
Chapter 55 - The Night Is Long (Part One)

I couldn\'t sleep. 

Usually, this never happened. But today was different. I couldn\'t sleep and I couldn\'t do anything about it. With sighs, I kept on changing sides, but on this small bed, nothing seemed to please me. The bed was barely my length and it was twice as wide as my width. The mattress was comfortable but that was it. 

The bed in my old room was at least twice as big as this one if not bigger. So needless to say, it just felt cramped. I hadn\'t paid much attention till now, as I had better things to worry about. But today? Today really was a pain. Just when I thought things were starting to become better again, it all just got scrambled. And so, even something as simple as a small bed, made me more and more infuriated.

At first, I thought that the practical teacher was being practical when he just dismissed us for the whole week, but who would have thought he was this evil?

It wasn\'t midnight yet but Merin was sleeping too peacefully. His snores were starting to piss me off a little but I had to compromise at least this much. 

Still, I did see Merin\'s last year\'s exam papers and he was right. This wasn\'t something as simple as an assignment. According to Merin, if I could just make a big enough scene about this then I could potentially get out of this without getting negative credits. 

Doing the finals with such little time and preparation wasn\'t really plausible so I had to take his advice, though only after a lot of begrudgingly long verbal feuds. 

Merin did help but after spending half an hour on this, he was spent. In his own words, \'I kind of forgot how hard it was.\' 

Since it was getting nowhere, in the end, we just gave up. I didn\'t want to, but I didn\'t have a choice.

The mere thought of \'what\'ll happen, what\'ll happen\' kept me up even at this hour when the rest of the academy was sleeping. 

With some more sighs, I just emptied my mind. I couldn\'t sleep but I could at least stop thinking for a minute. 


Meanwhile, just outside the boys\' dorm, a girl gazed upwards. She was new to this place but she was aware of the rule that girls weren\'t allowed in the boys\' dorm after 6. And yet, the expression on her face was leaking excitement. 

Her hair fluttered against the wind. She wasn\'t alone on campus. There were guys running around with light, searching for people just like her, who were still out despite the curfew. 

But strangely, nobody saw her. Nobody noticed her. Was she invisible? No, she was but a shadow.

Her expression became more erratic and her breathing increased. \'He\'s here. His scent.\' She smelt the air and her breathing increased a little more. 

She grinned and climbed up the dorms. It wasn\'t like she was actually climbing, rather her shadow just moved upwards and so did she. It was almost as if, she wasn\'t human.

The shadow stopped exactly on the fourth floor. The window was locked but she knew, she knew he was inside. 

Her grin intensified and she fully turned into a shadow. She oozed through the window and entered a room: Helio\'s room.

Once inside, she became all flesh again. There were two boys in this room. She was only interested in one of them, so she made sure to plug in the other boy\'s ears with noise-canceling headphones. The boy already had those pair of headphones but strangely it was used against him. And he didn\'t even know that.

Now satisfied, the girl walked closer to her target: to Helio. Helio himself wasn\'t asleep but he wasn\'t totally awake either. He was in a state of nothingness, or more like he was just pretending he was in there to fool his mind into sleep mode. 

The girl carefully climbed up the small bed and sat atop Helio. Helio felt a bit of weight on his legs but he didn\'t open his eyes. He just assumed his body was falling asleep. 

But when his zipper started moving on its own and made little sound, his eyes blitzed open. "What are yo-"

"SHH." The girl put a finger on her lips, prompting Helio to shut up. Helio nodded, he wasn\'t going to decline. And there was a very good reason for it. The reason being, in the other hand of the girl, there were two jewels and both of the jewels belonged to Helio. "Make a sound and say bye bye to these," She whispered in a seductive tone. 

Helio started sweating. He couldn\'t believe his eyes or any of his senses for that matter. He was too shocked and too tired to make sense of the situation.  \'What the hell is going on? Why her?\'

The girl on top of him, the transfer student, was a redhead. And the very girl he had rejected. Helio already knew this girl had a few screws loose, but this? Seriously?

The girl came close to Helio\'s face, still one hand on his crotch. "I\'ll be sure to make you feel good, so just let me handle the rest." She winked. Her eyes were strangely red. It wasn\'t anything Helio had seen before and it certainly wasn\'t something he wanted to see either. 

Helio couldn\'t move. Shadows had him strapped to the bed. Meaning, he was very defenseless at the moment. 

He wasn\'t totally out of options though. He could have very well fired off a burst of gamma rays slowly and fried this girl, but then he\'d have been suspended for a year, and not to mention that would have dragged Merin into this as well. He could have damaged her to an extent that she\'ll be able to live and he could avoid the suspension. But then there would be certain other things he\'d have to deal with, like why there was a girl in his room, why things caught fire, why his roommate had cancer and a lot of other \'whys\'.

But one thing was strange, this girl was different just this noon. Though she was after Helio she wasn\'t this aggressive. If anything she was just docile at first, proposing marriages and stuff. So what happened to her, what happened that she\'d gone this crazy?

The girl stroked Helio\'s Excalibur and humped on his legs. She was going crazy and moaning rather wildly. Anybody in the room could have heard that. So why was Merin still silent? Why wasn\'t he waking up?

Helio was wearing a t-shirt and jeans. Normally he wouldn\'t have worn this much clothing before bed but today was different. Today, his head had gone funny with worries. 

And the girl took full advantage of his worries and slowly unbuttoned his shirt, while also throwing her own clothes to the floor: enjoying the moment to the fullest. She had a slender body and her bosom was larger than the average, but it sure didn\'t please Helio to the least. 

\'Is this a dream?\' But since when did dreams start feeling this realistic?

And not to mention his sleeping Excalibur was rising at a steady pace, meaning this couldn\'t have been a dream.

He took a deep breath and confronted his fears. "Listen to me." His voice was low. 

"Yes?" The girl stopped and just stared at him, her earlier passion was nowhere to be found. 

"Why are you doing this, this is wrong."

The girl came close to Helio\'s face. Her eyes and Helio\'s eyes were a centimeter apart. "I know. But I can\'t stop myself. I want you." Her voice flowed like honey and she kissed Helio. Helio couldn\'t move, he couldn\'t resist. Satisfied, the girl moved back, licked the drool of her lips and grinned. 

It was almost as though the girl had lost her sanity.

The grin frightened Helio. \'Fangs?\' Helio still tried to calm himself but it wasn\'t working. 

He couldn\'t think up a good way to escape and he couldn\'t just let things proceed like they were either. He was searching for a way even now. \'But what?\'

"Once I do this, you\'ll become mine," The girl traced her finger from Helio\'s chest to his crotch. "And only mine." Her voice echoed through the room, her red eyes glistened ever so more.

Her fangs grew larger and she made her way to Helio\'s nape. 

Helio finally understood one thing. \'She\'s a vampire.\'

Did vampires exist? The question didn\'t matter as one was sitting right above him. He was about to be devoured: literally.

But just before the girl could bite Helio, she paused. Her senses were tingling. Her instincts told her to get out of the way, but her mind wanted to drink the blood of her beloved. In the end her mind won, her teeth touched Helio\'s neck, but before they could sink in, she was struck in the head with something. 

A sound of broken chords rung out and reverberated. 

If she had trusted her instincts and dodged this wouldn\'t have happened. She was lodged off of Helio.

But the impact wasn\'t enough to wound her. She shrieked and turned around. "You!"

Merin was standing right behind her with a guitar. Though the impact did hurt, it wasn\'t good enough to do anything about this situation.

"You know, I thought you were having a good time, so I chose to ignore this. But when I heard you didn\'t actually give your permission, I couldn\'t just sit around. R*pe is never good." Merin\'s expression hardened and he prepared to fight. 

But maybe fighting with a guitar wasn\'t the best idea. 

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