
Chapter 6: An Invitation

Chapter 6: An Invitation

I returned to my seat, and Karin went back to assessing everyone\'s scores. Nobody had gotten a zero, but there were many ones. Naturally, I got a score of four since it was so easy.

After reaching the end, she wrote some markings on the chalkboard to do some math herself. It took her a few minutes, after which she erased it all and turned back to the front.

"Overall, the score was two and a half. Though it is still a score befitting of Class A, I hope by the end you can all easily receive scores of four on this test."

In the back of my mind, I couldn\'t help but complain.

\'So if we already easily do it all, then this class is pointless?\'

I didn\'t voice my complaints though, as it seemed that the standard of math in this world was quite low. Maybe even the highest level didn\'t even reach derivatives yet. That would let both me and Nathan let out a sigh of relief at least.

From there, Karin began teaching us the basics of addition and subtraction. Though she mentioned that we should already know this, I still couldn\'t help but feel that I went back to elementary school.

She described addition and subtraction by drawing squares on the board and either combining or taking them away.

The class felt like it droned on for a while, but eventually, Karin finally let us go.

"Class is over now. Thank you all for listening. As promised, nobody will need to meet with me during your recreation period. Make sure you return to this classroom within two hours."

One after another, people stood up and left. I looked over at Nathan, who also looked back at me with a sigh. Knowing that we couldn\'t talk about sensitive matters right here, I spoke as though I wasn\'t too familiar with him.

"It seems you are quite smart with your head. Why did you get bad scores on your exam?"

Nathan rolled his eyes.

"It\'s because I improved over those few days. Turns out it\'s not too hard when you have a good teacher."

I gave a few nods.

"I see, I see. Want to go get something with me?"

Nathan smirked and stood up from his chair.

"Sure. I may walk a little slow though, this guy messed me up outside the school before class started."

The corner of my lip twitched, but I ignored that comment. And like that, the two of us went out of the classroom. I cleared my throat.

"I\'m pretty sure the cafeteria for this class would be on this floor. We just have to find it."

Just as I said that a voice came from behind me.

"If you would like, I could lead you to the cafeteria."

Looking behind me, I saw a girl with white hair and green eyes. From what I recall, she shot me a glare at the start of class. Now, she seemed to be approaching me for whatever reason.

"Ah, I suppose that would be more convenient. Thank you."

She did a curtsy, which felt a little strange to me, but this was the proper times for such.

"My name is Raisa. It\'s a pleasure to meet you, Bryson."

I couldn\'t help but stiffen up. How in the world was I supposed to return such a greeting when I didn\'t have the faintest clue about noble etiquette?

That was when a stroke of genius hit me...

"Ah, hello Raisa. I don\'t particularly care much for noble etiquette. Please talk to me normally as though I was just another person."

Hah! It was genius! If I just said that, it would look like I\'m purposely avoiding noble etiquette rather than being a failure at it!

Raisa smiled rather brightly as she looked at me.

"Haha, I thought you would say that."

I also smiled, trying my best to avoid it from twitching. She must\'ve already noticed that my actions weren\'t very noble-like. Natan discreetly elbowed me to the side with a dirty smile, which made me blush.

Shit! Not now, Nathan!

I coughed and gestured with my hand.

"Please lead the way."

With that, Raisa took the lead, letting us follow behind her. I quickly realized that there wasn\'t too much of a point in her guiding us, since all the other students were heading in the same general direction as well. It was more a formality than anything else.

Regardless, we quickly made our way to said cafeteria. The area was rather spacious, with fifteen tables that could hold roughly ten people each. There was a generous amount of space between tables, more than enough for personal space. It would be hard to hear a conversation at another table while sitting at one.

She guided us to sit at one of them, which made me a bit confused. After all, we hadn\'t ordered yet. But as though to answer my confusion, a waiter approached the table with a gentle smile.

"Hello, Lord Bryson and Lady Raisa. What would you all like to order?"

He proceeded to set down two menus, placing them next to Raisa and me. My eyelid twitched. Was he just ignoring Natan?

"Hey, we still have someone else at the table too."

The waiter flinched.

"Ah, yes. Of course."

He then handed another menu to Natan, who smiled bitterly.


I waved casually.

"Don\'t mention it."

Honestly, it felt a little strange being considered a noble. Although there was definitely a bad reputation that came along with Bryson, there was also a lot of privilege it seemed. I grew up in a middle-class household, and even then it was on the lower side.

As such, I was the same as any other Tom, Dick, or Harry.

Shaking those thoughts, I looked through the menu. There was a section of free things, probably a privilege of being Class A. However, there were also other things that were priced at various ranges. They were labeled by a number, but I had no idea how much those things were actually worth.

Not wanting to accidentally spend an inordinate amount of money, I decided on getting something that was free.

"Um... give me the Humble Pottage and Bread please."

The waiter\'s eyebrow twitched.

"S-Sir, if you wish to have pottage with bread, then there are other options. There are even many types of meat that have specially designed exotic spic-"

"I\'ll just take the Humble Pottage and Bread."

I cut him off with a wave, after which he nodded robotically.

"Yes, sir."

Raisa giggled and put both elbows on the table. She used one hand to hold her chin and spoke.

"I will take the same as him."

The waiter looked at him with surprise.

"A-Are you sure, madam?"

Raisa nodded.

"Of course."

Natan rubbed his chin and laughed.

"Well, if it\'s such a popular item then I\'ll get one of those too!"

The waiter sighed.


From there, he left to prepare. Raisa covered her mouth with her palm and laughed. Her eyes narrowed ever so slightly as she looked at me.

"You knew that he couldn\'t afford any of the food for nobles, thus ordered one of the handouts."

I smiled bitterly. That wasn\'t actually the case at all. But I couldn\'t really say that, could I?

"...I suppose you could look at it that way."

I could see Nathan smirking from the corner of my eye. He rubbed his chin and nodded a few times.

"Ah, so long as you have the looks, getting girls goes on easy mode."

I really wanted to punch him, but held myself back. Even if it wasn\'t for the sake of maintaining an image, I also didn\'t want to hurt him when he already injured himself. Plus, as the protagonist of the story, you don\'t look ugly either!

Raisa flicked her hair back and smiled mischievously.

"Appearance can only take you so far, I\'ll have you know."

What? She heard that? Do all nobles have really good ears or something?

Natan coughed awkwardly before scratching the back of his head.

"Ah, yes, of course. I was just joking..."

Raisa nodded before turning to me.

"Naturally. And I do wish to take this time to say that I truly do respect you, Lord Bryson."

I slowly nodded.

"Er... thank you."

Raisa tilted her head to the side.

"Please don\'t think I\'m trying to be courteous to you. You discarded formalities earlier, no? I can\'t imagine how magnanimous your character must be to let those rumors about you float around without taking action on any of them."

I nearly spit out blood. Calling them rumors weren\'t exactly correct because I\'m pretty sure Bryson was that kind of asshole. The only reason they didn\'t get to me was that they weren\'t actually rumors about me.

Natan nodded several times with his chin in his hand. There was a wide smirk on his face.

"Yes, yes, he definitely is quite magnanimous, isn\'t he?"

...What the hell happened to keeping on script, Nathan? Shut up!

I waved dismissively.

"Hahaha, there\'s no need to mention all of that to me. After all, I would no longer be magnanimous if my pride were to swell."

Nathan leaned back in his chair and began cackling.

"Oh really? Well, I\'m just so jealous of your magnanimity so I\'ll just have to keep complimenting you until you aren\'t any more!"

My eyelid twitched.


Raisa tilted her head to the side as she saw our interaction.

"Perhaps it was Bryson that taught this little one how to solve mathematical equations?"

Both me and Nathan looked back at her with a bit of confusion.


Raisa looked at them silently.

"Um, it just seems that the two of you are quite close. It looks like you\'ve known each other for a while."

The both of us cringed internally. She continued on laying out more facts.

"Not to mention, Bryson stood up for the little one when he was accused of cheating. I imagine you were confident because you had tutored him yourself. I just can\'t help but wonder how long have the two of you known each other?"

I looked at Nathan, and he looked at me. We communicated through our eyes before quickly coming to a conclusion. Nathan cleared his throat and spoke.

"We haven\'t known each other for that long, but he did indeed tutor me. That\'s why I was able to answer those questions easily."

This reminded me of the time that I tried to tutor Nathan before. It was when we were still in middle school, and I honestly didn\'t really know what I was doing. Regardless, I was able to teach him things surprisingly fast. He was able to pick up on things easily, but I guess that just made him lazy in studying.

I chuckled before pointing at him.

"Believe it or not, Nath- um, Natan is quite intelligent. He picks things up rather quickly."

Raisa gave a small nod.

"Ah yes, the little one named Natan. I imagine your lacking grades will quickly reach new heights."

Natan smirked.

"Only because Bria... Bryson taught me."

I simply laughed, trying to go along with it. Eventually, they brought along the food that we ordered, after which we started eating. I couldn\'t help but notice that Raisa was looking at me for most of it, which wasn\'t too strange considering that she was sitting across from me, but still.

I thought it tasted not bad, kind of like the meals I had before. However, for some reason, it also felt bland at the same time. It looked as though this body was used to having the so-called exotic spices.

As we finished eating, Raisa suddenly dropped a bomb.

"When would you next be available, Bryson? I would love to invite you over to my estate."

Eh? I\'m already getting invited to a girl\'s house?

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