortal detected, Cetwo."

"En. It seems the True Immortal has already ascended to the higher plane. Hence, this unprecedented phenomenon shall be deemed as abnormality ABX-001. A study of abnormality ABX-001 is recommended. The inspection will commence immediately."

Anyone who can reach the True Immortal stage in the mortal plane had to have great ambition and a will to dominate the cosmos.

Throughout the history of the universe, every successful True Immortal had ascended the higher plane without fail.

As such, the possibility of not ascending was quickly ruled out. It was unprecedented and illogical according to the otherworldly humans\' comprehension.

Indeed, the Dark Emperor would have taken the Four Horsemen with him and ascended the Nine Divine Heavens right away if Albion had not hijacked his body and erased his soul with the power of the tenth tribulation lightning.

It was unfortunate that the Dark Emperor had failed one step short.

The otherworldly human known as Ceone began punching in keys on her futuristic hologram watch and a beam of light shot out to scan the so-called Light of Ascension.

[Commencing scan.]





[100%. Scan complete. No abnormality was detected. Divine Energy spillage from LOA does not fall under the category, abnormality.]

The hologram responded expressionlessly in a cold and detached electronic voice.

"Rejected. No abnormality detected is an abnormality in and of itself. Commencing second round scanning." Ceone said."


[100%. Scan complete. No abnormality was detected.]

"Record. Second round scan, same results. Analyze. Possibility of hardware malfunction."


[All status clear. Device HGA-005 is fully functional. Possibility of hardware malfunction: 00.01%.]

"Moving on. Commence secondary research. Forced closure of LOA."


[Negative. Forced closure of LOA cannot be done. Secondary research task failed.]

After conducting several rounds of experiments to close the Light of Ascension that acted as a gate to a higher plane, Cetwo was finally at her wit\'s end.

Regulators are responsible for fixing cosmic irregularities and balancing the world. When the source of the problem cannot be found, they terminate the problem and move on.

But right now, even that cannot be done. She was out of options.

"Ceone, what shall we do? Nothing is working. If we cannot close the LOA, Divine Energy will continue to spill into this world and cause unpredictable changes. Mortals cannot control Divine Energy. These people will destroy themselves." Cetwo complained.

"Suggestion. World study and contact with natives to find an alternative solution is recommended."

"Good idea, but language barriers prohibit communication. Permission to use the System."

"Permission granted."

Ceone acknowledged.

Cetwo willed, and a connection to the System was formed.

A formless otherworldly power swept across the entire world. Every cybersecurity and firewall across the globe were bypassed in an instant.

All tightly guarded and unguarded information found online and offline were scanned, recorded, and compiled in a new database by the System.

Shortly after, a string of information was relayed to Cetwo.

The world just experienced the greatest data heist in history, but not a single soul was aware of this fact. All digital information was compromised in an instant. The \'System\' came and went undetected like an ethereal ghost.

"According to the current world\'s development trend, the environment will undergo drastic changes in another 20 years, and natural resources will be depleted in 50 years, but the world will be destroyed by nuclear holocaust before then."

"It seems even if abnormality ABX-001 did not exist, humans would still destroy themselves. These natives do not know how to take care of themselves. Requesting permission to intervene."

[Permission denied. Planetary coordinates SSE0.003E does not fall under the jurisdiction of the Federation. Federation Management Law section 3.2 stipulates regulators must not influence the development path of unaffiliated primitive civilizations.]

Cetwo furrowed her brows.

Noticing the dilemma of her partner, Ceone inserted, "Federation Management Law section 3.2 can be overlooked if said civilization becomes affiliated to the Federation."

Cetwo flickered her eyes. No wonder Ceone recommended contact with the natives. Communication was necessary for the establishment of diplomatic relations and negotiations.

"Open the System Store."

A shopping catalog appeared, and Cetwo scrolled down the list.


[System Notification: You have selected the English beginner language package, intermediate language package, and expert language package for 30 units of Divine Energy. Do you wish to buy it? Y/N]


A string of information entered Cetwo\'s mind, and English instantly comprehended. The previously incomprehensible words of the surrounding soldiers are easily understood.

"Extraterrestrial beings have yet to exhibit any hostile behaviors. Do not fire. I repeat, do not fire."

"Extraterrestrial beings do not understand our language. Communication is not possible. Requesting further instructions. Over." A soldier spoke into a walkie talkie.

Cetwo nodded.

At least the natives were not stupid enough to fight someone they have no hopes of beating.

"Greetings, Earthlings. We are regulators from the Federation. I request an audience to speak with your world leaders."


"Hold your fire! I repeat, hold your fire!"

"Who the hell fired?!"

"It was not one of us, Sir!"

"Then, who?!"

The soldiers became frantic after the sudden shot. They went through strict interrogation, but the shooter was never found.

The extraterrestrial being had stepped forward to greet them in English, but all the person received in return was a bullet to the face. A transparent barrier protected the person, but her expression was no longer pretty.

No one would be happy after getting shot at.

"Since it was not intentional, I will overlook this first act of transgression. But there will not be another chance, Earthlings. Take me to your world leaders."

"I apologize on behalf of Earth for ill welcoming. It was not our intention to attack. Please allow me to contact my superiors. I do not have the authority to make this call."

The sergeant was full of cold sweat.

The technology and means displayed by the extraterrestrial beings were advanced to the point of being magical.

He might not be well-educated, but he can still understand that the extraterrestrial civilization backing the two visitors before them was extremely powerful. Antagonizing them would only produce one result, complete annihilation.

He secretly cursed the idiot that fired. It sounded like a sniper round from afar. After reporting everything to his superiors through the walkie talkie, the soldiers waited.

Far away from River City, Albion was taken to a dock privately owned by Ashura Group. The events at Empire Building was unbeknownst to him.

As he remained immobile on the ground due to his unique situation, various thoughts ran through the heads of the Four Horsemen.

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