
Chapter 355 Princess Gemini Part 3

After reading the books in the many houses, she had gone to, she understood that the Naga were smart in all aspects. Their knowledge was something that Lillia couldn\'t even fathom to be able to have as of yet.

"You wanted to know about the outside world at this time?" Blake decided to change the subject. He was afraid Lillia and Princess Gemini might get into a fight. He did not seem to be reading the room well at all. Not that he was ever able to.

"Mmm… Yes. I would like to know what state the current world is in." Princess Gemini answered with a smile.

Blake had Lillia talk first about her era before talking about his. Only after they finished did they explain the current state of the world. Princess Gemini listened to each word and carefully took things in. She asked questions here and there, but for the most part, she did not interrupt the two from speaking.

"I see…. To only be able to reset the world with your recurrent powers means the strength of the world is nothing like the past." Princess Gemini was not really impressed with the current power of the races. Compared to her time, they were considered low ranking.

Blake really couldn\'t fathom what kinds of powers one must have to be seen as powerful in Princess Gemini\'s eyes. Lillia, after all, reset the world. She made the world anew. This was no easy feat! But to Princess Gemini, it was like putting your socks on in the morning.

"You should know this world has been reset many times prior to my era." Princess Gemini dropped a bombshell on Blake and Lillia. To think the world as they knew it was not even close to what they had expected.

"Why would they reset it?" Blake could understand why Lillia reset it, but he wondered just why other races would set it as well.

"Different reasons. Unlike Miss Lillia, who reset the world after destroying the records of the past, the ones who reset the world before my era had done so for various reasons. Some due to mass extinction events. Viruses that were running amok, killing everyone, and times when space rocks would fall from the sky that was too unexpected and could not be stopped. But they left their heritage for the next generation to be guided on a path that would allow them to grow in strength. In fact, of all the texts of this planet\'s past, Blake, your era is the era that interests me the most. A world without magic where your race was able to do many incredible things." Princess Gemini\'s eyes grew excited just thinking about it.

"It may have been able to do many things, but they are also nothing compared to what magic can do if used right," Blake explained.

"I had the privilege to see part of his old society, and it was indeed interesting, but Destiny City, our home, now incorporates the old world with magic, and I have to say that it has made what I saw look like ancient relics of a primitive civilization." Lillia really felt that the combination of magic in Blake\'s era of technology had advanced it by thousands of years.

"That\'s not very nice, you know." Blake poked Lillia\'s side, who just giggled in response. "But it\'s true." Blake sighed.

"You two get along very well." Princess Gemini could see the relationship between the two was something precious to them.

"We are bound by blood, after all. Lillia is my main wife and very special to me. Because of her, I was able to grow to the state that I am in now. I am a lucky man to even have such a wonderful wife at my side." Blake kissed Lillia\'s cheek, causing her to blush.

"Tina and the others will be jealous," Lillia said, pursing her lips.

"Then let them get jealous," Blake replied, sticking his tongue out.

"Hehe… You two are very cute." Princess Gemini smiled warmly. "Let me ask the two of you. What are your goals?"

"Our goals?" Blake thought for a moment before saying: "While I wish to kill the stupid elf prince and the dragonic prince and princess outside, I can not for the time being. Although our fight will one day take place. They have attacked my people and killed thousands. The dragonic killed billions of people all because they wished to dominate the world. But even still, I do not fully hate them for this. But I can also not agree with their ways. They wish to enslave the other races, and this is something I can not allow.

"So I have decided to expand my territories by taking in any clans I meet along the way. Whether they join me or just wish to leave peacefully, I do not care. I will still give them protection no matter their choice. As long as they do not raise up arms against my people, I will not kill anyone. Harmony between the races is the key to a better life. I am not saying my way is the right way, I just know that every race is able to get along together as long as the ones who rule over them are not looking to enslave and dominate all races. Hell, for all I know, I could be just a walking contradiction and doing the things I wish to prevent." Blake scratched his head. He never knew if he was doing the right thing. He was just trying to do what he could.

"What is right and what is wrong is all in the eyes of the beholder. If you really think your way is correct, then maybe it is. If you think your way is wrong, then maybe it is wrong. It is all in how you see it. But I think as long as you are truly not enslaving people and allowing them to live freely as they please, I do not see your methods as wrong. The contracts you place on people are indeed intriguing. They give freedom but also hinder their ability to harm others. But does not bind them from arguments. It truly is an interesting way of doing things."

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