
Chapter 168 I Became The Top Cultivator With My Harem Of Beauties Beside Me 41

After staring at Xing Mei in shock and repressed anger for a while more, the surrounding cultivators all fled in different directions. Some in search of Mo Jiu and others to report the news to their various sects.

They didn\'t even have time to doubt Xing Mei\'s words because some of them had seen Mu Qingqing down the hole and right now, she held the same proud and gloating look as Xing Mei.

Mu Qingqing spat at He Yuan before leaving and Xing Mei shook her sword at him. "I\'m sure you regret ever going against brother Jiu. Ha!" And then she rushed away to look for Mo Jiu too. She just couldn\'t wait. No one would dare cross her again!

He Yuan let out a breath of relief before coughing up an insane amount of blood. He had been suppressing it because he didn\'t want to appear vulnerable in front of all of them but he had sustained heavy internal injuries.

He wiped his mouth and popped some more revival pills before taking out his lotus artifact and riding away. His job was complete. Now he just had to sort a few things out before leaving.

A short while after He Yuan left, the jade twins regained consciousness one after the other and began stumbling around the surrounding in abject confusion.

Meanwhile on the outskirts of the town next to the Lingyun Canyon;

Mo Jiu slowly peeled his eyes open with a groan. After standing up and taking a quick look around, his face changed. Where was he? Why was he in front of the town gates? Was this some sort of illusion? He was in so much pain that his head was very fuzzy.

Subconsciously, he sealed his lower meridians with his spiritual power to block the pain.

"I found him!" A voice shouted and a crowd of cultivators appeared before Mo Jiu. "Mo Jiu we s-" The female cultivator suddenly paused and so did everyone else as they all exchanged disgusted expressions.

Mo Jiu raised a brow before his brain fully registered the situation he was in. Even if he\'d subconsciously blocked the pain, his outer robes had been soaked through and the outline of his erect manhood was clear for all to see. The musky smell of pre-cum also filled the air.

"WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?!" Mo Jiu screamed with wide eyes before using a cleansing spell on himself and covering his lower half with his hands.

"You better reduce the tone of your voice when talking to us, we\'re not your subordinates!" A cultivator shouted. "Why haven\'t you presented the secret dimension to the Bureau yet? What are you doing playing around?"

Mo Jiu frowned in irritation. What nonsense was this person saying? It suddenly dawned on him that he\'d been trying to absorb the inheritance. His eyebrows shot up in surprise. He had succeeded? Next, he eagerly ran his spiritual energy throughout his body and then his surprise was replaced by a frown once more.

His body was still the same, even worse as his cultivation was a bit unstable. There was no sign of any inheritance so what were these idiots going on about?

A different set of cultivators soon arrived at the spot. An older cultivator took a quick look around and sneered. "What are you all doing watching him in silence? Why hasn\'t the secret dimension been presented yet?"

Mo Jiu glared at the old man. He didn\'t absorb the inheritance so how could he have the secret dimension? How did he even end up out here? Once second he was trying to absorb the inheritance and the next second, he lost consciousness.

His eyes suddenly widened. There had been other people in the sacred room with him. What if they\'d absorbed the inheritance? It could be any one of his lovers or even Mo Sheng! Even if Mo Sheng had lost consciousness first, who is to say he didn\'t wake up first?

He needed to find them. The inheritance was his. How dare they?! He looked to the older cultivator with an irritated sneer. "I have no idea of what you\'re talking about. I did not absorb the inheritance."

The entire place blew up,







The older cultivator was the most furious of them all. The secret dimension had been there for thousands of years, even before he was born! During his time, he had missed the chance to go into the secret dimension because of the age barrier, how could he let this go now?

If this Mo Jiu had planned to present the dimension to the Bureau, then there was no worry. In fact, it would be great because they could all have access to the dimension at any time they wanted and the age limit would no longer exist. But now...

He pointed at Mo Jiu heatedly. "MO JIU! You better think clearly, this isn\'t some divine level cultivation method that you could arbitrarily hide. This belongs to everyone!"

Mo Jiu pointed right back. "Arbitrarily hide?! There is no divine level cultivation manual neither did I absorb the inheritance!"

The older cultivator quickly took out his weapon, ready to teach this youngster a lesson when more cultivators arrived at the scene. They were Ru Lianfeng and his elders, various sect masters, disciples of the various sects, cultivators from the clans, wandering and rogue cultivators and even some members of the Bureau had appeared.

At the forefront of this new set of cultivators was a woman in black robes with a sickly looking woman in pink by her side. They both had tears streaking down their faces.

"MO JIU!" The woman in black screamed and the next thing everyone knew, she flashed and appeared before Mo Jiu.


Mo Jiu was pushed back a few steps and his face turned into one of pure bewilderment. Even the surrounding cultivators were shocked. None of them had made a move because they couldn\'t afford to have Mo Jiu die without looking for a way to detach the secret dimension.

The woman didn\'t care about the looks she was receiving. She only lowered her head as she heaved in anger and heartache. "What did you do to my disciples?" She whispered slowly.

Unlike other cultivators, she hadn\'t been surprised by the fact that Mo Jiu absorbed the inheritance but the fact that Mo Jiu had even entered the secret dimension in the first place!

Her sect was one that had been left behind by her master. Since it had dwindled down to just two people, she vowed to take it to the top once more with her shimei by her side. She managed to take in two disciples twenty five and twenty years ago respectively and everything was going well until her younger disciple and her shimei had been involved in a cultivation accident together ten years ago.

The incident had devastated them all. She and her older disciple had been looking for ways to cure the problem but with no success until they heard news of the secret dimension. She was past the age limit but her older disciple was not.

That being the case, she decided to travel with her two disciples whilst leaving her shimei -who had insisted on staying- behind. Her disciple had performed so well and even she could see the desperation he had put into fighting, all for the sake of her younger disciple, but on the day he was meant to enter the dimension, her shimei had suffered from a qi deviation.

She had no choice but to return with one of the transportation arrays when her disciples had repeatedly assured her that they would be okay. She had planned to save her shimei and return to the Lingyun Canyon together so imagine her shock when the soul fires of both disciples died within the same time frame.

The woman in black pointed the tip of her weapon at Mo Jiu before rushing forwards once more.


Mo Jiu blocked her attack with Huoyan but she didn\'t care.


Mo Jiu was pushed back some more steps but she didn\'t relent. She rushed forward even as she asked, "Where\'s Wang Jun?"


"Where\'s Wang Bao?" She asked again as tears streamed down her cheeks. It was all her fault. If she hadn\'t listened to her shimei back then and disagreed to her shimei\'s wishes of staying behind, she would\'ve somehow been available for both of her disciples. She had failed them.

She and her shimei had gone around every sect that the one hundred disciples were representing and had to give up a lot of treasures in order to confirm their thoughts. Her disciple was the only one that didn\'t make it into the secret dimension. So whichever cultivator that hadn\'t been part of the one hundred winners that had gone into the dimension had to be the one who killed her disciples.

MO JIU! She thought in her mind as,


Mo Jiu landed on the ground. He felt his insides churn. This woman wouldn\'t have been able to get within a feet of him if it was during normal times but his cultivation had become very unstable due to the state of his lower organ. He quickly took out a teleportation talisman and teleported away.

"NO!" Every single cultivator present shouted.

"He\'s escaped with the secret dimension!"

The woman in black stood still with her head lowered. Her disciples weren\'t troublemakers. There was no way they would have crossed someone like Mo Jiu. They weren\'t even very talented. They were both average so they never attracted attention. She had heard that this Mo Jiu had a lot of lovers that got into the secret dimension.

These lovers basically worshiped him. Why didn\'t he take their dimension passes? She was sure they would\'ve given it to him willingly. Why kill her disciples? In fact, why didn\'t he just take the pass and let them live?

The woman in pink walked over to the woman in black and hugged her from behind as she also cried. It was all her fault. If only she hadn\'t insisted on looking after the sect then... "Jiejie..."

Gu Long arrived at the spot and began looking around. It\'s been only a month and yet all the disciples that went into the secret realm had returned. He had heard something about Mo Jiu absorbing the inheritance but that wasn\'t his problem.

Where was Mo Sheng? He was expecting the man to come over to the inn but he didn\'t. He had waited patiently but Mo Sheng didn\'t appear so Gu Long began looking around. When he still couldn\'t find Mo Sheng, he came here instead.

After looking around, Gu Long saw no trace of Mo Sheng and his breath quickened. A lot of disciples\' soul fires had gone out whilst they were in the secret dimension. Mo Sheng didn\'t leave a soul fire behind.

Gu Long felt his knees weaken.

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