
Chapter 215 Welcome The Goddess Allicance.

Sato landed gracefully, his feet touching the ground with a gentle elegance, holding the goddess of Trinity, Nima, in his arms. Nima possessed flowing pink hair that cascaded down to her shoulders, complementing her ethereal beauty and delicate figure. With utmost care, Sato gently placed her on the floor, his eyes filled with a hint of weariness.

As he exhaled a sigh, his gaze shifted upwards, catching sight of Afrina waving at him from a distance. Resolute determination filled Sato\'s expression as he spoke, his voice carrying a hint of command.

"Once she wakes, you know what to do," Sato instructed, his back turned to Afrina as he swiftly soared into the sky to retrieve the last remaining goddess.

Afrina, wearing a smile on her face, approached the spot where Nima lay and leaned in, delicately using her fingers to gently poke Nima\'s cheeks. With a teasing tone in her voice, she urged the unconscious goddess to awaken.

"Hey! Wake up already," Afrina playfully chided, her fingers continuing to prod the cheeks of the dormant goddess.

She persisted, her voice filled with anticipation, "Come on, wake up already... Nimaaaa~."

Nima\'s eyes sprang open in an instant, and she swiftly sat upright on the ground, emitting a heavy sigh. Her hand instinctively covered the side of her face as confusion clouded her expression. "W-What happened?" she stammered, her voice trembling.

"Relax, the Successor has merely broken the seal," Afrina replied nonchalantly, taking a seat on the ground while absentmindedly playing with her fingers.

"The seal... was broken?" Nima murmured, extending her hands before her, examining her palms intently. "I suppose... you\'re right."

"Of course I am," Afrina retorted with an air of self-assuredness. "When have I ever been wrong?"

A hushed silence enveloped the surroundings, only to be abruptly shattered by Nima\'s exclamation. She seized Afrina\'s arm, pulling her closer, her eyes gleaming with urgency. "Did you just mention the Successor?".

With a mischievous grin, Afrina playfully replied, "Oh, you caught that, did you? Yes, indeed, my dear Nima. The Successor is here, and he\'s the one responsible for freeing us from our prolonged slumber".

Nima\'s eyes widened in astonishment as she tightly held onto Afrina\'s arm, their faces in close proximity. The urgency in her voice was palpable as she sought confirmation, "Are you absolutely certain? The Successor, here?".

Afrina nodded, her expression now serious, "I swear upon my divine power, Nima. The Successor has awakened and stands with us. His strength is undeniable, and his purpose is to restore balance and protect our realm, just like he wanted all those years ago".

Nima\'s grip on Afrina loosened, but her eyes continued to shine with a mix of awe and excitement. "Finally, it wasn\'t in vain, all the deaths." She whispered, her voice filled with anticipation. "We must find him. We must pledge our allegiance to the Successor again and fulfill our duties as his servants".

Afrina smirked, her playful demeanor returning. "Well, you\'re in luck. The Successor is already on his way here. So get ready, Nima, for a new chapter awaits us".

As Nima absorbed Afrina\'s words, a determined fire ignited within her. She released Afrina\'s arm and rose to her feet, a newfound sense of purpose radiating from her. "I shall be ready," she declared, her voice steady and resolute. "The Successor shall have my unwavering loyalty and support."

Suddenly a voice came from behind, "What is it about the Successor?".

Nima immediately turned back to see Satoz descending from the sky with the goddess of immortality Fridina in his arms.

His legs touched down on the ground and gently placed her back on the soft grass before he turned his attention to Nima who still had a shocked expression on her face.

Suddenly, a voice resonated from behind, causing Nima to swiftly turn around. Sato descended gracefully from the sky, cradling the goddess of immortality, Fridina, in his arms. 

His feet gently met the ground, and he carefully placed Fridina on the soft grass before directing his attention towards Nima, who remained stunned by the unfolding events.

Without a moment\'s hesitation, Nima shifted her gaze towards Afrina, her fingers pointing at Sato as she posed her question with a deadpan expression, "Is this one of the Successor\'s servants?"

Though Sato\'s eyes twitched ever so slightly, he refrained from uttering a word, allowing Afrina to respond on his behalf.

"He is the Successor," Afrina replied wearily, emitting a sigh as she did so.

Nima\'s eyes shifted back to Sato, her face still displaying the same deadpan expression. "Is this some kind of joke? The Successor does not resemble him in the slightest."

"Very well, I\'ll prove it to you," Sato declared, his voice filled with determination as he approached Nima.

A mischievous smirk formed on Nima\'s face, and she clenched her fist, enveloping it in dark flames, eagerly anticipating the moment she could strike Sato. However, her excitement was abruptly halted as Afrina swiftly grabbed her from behind, restraining her tightly to prevent any movement.

"What are you doing, Afrina? Let me go!" Nima protested, her voice filled with frustration as she struggled against Afrina\'s hold.

"Stay still, it\'s for your own good," Afrina insisted, the strain evident in her tone as she maintained her grip.

"Sorry about this." Sato said, unfazed by the commotion, calmly approached Nima and gently placed his hand on her forehead. Instantly, a soothing wave washed over her, and her struggles ceased as Sato\'s memories as the Successor began to transfer into her mind.

Tears welled up in Nima\'s eyes, glistening with a mix of relief and overwhelming emotions. "You\'ve truly returned," she whispered, her voice filled with a blend of joy and sorrow, as the tears continued to stream down her cheeks.

With two of the goddesses now standing unwaveringly by his side, their ethereal presence emanating an otherworldly aura, Sato\'s triumph was mirrored in the fate that awaited Fridina, the third and final goddess. Just as her divine counterparts, she succumbed to the irresistible allure of Sato\'s charm and conviction.

Emerging from the sacred cave, Sato led the three goddesses into the heart of the village, where an air of cautious anticipation hung heavy in the atmosphere. The villagers, initially wary of these celestial beings, watched with guarded eyes as the group approached. However, any lingering doubts were swiftly dispelled as Sato stepped forward, his voice resonating with unwavering confidence and authority.

In his eloquent and heartfelt words, Sato unveiled the true identities of the goddesses, illuminating their significance and purpose within the fabric of their community. His magnetic charisma and genuine empathy bridged the gap between the familiar and the unknown, weaving a tapestry of understanding and admiration. The villagers, overcome by a newfound appreciation for these extraordinary beings, erupted into a chorus of cheers and applause, their initial wariness transformed into unbridled enthusiasm.

Having entrusted the care of the three goddesses to Divanchi and Yuri, Sato sought respite within the sanctuary of his office, a place where weariness and triumph intermingled. The door swung open, creaking in unison with his exhaustion, and Sato entered the space that had become both a refuge and a battlefield of his dreams. His weary legs faltered beneath him, sending him crashing to the ground, his back meeting the cold, unforgiving surface.

Lying prone on the floor, Sato\'s gaze fixated upon the exquisitely adorned ceiling. Intricate patterns and celestial motifs sprawled across the expanse, an artistic testament to the grandeur of the world beyond.

In this moment of vulnerability, with the weight of his accomplishments pressing upon him like an unyielding burden, Sato\'s chest rose and fell with each labored breath. The culmination of his arduous journey, the magnitude of his task, now bore down upon him with relentless force.

<<You seem tired, you should get some rest, you still have to meet up with the former Demon lord Jira to signed the treaty>> 

\'Yeah, you\'re right.\' Sato sighed, \'Any words from the clone?\'.

<<Not a word, but it\'s still absorbing a massive amount of magic from your body and that shouldn\'t be so>> 

\'Well, I don\'t mind it, as long as they get the work done, it\'s fine.\' Sato responded, his voice slowly losing its volume.

<<Oh and also, to improve our military power, I suggest we allow the goddess to go back to their people and inform them about their arrival>>

\'Yeah sure.\' 

Sato\'s eyes closed, seeking refuge in the tranquility of the stillness that settled around him. The ceiling, a silent witness to his struggles and victories, whispered secrets of ancient wisdom and celestial mysteries.

In this quiet interlude, Sato surrendered himself to the temporary respite, allowing the weight of the world to momentarily lift from his weary shoulders. 

He found solace in the ornate tapestry above, its intricate details inviting contemplation and reflection. The path he had chosen, the sacrifices he had made, were etched indelibly upon his heart. 

And as his tired body merged with the cool surface beneath him, Sato surrendered to the gentle pull of rest, knowing that the journey, although arduous, was far from over.

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