
Chapter 487 The Vampire Princess Part 2

"Wait, what!? They were forced to take refuge!? What could make the dragonic, a clan that would never back down, suddenly need to take refuge?" Vinea was more stunned by the fact that the dragonic had to retreat than by the fact that Blake knew she was from the vampire clan.

"The reglios. I am not sure how the other continents are, but they run rampant here. They are collecting the souls of those they kill to try to open the gates of the underworld. A place with beings far more powerful than you could ever imagine." Blake began. "A few thousand of these reglios attacked the dragonic clan. Killing many with suicide attacks and blowing up huge areas. They do not mind losing a few of their own to collect thousands of souls at a time. The problem is, is that they are breeding and growing strong at a rapid pace. I think out of all the races I have met, they have the fastest breeding cycle."

"Wait, are they black scaled figures?" Vinea asked with a wrinkled brow.

"Yes. So they have already moved to the other continents. If that is the case…." Blake sighed. There was no way to stop the reglios from expanding out. Even if he were to start a full fledged war against them, it would only result in helping them. "I guess there will be no way to stop them…. I would suggest you have your clan pack up. While Vampires are hard to kill, you are not unkillable. All it will take is one of their suicide attacks to wipe out a thousand of you instantly."

Vinea\'s face paled. She knew vampires had the edge when it came to battle, but the man in front of her knew vampires well. They could be killed. You just need to destroy them entirely. An enemy that could even force the dragonic back. It was not something she had ever thought was possible.

Blake looked at the girl standing there, staring blankly at him in a daze, and knew she must be trying to take this all in. "Welp, I will be going then. I was looking around for anything useful."

Blake turned to leave but found his shirt was being tugged. He turned around to see Vinea standing there, holding his shirt. He scratched his head and asked: "Miss Vinea, is there something?"

"Name," Vinea said softly. She had yet to know this man\'s name!

"Hmmm? I couldn\'t quite hear you." Blake was once more teasing the girl.

"What is your name!? Stop looking at me with that cheeky grin! You can\'t bully people just because you are slightly good looking!" Vinea yelled out, wanting to hit the man in front of her but refrained from doing so. She could only snort and fold her arms across her chest.

"Alright. Sorry, little princess. My name is Blake Harris. Lord of Destiny City." Blake replied.

"Blake…. Hmmm…. I see….. Then… I will see you later." With a small smile on her face, Vinea flapped her wings and flew off.

Blake watched as she disappeared and shook his head. He then turned and flew off himself. He only had a week to look around, so he needed to make good use of his time. But after twenty minutes of flying, he sensed three figures following him. One of which was radiating hate from their entire being and another he knew very well. "Why the hell is miss stinky feet following me?"

Blake did not understand the girl. He really did not think she fell for him at first sight. But after thinking about Nanaya, he couldn\'t be so sure. It was not like he spent any time with her, only about a half hour at most. "Is there some kind of law in the old world that made girls fall in love easily?"

Of course, Blake knew he could be getting ahead of himself as well. But after meeting so many girls so willing to fuck on the first date, he couldn\'t help but sigh. He was sure that if, for some reason or another, he did bring this girl back, a certain fairy would not let him off easily. And would tease him until she got bored. "Forget it. I will just ignore her. If she keeps following, then she keeps following."

Vinea was indeed following Blake. She wanted to see what he was up to. He said something about searching for something. She also wished to talk to him more. It was not until she watched him leave that she realized she might not meet him ever again. Plus, he had lots of information on these reglios. Which she decided would allow her to speak to him more. And if the conversation goes off course, that would be fine too.

"Vinea, are we really following him? Should we not go back and tell the elders? If those black scaled beings are truly dangerous, then we should warn the clan." Mile was thinking realistically for once. She could tell that Vinea wanted to follow the young man, but there were more important things than a maiden in love.

"Mile is right for once. We should head back." Dreg agreed.

"What do you mean for once!? Dreg, don\'t make me kick you!" Mile quickly took offense to his comment.

"Yeah, you are right. Okay then…. Dreg, go back and tell the elders." Vinea turned her head and ordered. She was not going to give up on chasing Blake. She also did not need Dreg here. She could feel the hate coming off the man, and it was geared toward Blake. She did not know why he disliked Blake, but she did not want someone offending her new friend!

"Princess…." Dreg\'s face did not look good. If he knew this would happen, he would not have opened his mouth! He could only curse Mile for saying anything. While he did not want to leave, he had no choice. He could not disobey an order from Vinea. "I will do as you command."

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