
Chapter 2215 - Under Overbearing

Chapter 2215 Under Overbearing

When Han Sen reached the control room, Mister White and Crime were already there.

Based on what their scanners were showing them, there was a giant beast somewhere in front of the ship. The creature looked something like a big sea turtle. It was, however, the size of a planet. It was almost as big as the Extreme King’s ships.

Its giant body seemed to be made of white jade, and its legs moved and created swirls in space. It was flying through space, but it looked like it was swimming.

The strangest thing about it, though, was the turtle shell atop its back. The jade shell was as tall and imposing as a space fortress. But rather than being smooth and nearly featureless like a real sea turtle’s, this shell had many castles and palaces atop it. It looked rather amazing.

All the ships entered battle mode, but since Ice Blue Knight King hadn’t given the order, the ships held their fire. They were having a standoff with the giant turtle.

Various emotions warred across the faces of Ice Blue Knight King and the Ice Blue Knights. They were very serious, but very angry and scared at the same time.

“What is that?” Han Sen quietly asked Mister White.

Mister White answered just as quietly, “Under Overbearing; it is one of the scariest deified xenogeneics in the systems of chaos—of which there are many.”

Han Sen was shocked to hear this, and he remembered what he had been told about Yisha’s death. It was said that Yisha was killed by Under Overbearing.

“How many Under Overbearings are there in the systems of chaos?” Han Sen asked, looking at the giant turtle.

Mister White knew what Han Sen truly wished to ask, and so he said, “There is only one. Knife Queen was indeed killed by this creature.”

After hearing that, a complicated expression fell over Han Sen’s face. He watched the thing swim through space, and he could tell how scary it was even through a computer screen. He knew he wasn’t strong enough to fight it.

Even with his tri-color Demon Bug Bai Sema, he wouldn’t be able to block an attack unleashed by that enemy.

Han Sen knew that the Ice Blue Knights had accepted an order to clear a giant planet in the systems of chaos. But by doing so, they awoke Under Overbearing, who had been slumbering there at the time. It went mad and attacked Ice Blue Knight King.

Yisha was one of the strongest members of the Ice Blue Knights, and she had some of the highest damage output. She was able to stall Under Overbearing long enough for the Ice Blue Knights and the other two teams of knights to come and give support.

Yisha was swallowed by Under Overbearing, but the armies of knights were able to protect the ships and lead them away from the giant planet. They didn’t actually deal any damage to the beast.

Now that they had encountered Under Overbearing again, every person in the Ice Blue Knights looked conflicted. They quietly gripped their weapons. And while they looked angry for their prior losses, they didn’t look confident in the prospect of taking on the creature again. They knew their collective power wouldn’t be enough to beat Under Overbearing. It was deified, after all.

The monster was playing in space. It didn’t approach them. Overlooked the Ice Blue Knights like they were insects scurrying around its feet. After a while, it swam away from the ships.

After an interminable wait, Under Overbearing disappeared from everyone’s vision. The Ice Blue Knights all sagged in relief, as if they had been carrying a mountainous weight and could now let out a lengthy sigh.

They restarted the ships and continued their travel as planned.

Han Sen and Mister White returned to their rooms. Mister White sighed and said, “This trip hasn’t gone as planned. First, we ran into the Black Hole Spider and those Galactic Shrimp. Now we have just encountered Under Overbearing. I hope the rest of this trip will be uneventful, with nothing unexpected happening.”

Han Sen asked, “Mister White, the castle-looking buildings atop Under Overbearing... Who created them?”

Mister White quirked a smile. “No one knows. The Extreme Kings have explored these systems of chaos for a few centuries, but even after all that time, we have only managed to claim 0.3% of it all. The systems of chaos are like one massive xenogeneic space, bigger than any others we know of. Only Sacred could compare to this place. It is a super xenogeneic space, in a sense.”

After pausing, Mister White continued his explanation. “From what I know, over the past few centuries, there have only been eleven encounters with Under Overbearing. The very first sighting of the beast was two hundred years ago. Even back then it looked like it does now, with castles already built atop it. No one knows where the castles and palaces came from. While we have spotted it many times, no one has ever seen any evidence of creatures living in those constructs. It is truly a mystery.”

The Ice Blue Knights were on edge for the rest of the trip. Too many incidents had occurred during their travel, and so everyone was feeling rather tense.

Luckily, no more terrible monsters crossed their path. The ship eventually made it to the Ice Blue Knights’ base in the systems of chaos.

It wasn’t a particularly big system, but the Extreme King had a firm foothold there.

There were ten teams of knights, and four of them were located in the systems of chaos. One team of knights had claimed two other systems, and the other three had taken one each.

The Ice Blue Knights owned this system in particular. They used the team’s name when naming the locale, and so it had come to be known as Ice Blue System.

The Ice Blue System had six planets. The largest of the planets was massive. A giant ship like the Ice Blue Ship was just a mountain before it.

The base of the Ice Blue Knights was on that planet. While the knights had claimed the place, only 30% of it had actually been developed. There was still much of its surface that had yet to be explored.

They named it Planet Ice Blue. When they landed, Han Sen immediately noticed that the base had been constructed out of ocean stone. He was impressed by how much money the Extreme Kings must have spent on it.

Han Sen was Mister White’s guard, but he was also under the command of the Ice Blue Knight King. When they reached the base of the Ice Blue Knights, Han Sen and his companions were tasked with a few missions.

The same applied to the other knights, and their missions were to clean up and begin exploring.

Inside the area that the Ice Blue Knights had claimed, Han Sen was given the task of locating xenogeneics and then drawing maps so they could be found again.

Han Sen was different from the ordinary knights. He wasn’t in a backup team, and he had his own team comprised of his own people. That was the deal he had struck before he joined.

If he had joined the Ice Blue Knights the usual way, Han Meng’er and the others would likely have been scattered across the different teams, and Han Sen wouldn’t have had any way to keep them close. Now that Han Sen worked for Mister White, Ice Blue Knight King couldn’t split them up. If this hadn’t been the case, Han Sen wouldn’t have brought his companions there in the first place.

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