
Chapter 270 - Silent Fight

Xunshi Zhe\'s words seemed to enter one of Big Hei\'s ears and came out from the other. That\'s because he wasn\'t satisfied with the vengeance Ji Yao dished out unless he got in a few more kicks and that\'s exactly what he did.

"I am warning you, you are going to get the boss upset. Don\'t go on ruining his good mood because the slasher doesn\'t discriminate against species," he said as he gently pushed Big Hei.

Big Hei was like an unmoved boulder when compared to that push. He stopped harassing the man cussing on the ground and turned to look at Xunshi Zhe with a confused look on his face. "What\'s the slasher?" he asked seeming not to understand what the hell Xunshi Zhe was talking about.

"You know, the whip. Everyone is calling it that these days. Look what it did to this fine gentleman balling on the ground. Slashed his face to the bone and took some flesh with it," replied Xunshi Zhe with a hint of mockery in his voice.

"Oh,... then one more kick," he said before ruthlessly kicking the man in his crown jewels, "Now he won\'t have offspring that are as nasty as him. You should thank me for ridding the world of one more problem."

"Pshh... says the pirate who looted an orphanage. Tsk, tsk those poor orphans," said Xunshi Zhe snapping back right at him.

"You scram for me. It wasn\'t an orphanage, to begin with. It was a Xiang (the oldest name for instruction places ie school) for arrogant rich young masters plus they were bullying a blind old man. I was educating them where their community failed," he replied confidently in his own abilities.

"Aiyo such a righteous cause. You deserve an award elder Hei with your plum-sized boobs," said Xunshi Zhe mocking Big Hei with no scruples at all.

Unfortunately for him, Big Hei didn\'t take kindly to his joke. For some reason, Big Hei didn\'t like his plum-sized boobs being mocked so his comeback was especially ruthless. "Says the guy who has a tiny pickle sized, shit....," he swore when Xunshi Zhe\'s expression turned darker than the dark stormy clouds threatening to burst forth. Whatever happened next could easily be deduced.

The fight was mean and vicious but it was also especially considerate of others. The two didn\'t make a raucous despite going at each other like monkeys fighting over food. The only person who got to witness this strange phenomenon was Old Du and he was very impressed by their ability to fight in public without making noise.

While Big Hei and Xunshi Zhe were fighting it out, Ji Yao was seriously considering if this deal was worth it. It was like handing over a blank check to Rui Fei for information the kid should have been sharing in the first place.

When he had information he would willingly share it with Rui Fei. If a marriage counsellor could rate his communication skills he would rate them as exceptional. Okay, maybe exceptional is a bit high. Let\'s say.... good communication skills?

Anyway, he willingly shared everything with Rui Fei but when it was Rui Fei\'s turn to tell him something very important what did he decide to do? Ask for something in exchange for information.

That\'s the difference between these two. One was a somewhat forthcoming person to the ones that were close to him and the other was a black-bellied under the table sly youth who wouldn\'t miss the opportunity to eat some tofu. Hence his statement, "Nothing is for free."

Ji Yao had three options. One, which is to call out Rui Fei on his bullshit and possibly spoil the mood. Two, play along with this flirtatious little play and gain some benefits too.

Or three, play hard to get. He could just walk away and turn the tables on Rui Fei but the likelihood of that happening was quite slim. Besides, the last option would make him seem like a pity little miss throwing a fuss. So he would never do that, right?

Well, I have been wrong plenty of times before. Ji Yao folded his hands across his chest and replied, "Then don\'t tell me then," deciding to make things a little more intriguing. If he was an easy target for Rui Fei wouldn\'t the youth get bored?

As expected, Rui Fei was intrigued. This baby could actually bite, viciously too. Would he let it go and let Ji Yao have his way? Well, that wouldn\'t be Rui Fei\'s style, isn\'t it? He wouldn\'t escalate the situation but he would most definitely take advantage and still get what he wants.

He stepped forward and gently placed his hand on the side of Ji Yao\'s neck rubbing his smooth skin with his thumb. The expression on his face was exceptionally gentle with a doting look but those eyes held a deeper meaning.

This made Ji Yao feel like he was going to get eaten right on the spot. He could almost see the image of him being ravaged over and over again in those inky dark pupils.

His body\'s reaction was like that of prey that had spotted a predator watching it in the bushes. The hairs on his body stood on end as a slight shiver spread from the top of his head to the tip of his toes.

His body\'s reaction might be that of fright but his heart was more than willing. After this, he could sincerely admit that he was a hopeless case. His addiction to Rui Fei was beyond recompense. No amount of rehab can wean him off this addiction that is Rui Fei.

Rui Fei leaned down slightly before proceeding to whisper into his ear. "How about you name a price. Make me an offer and I will tell you my little secret.... That way you benefit either way," he said but he was already taking full advantage of the situation.

His other hand slid on Ji Yao\'s waist softly kneading it. The sea breeze brushed past these two men fluttering the hem of their robes ever so gently. With it, it carried the fragrance of the cool sea with heightened freshness. Tying it all together it painted a sentimental scene that could leave plenty envious.

Maybe it was this enviousness or the fact that the sweetness coming from these two was too vomit-inducing that Old Du couldn\'t take it anymore.

For the sake of his and the crew\'s mental health, he decided to start a petition to stop these two from flirting in public. Them flirting in front of them could be counted as workers comp injury or in other terms occupational injuries, right?

Imagine a white-collar worker who is constantly bombarded by his boss flirting with his wife in front of the entire department. How well would they be able to complete their daily tasks after seeing that?

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