
Chapter 47 The Beggar

Freya glared at Pricilla as she spoke.

"Just tell me what the fuck you want. I\'m not in the mood for your fucking games. Didn\'t you say that we would never see each other again after I helped you with the hero? You batter have not come to my fucking kingdom to bother me without a good reason you cunt!"

Pricilla clicked her tongue once she heard what Freya said. This could be harder than she thought. She didn\'t care about the swears because she knew that this was Freya\'s real personality, but it turns out that Freya still hated her for what she made her do. Pricilla knew that Freya was the one that was bothered by killing the hero the most. Freya actually loved the hero a long time ago and she would have loved to marry him after they were done with the demon lord. But Pricilla couldn\'t have that happening! She knew that the hero would be a problem if she allowed him to live, so Pricilla found more than enough incriminating evidence on Freya and made her kill the man she loved.

Freya never forgave Pricilla for that and Freya was no longer friendly at all since that day! Freya only had eyes for Floid before, but now she couldn\'t even see people as humans! To her, everyone was scum and trash!

"I\'m not here to hear your bullshit. I came to warn you. Don\'t be careless for the next few years. The hero might have come back -"


Pricilla had to suddenly duck as a paperweight flew through the air and slammed into the wall behind her! Woah! That would have taken her head off! Freya wasn\'t even looking at Pricilla. She was glaring at the floor with shaking fists.

"Get out,"

Freya said this in a low tone and Pricilla tried to talk to her again, but this time, Freya suddenly looked up with insane eyes as she shouted angrily! She looked like she would kill Pricilla if Pricilla even opened her mouth again!

"Get out! Get out! I said get out! You already took everything from me so just go fuck yourself! I don\'t care if you think he came back! You killed him and you made me your fucking accomplice! I don\'t fucking owe you anything anymore! Get out now!!!"

Pricilla grit her teeth angrily and she just turned to leave. It was obvious that Freya wouldn\'t give her any audience at all! Pricilla turned back and spoke just before walking out.

"You can say you love him all you want, but we both know that this bullshit you have for him wasn\'t love at all. You just wanted him to be your fucking pet at the end of the day. Don\'t insult real love by saying what you have is love at all,"

And then Pricilla left.

That was two weeks ago and Freya still gets angry whenever she remembers that stupid visit!

Freya suddenly squeezed her hand around her pen and stabbed it into the table in anger! Fuck! Now her mood is ruined!

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Freya\'s expression suddenly changed to a calm one as she heard someone knocking on the door and she told the person to enter. It was a man that was wearing a knight\'s armor. He bowed to Freya and she told him to tell her what was the problem.

"There is no problem, pristess. But the people have gathered to listen to you once again. They are all waiting to hear your sermon,\'

Fuck! Freya released a loud curse in her mind once she heard this! Those disgusting trash are still coming to listen to me even after all this time!? Don\'t they have anything better to do with their time!? Freya sighed!

Well, I suppose I can graze them with my beauty one more time. The ugly ones gather to gaze upon beauty all the time so I shouldn\'t be surprised. This should be the highlight of their life.

Freya gave the knight a charming smile and told him that she would be right there. She could see how the knight blushed when he saw her smile and she almost puked. How dare this disgusting cur look at me with lust! Does he think he is even worthy to kiss the floor I walk on!?

The knight walked out and Freya sneered as she finally showed her real expression! She was so tired of all these people! From that stupid Priscilla to all the idiots in this kingdom! What sort of person do they think I am!? Am I a robot that will only live to talk to them and give them blessing!? Ugh!

Freya stood up and started to walk out of the room. She breathed out heavily to calm herself down and then she put a textbook smile on her face before she started to walk out of the room to greet the commoners. There were guards on both sides of her corridor when she walked out and she didn\'t even bother to look at them as she walked. They would be happy just to see her side profile so she would only grant them that much.

At the end of the corridor was a balcony that overlooked a large plaza. Down there, there were thousands of people gathered. They were all silent as they waited for the priestess to finally come and see them! Once Freya walked to the balcony, the entire crowd erupted in cheers! Freya gave them a charming smile and waved at them as she died of irritation on the inside! I fucking hate these people!

Freya started to give them a talk and everyone in the crowd immediately shut up as they listened to her eagerly. The entire crowd was mesmerized by her calm and luring charisma and no one even suspected the intense and aggressive thoughts she always had!

,m But there was one person in the crowd that was glaring up at Freya with intensity! The person was wearing a large cloak over her head and she narrowed her eyes at Freya in anger. She only watched the talk for a few moments before she turned and started to walk away. She walked through the street and cut across a few alleyways before she arrived at a marketplace.

Today was a major market day because a lot of people were gathered in one place. The traders would usually bring a lot of their wares to sell them to the people who came to greet the priestess. The woman stalked through the street silently while watching the people moving around the market quickly. She looked down at all of the food on the different stalls and she felt her mouth water. How long has it been since she last ate a good meal? How last has it been since she even ate anything?

She saw a certain trader looking away from his bread stall to greet another woman behind him and she quickly moved towards the stall. She was very fast as she grabbed a loaf of bread from the stall and immediately tried to bolt!


Only for her to suddenly slam against someone that was coming from the other side of the street. The bread in her hand fell out and a loud shout of \'thief!!\' rang it as the vendor saw her! The woman cursed as she immediately ran away from the stalls. Some of the vendors who had nothing better to do tried to run after her but she was too fast and she managed to dodge into a narrow alley to avoid them! She was breathing heavily as she hoped they wouldn\'t see her. She slid down the wall and held her chest as she tried to calm herself down! She would\'ve been exposed if they caught her! She should really be more careful from now on!

"Are you okay?"

The woman suddenly shrieked as another voice spoke in front of her! She scrambled back and then looked up as she saw a boy with black hair and another girl with white hair standing there. The boy was looking down at her with worry in his eyes, but the girl was just frowning as she looked to the side.

"Dray, we shouldn\'t be here. We\'re missing the Priestess\'s speech,"

Willow said this as she looked down at her boyfriend. Dray smiled at her a little and she calmed down immediately as she sighed. Dray was just too kindhearted! Why did he even follow this woman at all!? She was the one that bumped into him and he bought her bread like some sort of saint. He should have just left her to her fate!?

Dray reached into his shirt and pulled out the bread that the woman stole before. He bought it from the vendor before he chased the woman since it was obvious that she was very hungry. He tried to give it to her and she moved further back as she tried her best to avoid him! Dray was a bit shocked that she avoided him like that but he didn\'t let that stop him! He just pushed his hand out to her again with a smile this time and she finally took the bread slowly. She nodded her thanks and watched as Dray walked away with Willow. The two of them were talking as they walked and Willow blushed when Dray whispered something to her. They finally turned the corner and the woman lost sight of them.

The woman looked down at the bread and she rest her back on the wall as she felt tears coming to her eyes. So this is what the former demon queen has been reduced to. A beggar taking charity from humans!

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