
Chapter 135 How To Handle Blood.

After Kronos went through the portal, Rosavellt followed him silently.

Rosavellt has always suspected that Kronos wanted the throne but she was never sure about it until now. His reaction to her statement told her everything she needed to know. She was now sure that Kronos sent her brother and Dulla here so that they could die and he wouldn\'t have any opposition to the throne. But Rosavellt didn\'t care. Rosavellt blamed her brother for his own stupidity and she blamed Dulla for trusting Kronos so much that she never suspected him. If Dulla was a little less hotheaded and more sensible, she would have known that Kronos was playing her like a pawn.

But even though he did all that, Rosavellt knew that Kronos would not be able to take that throne because he is too passive. A ruler is someone willing to stand on the front lines and play the dangerous part of any game for the sake of victory. The former demon lord, Rosavellt\'s father, and the current demon lord all have that same characteristic. They were willing to put their life on the line and fight for the sake of what they wanted.

No demon will follow a leader that hides behind plans and espionage while making other people fight for him. Kronos will not make a good leader because Kronos lacked the charisma of a good leader. Rosavellt was sure that Kronos would never get that throne for as long as he lived.


[New Quest]

[Kill The Lord of Dragons Asgorath]

[The Lord of Dragons, Asgorath, will soon wake up from the seal placed on him by the former demon lord. Kill him and his Dragon Slayer]


[The Host will gain the new Title [Virtue of Humility: Representing Pride]]

[Virtue of Humility - ??]

Floid was still seated inside the throne room when he saw this notification pop up. He hummed in curiosity. Floid has been waiting for the system to give him a new Quest for a while now and he was surprised that the quest wasn\'t regarding Uta. Floid was already making plans on how he would take over Uta and he thought that the system would give him a quest for that, but it didn\'t give him that. Who the hell is Asgorath?

Hold on... Floid tried to remember something that he read a long time ago on the wiki and it took him a few seconds before his eyes widened in shock! Did the system mean the same Asgorath that was seen as a myth in the game!? The dragon that created every other dragon!? Floid read on the wiki that the Lord of Dragons was just a mythological god that many people in Volcanica prayed to. There was an entire cult surrounding it and they even erected altars and built churches to pray to it. The wiki never said that it was a real dragon!

So that means my predecessor sealed it a long time ago. The more I learn about the former demon lord the more I feel like meeting him. It would have been very interesting if someone like that was still alive. I am sure we would not get along, but it would be interesting to talk to him. The former demon lord made a lot of strange choices that Floid would have never made. Floid knew that if he was in his predecessor\'s shoes, he would have wiped out the undead instead of sparing them. Keeping people like that alive would just lead to problems down the line. And now Floid was the one that has to deal with the problems. Floid would definitely not get along with the former demon lord at all, but they would still be good friends.

Now, why did he seal Asgorath? Is it related to the dragon wars that I heard of before? Maybe I should ask Dragonnel? That is the only person around that would know anything about Asgorath.

[Bonus Quest]

[Retrieve the Hero\'s core and use it in finding the location of Givalich]

[The [Hero of Fire] has been summoned by Uta and she will soon begin her crusade. Retrieve the magic core of the hero and use it to track down the location of Givalich using the Hero\'s connection to it]


[The location of Asgorath will be revealed]

Floid saw the bonus Quest and he hummed as he thought about what to do. He was already planning on moving forward with his invasion plan of Uta, but now that this quest was here he might have to change some things. Floid decided that he would first find that hero and get her core before anything else. Uta wasn\'t going anywhere and Floid could easily destroy those idiots whenever he wanted, but the hero would be more difficult to deal with because of her blessing. If the hero becomes strong enough then she can become a serious issue. That blessing of the gods is very deadly to any demon and she can easily kill hundreds of demons if I allow her to move freely within the kingdom.

Floid looked down at the members of his household and he called out for Alucard and Dragonnel. The both of them immediately stepped forward and Floid addressed them.

"How has the search for the hero gone? I told you to find out her identity a long time ago, I\'m sure you must have a lead by now,"

Dragonnel and Alucard both looked at each other for a second. Alucard nodded to Dragonnel and Dragonnel turned and spoke to the demon lord. They both already knew who the hero was, but they were a little hesitant to tell the demon lord. Dragonnel decided that he would be the one to speak about it and Alucard decided to allow him.

"We sent in two bat summons to search inside the kingdom. One of them was killed by a Grand commander before it could get the information we needed, but the other bat summons was able to find out the identity of the hero before it was also killed. Her name is Quinn Demonheart and she was summoned from earth,"

Floid\'s eyes narrowed and he leaned forward curiously. All the maids in the room were surprised by his reaction and they looked toward Alucard for an explanation. But Alucard was silent as he faced Floid and waited for what Floid would say. Floid has only told three people his full name. Alucard, Dragonnel and Rosavellt. None of the other maids knew that Floid\'s full name was Floid Demonheart, so they were curious about why he reacted so strongly.

Floid was confused. Did he hear that correctly? Quinn Demonheart? Floid still remembers that name. Even though Floid was never close to any member of his family members, Floid could never forget about his only sibling. Floid\'s family was irritating to Floid and Floid never bothered to get close to them. Floid forgot everything about his family once he left them but he still remembers Quinn! She was the most entertaining out of all of them!

No matter how much she tried to hide it, Floid could always see the anger she held inside her anytime she looked at him! Floid noticed how much she hated him and he knew that Quinn didn\'t like being in his presence because he made her uncomfortable! Floid knew that Quinn had an inferiority complex and it was always entertaining to watch her expression whenever she loses to anyone! It was only because of this that he didn\'t forget her.

So she was summoned as a hero. His jealous sister was summoned as a hero after Floid became a demon lord. Floid could already tell how Quinn would react when she sees that he was once he hero as well. Quinn would not be happy that Floid was a hero before her and she will probably try her best to surpass him. Typical inferiority complex in action. I wonder what she will say once she realizes that I am a demon lord. I would love to see that reaction.

"What is her route?"

Floid asked Dragonnel where the hero would be going first. Floid needed to get the hero\'s core as soon as possible and to do that he needs to know where she will be. It will be difficult to run after his sister without knowing where she is going.

Dragonnel shook his head. He could not get the hero\'s route because the second summons was killed before it could get that information. The kingdom of Uta is tightly protected now that all the grand commanders were there and the summons was not strong enough to fight off a Grand Commander. After finding out the hero\'s identity, the summons could not do anything more before it was killed!

Floid frowned in annoyance as he began to think. It would be possible to send another summons to find out the route that the hero would take, but the Grand commanders would probably be on the lookout now that they know about the summons. It would be difficult to get another summons into the kingdom without them knowing. The only thing that Floid could do was to send someone to track the hero once she starts her crusade. The system told Floid that Quinn would soon start her crusade and that means she will come out of the kingdom and move around the western side of Aradite to liberate demon towns. I\'ll send some members of the household and they\'ll find out her location.

"Pyra. Andromeda,"

Floid suddenly spoke up and he heard Andromeda squeak in surprise once he said her name! She looked at him in shock before she realized that he was telling her to step forward. She gained a small blush on her face before she slithered forward to stand before him. She was grateful that Rosavellt wasn\'t around to see her reaction.

Pyra simply walked forward and she stood beside Andromeda.

Floid kept his eyes on Andromeda for a moment and he chuckled internally when he saw that she was still nervous around him. When will this girl become used to being around me? I don\'t even know what I\'ve done to make her so nervous. Is it a lamia thing? Maybe...? Floid just laughed a bit before he spoke to them both.

"I\'m sending you on a mission,"

Pyra perked up and Andromeda\'s eyes widened in shock! Pyra was happy because this was the first time that Floid was ever sending her on a mission far from the castle. She had an excited glint in her eyes and Floid could see the determination to prove herself. Andromeda, meanwhile, was a nervous wreck.

Andromeda was used to staying in the castle and she has always worked on only the farms and dungeons. She was basically the chief castle maid. She has never been on a mission outside the castle and even when they were invading Aquinas, she stayed back to protect the castle. This was the first time that she would be leaving the castle in hundreds of years! Andromeda\'s heart rate spiked and Floid could see that she was very nervous.

But Floid needed to send her. Her skills were necessary for this mission and she couldn\'t spend all her life indoors. She was a member of his household as well and it was obvious that she was strong. Floid was going to make sure that every member of his household was the strongest in the world. He would accept nothing less. Andromeda needs to get rid of this shy demeanor of hers and if I have to throw her into the wild to make her lose that shy demeanor, then I will.

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