
Chapter 16 Humans Are Really Just Like Animals. Remove Their Leader And They Fall Into Confusion And Chaos

​ "Leader!!!"

"That damn demon! Shoot everything you have at him!"

"He has no honor! Destroy him!"

Floid watched the adventurers go crazy after the death of their leader. He could hear them shouting out the name of various skills as they aimed to destroy him with them. Floid wondered why they were saying the skill name out. Ever since he has been in this world, he hasn\'t seen anyone other than the members of his castle and none of them have ever said a skill name out loud while casting it. Is it because our aptitude is better than others?

The group of adventurers fired their attacks at Floid and Floid rose his hand up and activated his lowest level skill.


A skill that should only be suitable for roasting chicken. Most people in this world had this skill and it was because it was one of the cheapest skills to gain. You only had to kill enough crystal lizards and you will eventually learn the skill. But they would always forget about the skill after getting better skills because the skill was only an F-class. Who would want to use an F class skill in this day and age!? Especially if you\'re fighting against a monster that was using many higher-level skills!

So that is why when Floid activated the magic circle for the skill, everyone there recognized it and they immediately felt like laughing! Most of the skills they were sending to attack him were A-class skills! If he even tried to use that fireball skill he will die before he even finished the casting!

But then another magic circle opened up beside the first one. And another. And another. Before even a second passed, fifty magic circles were opened and Floid only smirked as he activated the skill.



The screams of the people there were like music to his ears! The flames that Floid released from those magic circles were not small! They would even be able to rival an S-class skill! No matter what skills they throw at him, Floid\'s flames neutralized it and returned the attack plus ultra!

Floid allowed the flames to burn for some time before he then let them die down. Once Floid was done with them, the scene that greeted him was like a pyromaniac\'s wild dream! Burnt flesh! Roasted muscle! Some people were thin and black because all the water in their bodies have evaporated!! Out of the hundred or so adventurers that gathered there, only ten of them were left unharmed! Those men were on their ass and shivering out of fear of the heat they felt from that fireball! Wasn\'t that meant to be an F-class skill! How is this possible!?

The adventurers looked up as Floid walked up to them again. This time he stared them down with a glare. His red eyes bored into them and made them realize that this man was different from the other demons they have been fighting.

[Ice Lance]

Squelch! Squelch! Squelch!

Floid immediately killed all the adventurers that managed to escape his flames. He didn\'t have any use for them

Floid then looked up to the townspeople that were standing behind the adventurers. Most of them were looking at him with complete fear in their eyes! They looked like they were seeing a monster in the living flesh!

Floid scanned their numbers before he found the man there that most people were hiding behind. This is probably their mayor.

"I\'ll ask you again. Who\'s the leader here?"

The mayor shivered at Floid\'s tone as he stuttered out a response.

"You-You monster. What did we ever do to you? You people just come and take whatever you want! You can\'t even build your own and you try to take what others have built for themselves!"

The man knew that he shouldn\'t be saying things like this, but he just hated these demons! They are just attacking his innocent village and taking things that don\'t belong to them! Why don\'t they all just die!? If the hero was here then they will never be able to do something like this!

None of the people there even recognized Floid for who he really was. None of them have really seen the hero before. He was a celebrity that spent most of his time outside adventures in the castle. Commoners could only see him when he was in the middle of a fight. So they didn\'t recognize him very well.

Floid ran a hand into his hair and ruffled it a little. He was getting annoyed. He turned around and started to walk away. If they don\'t want to tell him who the leader is then he will just get rid of every possibility.

"Alucard. Kill everyone that looks above fifty."

The vampire didn\'t even move from his spot. He just looked up and stared at the humans and everyone that looked like they were old enough to be the mayor immediately burst into a pool of blood and gore! The screams from the children and the women there were deafening. Some people immediately fell to their knees and vomited at the sight of the dead bodies. Floid took a deep breath as he watched the humans struggling to get away from the blood. He tilted his head to one side when he saw a man squeezing his hands into fists. The man looked young and Floid told the man to step forward.

The man stepped out of the crowd fearfully and faced Floid. He was trying his best but he couldn\'t stop his hands from shaking.


"You look like you have a good head on your shoulders. Instruct everyone in the village to gather outside the gate in the next five minutes. If they do not comply then I\'ll simply kill all of you,"

Floid turned around to walk away. He was finished here. He got rid of the leaders because he knew that a leader could always make people rise in revolt. But now that Floid has done this, no one will even be brave enough to call themself the leader!

The man that Floid instructed suddenly asked him a question.

"Who... Who are you? Why are you doing this to us!? We never even did anything to you before! We\'ve never touched any demons in our lives!"

Floid almost killed the man in annoyance. He was saying this now because he is losing? If you were the one looking down on me you wouldn\'t have any problems with it at all. Floid decided that it would be best to introduce himself.

"Whether it is now or a hundred years ago, the sins of your ancestors are still your own. Instead of complaining, curse your forefathers who decided to invade our land and take what doesn\'t belong to them. But since you asked, I will permit you to know my name. I am Floid! And I am the new demon lord!!"

That one answer made everyone in the town grow pale! Another demon lord!? There was another one!? They all remembered the suffering they faced at the hands of the first one and now there is another one!?

Floid didn\'t bother waiting for them to get themselves in order. He and Alucard just walked out of the town. When they got outside they saw that the battle was long over. There was a huge number of corpses lying on the ground while five soldiers were kneeling in front of Rosavellt and Dragonnel. The demon army that came here to fight before was standing to one side and they all looked towards Floid once he came out of the town with a reverence that scared him! They looked like they were ready to fall at his feet and praise him!

Floid came to stand in front of the soldiers that were still alive and he saw how they were all glaring up at him. Floid asked which one of them was the commander here and the four others quickly pointed towards the commander! Floid immediately activated [Earth Lance] and four lances shot out from the ground and stabbed into the four people that pointed. The leader shouted in anger at the death of his comrades!

The commander glared up at Floid and there was murder in his eyes! He wanted to kill Floid so badly but he knew that he wouldn\'t even be able to move a muscle before he was dead.

Floid rolled his eyes. Your comrades just sold you out and you are still trying to avenge them? Shouldn\'t you be angry at them instead of me?

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