
Chapter 120 Gelling Together

"I would like to meet everyone in person," stated Rachel in response to Xavier\'s offer.

Eddie, who was hesitant and unsure how meeting everyone individually would pan out, wanted to take a moment to weigh the pros and cons of accepting Xavier\'s offer. But the spontaneous accountant that he worked with had already answered for both of them before he even had a chance to do so.

After hearing Rachel\'s response, Xavier turned to Eddie to see whether he agreed with Rachel, and the crafty lawyer sighed and nodded. It was too late to decline.

"Great! I guess we can start with Karim and his unit downstairs. I\'m pretty sure they\'ll all want to be paid in cash, but it\'s good to be able to meet them individually and confirm."

"After them, I\'ll call for the other units to show up one by one, and I\'ll be here working on something with Zack for a while, so there\'s no need to worry. They\'re all pretty friendly as well, so just relax and prepare somewhere secure to store all their private information. I\'ll be telling them to bring all the necessary documents with them, so prepare for that."

And with that, Eddie and Rachel moved some furniture around that was abandoned in the office by its previous inhabitants. They created an area for both of them to be able to get to know those that showed up and ask them some questions, then started building a schedule.

It should take around 5 minutes to talk to each person. If they started with Karim and his unit, that would give the others 35 minutes to arrive if they had to travel from far. With that in mind, they started populating their list with names.

Then, after completing it, surprisingly quickly, they messaged it into the group chat for everyone in the Outlaw Gang, which Zack had created. It was an encrypted chat room that only those that he added had access to. It was untraceable since he ran it on a small server that he created.

Or so he explained to Xavier, not bothering to give him the more intricate details that he wouldn\'t understand. He had also formed a group chat with only the unit leaders and Xavier in it. In that chat, they could provide secret updates and would be useful once the Outlaw Gang grew in the future.

It just served to show just how capable Zack was, as he helped Xavier with everything else he needed.

Meanwhile, Rachel and Eddie were anxiously awaiting the responses to what they had sent into the chatroom.


In their message, they told all those in the Outlaw Gang to show up with any details needed to employ them officially, if that was what they wished for. And although a lot of the other units were busy, their unit leaders gave them the green light to proceed. It wouldn\'t take long, and they would have to do it anyway and get it done. Plus, they were eager to get paid.

And they made that very clear...

From the responses in the chat group, Rachel and Eddie found it difficult to believe that they were scary individuals that were in a gang. It was even hard to believe that they were adults. They used innumerable emojis, and all seemed very casual, like a bunch of youths. But that made Rachel and Eddie even more interested in meeting them all in person.

Just how Xavier had actually managed to make enough money to pay them so quickly and how he was planning on continuing to generate money was a mystery to them. However, complete trust and passion made them feel as though no matter what Xavier had in store for them, they\'d endure and take it head-first, believing in what the Outlaw Gang could become.

They had already shown impressive improvements in the fight club and began to establish themselves as competitors. How on earth they had improved so much by simply joining Xavier\'s gang and training with them, they were unsure.

It wasn\'t like they had never trained hard in their lives.

And yet, in spite of training regularly for many years, the progress they had made in the past couple of days is what was most apparent. It made them even more eager to train and grow the Outlaw Gang as much as they could.

And one thing was for certain, they weren\'t planning to back out no matter what and had cemented themselves as outlaws of the Outlaw Gang.

They were so sure of their position in the Outlaw Gang and trusted those in the Outlaw Gang wholeheartedly. It was to the point that they didn\'t even hesitate to produce any of the private information that Zack hadn\'t been able to find.

With that, people started coming up to the office one by one, and the first was none other than Karim, who had been downstairs. But with how his first meeting with Rachel had been, he wasn\'t looking forward to seeing her again.

However, with Xavier peering over them from across the office, making sure that neither of them started anything, both Rachel and Karim felt inclined to try to be friendly.


Taking a seat without a word, he flashed the 2 figures sitting before him a sincere attempt at a friendly smile. However, it ended up appearing creepy more than anything. It was almost as if there were weights attached to the ends of his lips, stopping them from curling upwards.

Rachel had a similar dilemma and did the same, with Eddie remaining neutral and Xavier watching in amusement before turning back to whatever he was doing with Zack.

"So, you called us here for questioning, right?"

"Yes, we have a few questions for you, then you can ask us whatever questions you have if there\'s any time left at the end of our talk, which there should be," blurted out Eddie, who wanted to speak before Rachel could ruin their entire conversation from the jump.

Nodding his head, Karim was relaxed and while he sat there, he was observing every move of the 2 in front of him. He was a unit leader, so technically their senior, and in the future was likely to be working very closely with them in order to achieve all his ambitions of becoming the boss of a money-making organisation. And although he trusted Xavier\'s judgement, which had brought in incredible individuals with tremendous potential, he wanted to see for himself just what Xavier had seen in the 2 of them.

By the end of their 5-minute exchange, which had flown by, Karim had a slight smile on his face. This smile, however, was much more natural, as if the weights previously straining his facial muscles had disappeared.

Despite Rachel being hot-headed and annoying at times, after a series of questions from Karim, she displayed vast knowledge that he wasn\'t expecting from somebody of her nature. Eddie didn\'t fall short of her in the slightest, either.

They only had a few questions for Karim in the first place, and Eddie had somehow managed to smooth things over between Karim and Rachel. In the process, he managed to get everything he needed from him.

That left Karim a lot of time to ask some questions of his own. The answers he received caused him to chuckle to himself, with him and Rachel staring at each other straight in the eyes.

"I smell money from you," they both uttered without breaking eye contact.

"...?" Eddie was weirded out by the 2 of them, who had been staring at each other for almost a minute, but he was glad that there wasn\'t any lingering hostility.

Then, getting up, seeing that his time was over, Karim shook Rachel\'s hand, both of them smiling and excited to work with each other in the future. He then shook Eddie\'s hand, also as eager to rely on him as the legal crutch of the group.

As outlaws, it was important that they knew how to work around the laws that they were seeking to avoid as much as they could. Therefore, his role was just as essential as any other. And, after shaking both of their hands, the 3 of them seemed to have reached a mutual understanding of each other\'s roles, and Karim oddly reminded them of Xavier.

Maybe Karim had taken after the young boss he admired, or was simply a similar kind of individual. However, whatever it was, they could almost feel how bright his future would be. Despite that, he appeared completely devoted to Xavier, and even more so after hearing how much he was going to get paid.

Although he didn\'t show it, when he heard he\'d be receiving 1000 dollars a week, he couldn\'t help but feel even more indebted and grateful to Xavier. Especially since Rachel revealed to him that his pay was the same as the other unit leaders and Xavier himself.

And as he left the office, he gave Xavier a nod of appreciation, knowing that words were useless and his actions in the future would speak much louder. Xavier returned with a smile as he winked at him. He was glad that the Outlaw Gang was gelling together even more, but then returned to what he was up to with Zack once again.

Seeing how focused and enthralled he was with what he and Zack were working on, everyone that came into the office, as well as Eddie and Rachel, couldn\'t help but be curious.

But none approached him, not wanting to disturb him. They knew that whenever Xavier had that kind of expression, something big was about to happen, and he was playing out all the possible scenarios in his head...

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