
Chapter 269 - Sometimes Life Hits You Like A Truck (Part Three)


The purple one blocked my saber with its hand. The ones around us dropped like flies.

This one was fully indigo in color and there was no distinct pattern to its body. It had a head, two hands, and two legs. There was no skin. No organs on display: just pure streamlined body, like some kind of pervert. 

"You… seem to be… different from …the rest." Its speech was kind of broken.

My saber started to violently shake as the black blade spun. The purple Kin backstepped in an instant. 

Sparks flew.

The saber wasn\'t enough. 

I sheathed my saber. Instead, I just focused on the sword and made blue plasma appear. White was out of the picture, and blue was my second strongest. And I needed all the piercing power I could get. Cause this purple thing was too hard. 

I was running out of breath- not energy. This was weird, both the feeling and the actuality. 

The area around the purple thing started to freeze. It could control ice or maybe the temperature. 

I didn\'t quite understand why I could be so calm, even now. Why wasn\'t I exploding in rage? All my family was injured and they were on the floor, yet- I didn\'t fly in rage. Seriously, what was wrong with me?

Perhaps my brain was keeping me sane, so I didn\'t kill this bloody thing too quickly. Or perhaps, I just didn\'t want to waste my energy on rage- after all, I wanted this thing dead- and I wanted it by my feet, now!

"ARGH!" I screamed and swung my sword like never before. Every slash and swing had way too much force. 

Left swing, right swing, frontal slash!

This thing blocked everything. It didn\'t attack me, but it did take all my hits like I was nothing. But it was focusing too much on defense. 

The sudden drop in temperature was annoying but since it couldn\'t do anything more than just freeze what was right next to him, it was easily avoidable in my case. 

And with the help of my alpha particles, the occasional icicle snipes were easily dodge-able. 

"Tell-tell-me, Human, what is your purpose?" It backtracked significantly and formed large, multiple icicles in the air. More and more formed. 

It threw- I blocked everything with my barrier.

"Purpose?" I ran for it.

I used this chance to get close enough and use my disintegration powers on it. 

I\'d punched its shoulder. 

No result.

It didn\'t work. My knuckles did sting though. 

\'I can\'t disintegrate?\'

"Why do you exist? For what purpose?" It again backtracked and held its shoulder with one arm. I guess that must have hurt. 

For what purpose?

I chased after it, not giving it a moment to rest. "Now, that\'s a question, isn\'t it? Why don\'t you ask God on your way to heaven? Oops, I mean HELL!" I channeled a good amount of radiation and for a second made the plasma go white- which in turn helped me cleave one of the thing\'s arms off.

Alright! I did burn my hands though.

"UARGHGHGH!" It screamed like the black ones and just backtracked. I took the opportunity and kicked it in the nether region- hard. It didn\'t have organs down there but sure didn\'t stop me. Another scream followed. 

Almost all the black ones in the entire place came and surrounded it. And all of them just got covered up a round dome of ice. 

The purple one had made some sort of small sphere and it kept on growing and growing. It was running away.

"It\'s opening an Interdimentinal Elevator," The headmaster yelled. 

I didn\'t have the time or any way to close in the gap- so I again, made another plasma ball, this time much bigger. It spun violently. 

There was one sure-fire way of making something more destructive- just make it spin!

The black things on the other hand were prepared to lay down their lives. 

"Well, then die." 

I fired. And I fired aimed straight at the sphere. 

The ice dome shattered: Almost all the black ones in the ball\'s path got pulverized. But it gave the purple one enough time to cross through the sphere- but my ball too went through and it exploded. 


Cracks started appearing in the large barrier above our heads. 

A large very unsettling explosion resulted and the sphere closed before the fires could get through. 

Almost all the black ones fell to the ground, immobile. 

I clicked my tongue and fell on the ground, panting. \'My powers weren\'t enough?\'

I was drenched in sweat and though my veins were popping up like before, I was still letting out steam. It was getting rather chilly now that I could see the stars above. 

I couldn\'t breathe, and I couldn\'t move. I was already pretty much exhausted when I crossed into this world, and now might or might not have used up way too much energy here too. 

My leg hurt- my knuckles stung and my hands burned: pain. 

"You did well, kid." The headmaster sat down next to me. "I didn\'t think they\'d already have a portal working. I guess this means Neil has completely fallen to their control." He was bleeding and a student was already treating his wounds. 

I looked around and almost all the black ones just dropped on the floor, immobile. They weren\'t quite dead, but they weren\'t moving. 

"That purple thing was an alien? Wasn\'t it supposed to take seven more months or something?"

He half-smiled, but despaired. "Yeah. And you can bet your ass more will come. That was just a scouting party: they wanted to get rid of us who came from the future. I guess they aren\'t quite messing around this time. The army will be here in a few months."

"That damn thing was tough." And an army of them? Yeah, no thanks. 

It had literally blocked my saber like it was nothing and even with blue plasma, I couldn\'t quite cut through. I had to resort to the highest white grade and that too was barely enough. It did freaking burn my hands and now I wanted to scream. 

"Yeah, I could barely take one out with in my prime but, I guess I\'m too old these days." He chuckled. "Still, I really didn\'t think they\'d be here this quickly. We better rethink everything."

I exhaled. "Well, it\'s more like think everything from scratch.. Since we never actually thought much in the first place."

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