
Chapter 87 Evolving The Unique Skill.

<<Analyzing items in space.

Shadow fox --------- [Analyzed]

Magic energy —----- [Analyzed]

Eye of destruction —--- [Fail]. >>

<<Error analyzing item, commercing other solutions to complete task…. Confirmed.

Activating the Skill Evolve to increase chances of analyzing the unique skill Analysis (Great Sage)...... [Failed]


<< Warning, item is feasting away magic essence in the arsenal… solution must be met.

Accumulate magic flow in the body to amplify resilience in performing analysis…. [FAILED]


Evolving unique skill Analysis has a 98% chance of analyzing the cursed item in adrenal.

Requesting access to evolve...

[Evolve ] ...…. [Unique skill Analysis ]


Requesting access to evolve…..


Offering up the Skill Revive [Taking a huge percentage of magic essence] to increase chances of analysis evolving….


The unique skill Analysis (Great sage) has evolved into the Ultimate skill Aril (Angel of knowledge)


<< The eye of destruction can lead to internal injuries if left alone… absorbing magic from the eye of destruction… completed>>.


Sato immediately woke up from his sleep and sat upright while touching his body around.

With a sigh, Sato calmed down, "I\'m alive, damn, I never want to fight a battle like that again." He muttered to himself.

<<Good morning master>>

\'Oh, morning Helix… hold on, did you just call me master?\' Sato asked, surprised by the fact that Helix referred to him as master.

<<Don\'t ask so surprised, master sounded more definitive considering our relationship>>

Sato paused for a while before jumping up from the bed while he yelled, "Who are you and what have you done to my system?!".

<<Master, has anyone ever told you, you are sometimes brusque and insensitive>>

"Either I\'m losing my mind or you\'ve changed… like a lot." Sato muttered before sitting on the couch next to him.

<<As a matter of fact, I did, I evolved into the ultimate angel skill, Aril and so I do not think calling me Helix would be appropriate>>

"Isn\'t it Ariel? I\'m sure I\'ve heard it before…"

<<No, it\'s Aril>> …..

<<I should inform you that approximately every 5 years, your body needs to undergo magic purification to stop the eye from losing control>>

\'Magic purification?\'

<<Sigh… Magic purification is when I, your faithful skill cleanses the eye by soaking up its Mana so it can no longer function>>

Sato stood up from the chair and looked around, the huge painting on the wall with Vlad\'s family on it was the first to catch his attention.

"Helix? Did I… k…"

<<The Lord of Vampires still lives, although he is blind, he\'s still healthy and well.>>

"Ahhh, good." Sato gave out a relieving sigh as he walked over to the bed and sat back down.

\'That is one event taken care of, I\'ve destroyed the eye of destruction already, the next one might not be that straightforward…\'.

While Sato was in resounding thought with himself, the door to the room suddenly opened with Erza and two vampire maids standing behind her.

"Oh great you\'re awake," Erza voiced out as she walked into the room, "You were out so long I thought you might sleep the whole week away".

"Week? How long have I been asleep?" Sato asked while he watched Erza take her seat on the couch with the maids standing at the entrance.

"Almost a week now." Erza replied.

Sato froze up in shock, \'What the hell? Why didn\'t you tell me this?!\' He shouted.


\'Why you little!\'

"Are you okay?" Erza asked, she noticed he had been quiet for quite some time and his fist was clenched like he was about to punch someone.

"No, I\'m fine." Sato asserted, "Although I have a couple of questions, this is the mansion right? What happened to the people, your people? Your dad, is he okay? What about the council members, did they escape?".

Erza sighed before crossing her legs, "Yes, what did you expect to happen? He is doing perfectly fine, they are locked in the lats till dad decides to sentence them".

With no mistake, Erza answered every single one of his questions with ease. Sato himself wasn\'t anticipating an answer like that.

"I see, what about my people?" He raised another question, "I\'d like to know if they left or not".

"They decided to stay till you wake up, so they are in the mansion right now," Erza replied instantly.

"Awesome, I would very much like to meet them as soon as possible." Sato voiced before standing up from the bed.

At that exact moment, the two maids left the room and shut the door without uttering a single word.

"Ehh?" Sato mumbled.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Erza spoke, standing from the couch and slowly walking toward Sato.

She placed her hands on his cheek while searching his eyes with a smile, "Do you remember what you promised me?" Erza asked.

"No, I-I don\'t think I do." Sato replied with an anxious laugh.

<<I believe it had something to do with getting engaged>>

"Shut up!"

Sato unintentionally yelled out loud, as soon as he noticed, he peeked straight at Erza with a weird chuckle.

Erza was quiet for a while, all of a sudden, she pouted her face and began to pull Sato by the ear.

She captained toward the door, dragging Sato by the ear but before she could get to the door, it sprung open.

Divanchi and Deka walked into the room and they were immediately dumbfounded when they saw Sato being hauled by the ear.

"Master?" Divanchi muttered.

"Damn you, what are you doing to him?!" Deka yelled, immediately calling for his scythe before taking a defensive stance.

"Out of my way," Erza voiced out, with lightning sparks around her fist.

Deka didn\'t move though, he stood his ground with no sign of fear coming from him.

"It\'s cool, Deka, Erza, same goes for you." Sato stood straight after pulling his ear away from Erza\'s grasp.

"Are you alright Lord Sato, be careful, I heard female vampires have the ability to enchant men," Deka warned with his eyes still focused on Sato

"You sure have a wild imagination." Sato said before using his hand to rub Erza\'s hair, "Look at her, she\'s no threat to no man".

"Then marry me…"

Sato halted, gradually removing his hand from her head, but Erza grabbed it back and placed it on her head.

​ "I don\'t want to believe the Lord of Elves is the kind of man to break the promise he made to a woman… after spending the night." Erza asserted, staring Sato in the eyes intensely with her cheeks beet red from the embarrassment she was feeling.

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