
Chapter 97 Who Let The Zombies Out 4.0

He Yuan opened his eyes and stared straight ahead. Du Ling\'s death was just too gruesome. Being eaten alive. Just the thought made He Yuan shudder but he was more terrified by the fact that he would\'ve suffered the same fate if not for 888.

He looked over to the system to find he was still unconscious so he looked away. Du Jian was wonderful wasn\'t he? Du Ling was not aware but He Yuan knew that Du Jian found more than just the grenade under the cover in the back seat of the vehicle.

There were guns. Guns that would have been enough for the three of them to escape smoothly but Du Jian didn\'t choose that option because he wanted Du Ling dead. Not just dead but in the most gruesome way possible.

All because of what? Du Ling didn\'t have big dreams like he did? Because Du Ling decided not to attend university? It was ridiculous. Unlike Du Jian, Du Ling wasn\'t book smart and even had to struggle to graduate from highschool!

The man had to face reproach and being compared to his genius brother at every turn but not once did he let the words of people get to him. Even if he was hurt, he never showed it and absolutely did not take it out on Du Jian so what exactly was Du Jian angry at him for?

Lu Ming? It was even more ridiculous that he left his twin brother to die just so he\'d have Lu Ming. He Yuan ran a hand over his face in frustration.

With the current state of the world, people dying was inevitable but the fact that Du Ling did not die because he was unlucky but because he was setup angered He Yuan.

A groan came from the side and He Yuan looked over to see 888 seated against the wall with his hair covering part of his face and a hand over his stomach.

He Yuan rushed over and pushed the silver locks out of the system\'s face. "888, are you alright? How do you feel?"

"Fine," 888 grunted out and tried to sit up straighter. He looked much better but his breathing was a little ragged.

A short while later, the system dematerialized and He Yuan looked alarmed. "888?"

[I\'m right here.]

He Yuan let out a sigh of relief and brought his focus back to the task at hand. First, he needed supplies. With the rate he was consuming the hunger relieving pills, he\'d need real food before he ran out of pills.

He also had no idea where he was so he needed to find a map. The only base location he knew from Du Ling\'s memory happened to be the military base but he had no idea how to get there. If he could find another base altogether that would be even better, he didn\'t want to deal with Du Jian and Lu Ming for now.

Since Du Jian was currently considered the hope of humanity, there would be loads of people at his beck and call, ready to do anything to be in his good graces. He Yuan didn\'t want to be canon fodder.

He Yuan sat cross legged and tried to see if he could cultivate the [Strongest Martial Arts] techniques. It was probably very dark by now so going out of the basement would be a stupid idea.

After some time, He Yuan stopped. It seemed his last task realm had more qi than this realm because no matter how hard he tried, he couldn\'t absorb enough. It was just too thin.

He decided to get some rest and wait for the next day. His mind drifted to earlier, when 888 was clutching at his throat desperately. "888?"


"Do you want to talk about it?"

There was slight hesitation before 888 sighed and said quietly, [No.]

"Okay." He Yuan stared fixedly at the flickering light bulb. "Thank you."

[Don\'t think too much of it. If you had died in the leaser\'s body, I would\'ve died too.]

He Yuan sighed and resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "I\'m not over thinking it. We would\'ve both died but you\'re not the one who would feel the pain of being eaten alive so thank you."

The system was silent after that and He Yuan fell asleep.

The next time He Yuan woke up, he couldn\'t tell if it was still dark or if the skies had brightened so he walked over to the metal basement door and slowly opened the latch.

He stared up the stairs leading to the living room and noticed there was sunlight spilling in through the cracks. He grinned.

Next, He Yuan turned back to the basement and grabbed a few things he saw lying around. A machete, an empty gallon, a hose and of course, the baseball bat.

"888 how do you feel?" He Yuan asked as he ran up the stairs.

[Much better.]

As soon as He Yuan opened the door,

"ARGH!" A zombie. That was the term the survivors had settled on for the infected. This one looked like it was an elderly woman before the infection.

He Yuan quickly let go of everything and swung the machete at the zombie\'s head, completely dislodging it from its neck. He usually respected his elders but he didn\'t think anyone would mind him killing this one.

The rotten head flew across the room and landed on the floor with a thud.

They were two more around the house and He Yuan quickly took care of them. It was a good thing he did not leave the basement last night.

After ransacking the house for a bit, He Yuan found a bag that he filled up with whatever snack he could find around the house and then he went up the stairs to take a quick shower.

Although he would still end up getting dirty later, he wanted to get rid of the smell of rotten flesh and blood that seemed to stick to his skin like glue. Once he finished, he went through the wardrobe for some clothes.

They were a bit faded and a little tight but they were good enough. He grabbed an extra pair, the supplies he had gathered, and then he dashed out of the house. He had to look for a way to get a map.

He Yuan encountered three more zombies outside but he made quick work of them. The zombies in the city were stiff but these ones were even more stiff so the job was easy.

With a quick look around, he found a few cars in the neighbourhood so he went from car to car, sucking out the gasoline with the hose and gallon. He had no idea where the gas station was and he needed fuel for the road.

After that, He Yuan dumped the car he came with and picked an SUV. There was a headless corpse by the door and a car key in the rotting hand of the corpse. He Yuan gagged as he covered his hand with an old cloth and grabbed the key infested with maggots.

Another reason why he needed to get to a base. There were less rotting corpses there. Out here, if he didn\'t die from a zombie attack then he would most likely die from an unknown air borne infection.

There was blood all over the body of the SUV but thankfully, the windows were rolled up so the inside of the car was clean. He rushed to the boot and put the gallon of gas.

"ACK, ACK, ACK!" A child zombie rushed towards He Yuan as he was throwing the bag and baseball bat into the car and his eyes widened.

The zombie looked newly bitten, a seven year old child, a two day old zombie. He Yuan quickly kicked it away and rushed into the car. He had no problems killing fully turned grandma zombies but it would take some mental preparation to harm a zombie that still looked human and a child at that.

888 rolled his eyes. [A zombie is a zombie.]

"I know but not today," He Yuan answered as he started the car and drove off.

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