
Chapter 206 Terence, The King Of Warthniq II

Terence\'s grip on Eri\'s neck tightened as she gasped for air, her eyes pleading for mercy. But his attention was drawn to the enraged Shinya, who had burst into the room with a fierce determination.

"Let her go…right now!" Shinya commanded, his voice laced with fury.

Terence paused, his head still pressed against Eri\'s face, and slowly turned to face Shinya. His eyes narrowed in a cold, calculating stare.

"Just what in the hell do you think you\'re doing to her?!" Shinya yelled, his focus shifting from Eri, who lay injured on the ground, to the menacing figure looming over her.

Terence\'s lips curled into a cruel smile. "As expected, the hero arrives," He spat. "I had to get you out here somehow, looks like it worked".

Shinya\'s fists clenched at his sides as he glared at Terence, his anger boiling over. "If you wanted me so badly, you could have just called…" He growled.

Terence stood to his feet, his words seeping with a sense of contempt. "And where\'s the fun in that?" He muttered, leaving Eri to lay damaged on the ground. With deliberate steps, he made his way back to his throne, his hand resting under his jaw as he contemplated the situation.

Shinya called out, his voice laced with concern. "Oi! Eri, are you alright?" He took slow steps towards her, but before he could reach her, he stumbled and fell, his face contorted in pain.

A slight groan escaped his lips as he looked down at his bandaged midsection. The cloth was slowly unwinding, revealing his wounds. Despite the pain, he managed to speak. "Eri!" He called out, struggling to stand back to his feet.

"I\'m…fine." Eri managed to blurt out, lifting herself up from the ground a little before she looked at Shinya, "You shouldn\'t be walking around." She voiced.

"Shut up and heal yourself!" Shinya yelled.

Terence glanced in his direction, taking note of the actions. "It\'s almost sad how pathetic you two are." He sighed, his voice tinged with an almost mocking tone.

Shinya struggled to his feet, his face twisted in agony. "Right now… I really hate you to the core!" He replied, his tone filled with frustration.

Terence\'s lips curled into a smirk. "Must I remind you who you\'re speaking to? Hero you forget, I am still your king." He said, relishing in Shinya\'s suffering.

Eri, who had been lying motionless on the ground, suddenly stirred. She groaned as she tried to sit up, her body battered and bruised. "I\'m sorry my king, he didn\'t mean that." She muttered, her voice weak.

Shinya\'s eyes blazed with fury, his teeth gritted as he glared at Terence. "Like hell I didn\'t!" He yelled, his tone filled with anger.

With a swift motion, his angel sword appeared in his hand, imbuing him with temporary strength. He rose to his knees, the sword held firmly in an attacking position as he fixed Terence with a deadly stare.

"I don\'t care if you\'re a king or emperor," he hissed, his voice cold as ice. "Touch anyone I care about again, and I swear I\'ll kill you".

Terence merely chuckled, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Is that a threat?" He said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "You\'re a bold one, I\'ll give you that".

Shinya\'s grip on the sword tightened, his knuckles turning white. "I meant every word," he said, his tone unwavering.

Eri, who had been struggling to her feet, suddenly spoke up. "Shinya, don\'t," she said, her voice filled with concern. "It\'s not worth it".

Shinya shook his head, his eyes never leaving Terence. "It\'s worth everything," he replied, his voice low and dangerous.

Terence leaned back on his throne, his eyes fixed on Shinya. "You\'re a fool if you think you can take me down," He said, his voice laced with arrogance. "Looks like I have to remind you why I was given the title Emperor God."

With a snap of his fingers, the once dimly lit throne room was bathed in a bright green glow as multiple flames materialized around the room, all aimed at Shinya.

Shinya gritted his teeth, knowing full well that in his injured state, he couldn\'t withstand those attacks head-on. His eyes flickered around the room, searching for an escape route, but he knew that he was trapped.

"What is it you want?" he muttered through clenched teeth, slowly lowering his sword. "I\'ll listen, but first, stop this game you\'re playing, it\'s pissing me off".

A smirk played on Terence\'s lips as he uttered, "Very good, glad to see you\'re back to your senses." He snapped his fingers, and the flames immediately dispersed.

Shinya breathed a sigh of relief, his muscles relaxing as he slumped to the ground. "What do you want?" He asked, his voice low and wary.

Terence leaned forward, his eyes glittering with malice. "Simple, really. What I want to know is how on earth you lost against a group of mere elves... Do you comprehend the depth of disgrace in that?" He asserted, his face twisted with disgust.

Shinya remained silent for a moment, his gaze averted as he pondered his response. "We underestimated them greatly... They were not just ordinary elves," he finally replied, his voice filled with a mix of regret and realization.

He continued, his words flowing as Terence listened intently. "They had powerful creatures on their side, born from the very essence of the earth itself... And then, there was her." Shinya\'s voice trailed off, the memories flooding back vividly.

"She was unlike any opponent I had ever faced before," he continued, his tone filled with a mix of awe and trepidation. "Black hair, piercing red eyes, and elf-like ears... She possessed a presence and strength that surpassed anything I had encountered."

Terence leaned back in his throne, a smirk tugging at his lips. "Interesting," he mused, his eyes gleaming with curiosity. "Tell me more about this remarkable elf. What made her so formidable?"

"The witch of destruction." Eri chimmed in, trying her best to assist Shinya.

Shinya took a deep breath, steadying himself as he delved deeper into his recollection. "Her agility was unparalleled. She moved with grace and precision, striking with a speed that was almost impossible to anticipate or evade," he described, his voice tinged with admiration.

"But that\'s not even the scary part…," he continued, his words gaining intensity."When another of her comrades came… it was clear, these people…are not people we can toy with …they are extremely powerful".

Terence\'s eyes widened, a flicker of intrigue crossing his features. "Fascinating," he murmured, his mind already forming plans and strategies. "This elf... she could be a valuable asset."

Shinya\'s eyes hardened, his gaze meeting Terence\'s with determination. "Impossible, she\'s highly devoted to her master.," he declared firmly. 

Terence chuckled, his amusement evident. "So devoted that she would refuse me? The king of three large kingdoms?," He asked, his voice laced with anticipation. "What master does she serve anyway?".

"Ever heard of the Lord of elves?".


With a sense of relief washing over them, Eri and Shinya stood at the entrance of the throne room as the heavy doors closed behind them. Despite the bruises that adorned her body, Eri found solace in the fact that they had escaped the clutches of Terence\'s domain.

Shinya leaned on her for support, his arm resting gently around her shoulder. They shared a momentary glance, their eyes reflecting the shared weariness and determination they carried.

"Let\'s go," Eri said softly, her voice filled with a mix of exhaustion and resolve. She led Shinya down the dimly lit hallway, guiding him towards a place where he could finally rest and recover.

As they walked, the sound of their footsteps echoed through the corridor, the rhythmic pattern providing a soothing cadence to their weary souls. Eri couldn\'t contain the thoughts that swirled in her mind, and she decided to voice them aloud.

"Shinya," she called out, her voice gentle yet laced with curiosity. "That was the first time I\'ve seen you so invested in someone other than yourself... to the point that it even seemed to irritate the king and prompt him to dismiss us."

Shinya\'s steps faltered slightly, his gaze turning inward as he considered her words. A hint of a smile played at the corners of his lips, a mix of fondness and reflection. 

"You\'re right," He admitted, his voice carrying a touch of introspection. "It\'s not often that I find someone who captures my admiration and respect so profoundly. And I still feel sick after saying those words…".

Eri couldn\'t help but giggle at Shinya\'s response. "Well, that\'s a relief," she chimed in, her voice filled with warmth and amusement.

However, Shinya\'s expression turned serious as he interjected, his tone tinged with a hint of concern. "But I wasn\'t exaggerating," he continued, his voice steady. "Those monsters in the forest, they possess an unimaginable power. It\'s no laughing matter."

His gaze hardened, his eyes reflecting the weight of his words. "And there\'s only one person I can trace it back to... Sato Inugami. That guy is starting to send shivers down my spine."

Eri\'s laughter subsided, replaced by a contemplative expression. She knew firsthand the dangers they had faced, the relentless battles against formidable adversaries. The mention of Sato Inugami only added another layer of uncertainty to their already perilous journey.

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