
Chapter 232 Meet with Jira shall we?

Chapter 232  Meet with Jira shall we?

Divanchi, glanced over at her master and inquired with a hint of concern in her voice, "Master, do you not think it would be prudent to stop by the village and assess the progress of the construction?"

Sato, a wise and experienced figure, leaned back in his seat and gave a reassuring smile. "Nah, I am confident that they are making good progress. Besides, if any issues had arisen, I would have been informed by now," he replied, his words laced with a calm assurance.

However, deep within his mind, a lingering unease persisted. \'Aril has been oddly silent for some time now... It\'s starting to trouble me,\' he pondered silently, his eyes focused on the ever-changing scenery outside.

Yuri, the perceptive and observant member of the group, voiced her thoughts as she caught sight of the colossal gate of Fiona, the grand city standing before them. "It seems we have arrived already," she remarked, her voice tinged with surprise. "The journey was much shorter than anticipated."

"The shorter the journey, the better," Sato responded, his tone filled with a sense of efficiency and purpose. As the carriage neared the impressive gate, he directed his attention towards the forthcoming city, brimming with anticipation for the adventures and challenges that lay ahead.


Seated within the confines of his chamber, Jira\'s eyes darted restlessly out of the window, his troubled mind consumed by the haunting words of Valamos. Gripping a bottle of alcohol tightly in his hands, he brought it to his lips and took another swig, the bitter liquid leaving a fiery trail down his throat. Painful words spilled forth from his lips, fueled by anger and resentment.

"Damn you, Sato... This is all your fault," he uttered bitterly, his voice laced with venomous disdain. He raised the bottle once more, seeking solace in its numbing embrace. "My kingdom, my title, my assistant... You have taken everything from me. I swear, I will not find peace until you draw your last breath."

Abruptly, his vengeful words were interrupted by a knock at the door, followed by the entrance of Catherine, Valamos\' attendant. Unperturbed by the scene before her, she spoke with an air of detachment, delivering her message succinctly.

"Lord Valamos requests your presence in the throne room," she announced, her gaze shifting past Jira\'s disheveled state. Without waiting for a response, she turned and departed from the room, leaving Jira to wrestle with his turbulent emotions.

Consumed by anger, Jira let out a furious yell as soon as Catherine departed, the echoes of his frustration reverberating through the chamber. Without a moment\'s hesitation, he hurled the bottle against the wall, its fragile form shattering into countless sharp fragments.

After collecting himself, albeit haphazardly, Jira made his way towards the throne room, paying no heed to his disheveled appearance. The weight of resentment and defiance hung heavy in his heart as he pushed open the grand doors, revealing Valamos seated upon the regal throne, a self-satisfied smile playing upon his lips. Jira\'s eyes narrowed, his voice dripping with a mixture of bitterness and defiance.

"Oh, Jira, welcome," Valamos greeted mockingly, his voice tinged with amusement. "For a moment, I feared you had chosen not to honor my summons."

"What do you want?" Jira demanded, his voice heavy with a simmering anger. His gaze fell upon the very seat that Valamos occupied, his voice tinged with accusation. "And what gives you the audacity to sit upon my throne?".

Valamos chuckled heartily, rising from the ornate seat. "No need to be so defensive, my dear Jira. Once the ceremony of Pirinity takes place, you shall no longer hold the title of king. It would be wise for you to relinquish any attachment to this throne," he remarked condescendingly, his words dripping with a mixture of superiority and disdain".

Jira\'s eyes burned with a mixture of anger and indignation as he confronted Valamos, his voice filled with a furious intensity. "Did you summon me here just to mock me?" he seethed, his stare piercing through Valamos like a sharpened blade.

Valamos, however, seemed unfazed by Jira\'s anger, a smirk playing upon his lips. He began to walk away, his voice trailing behind him in a mocking tone. "Oh no, my dear Jira. I wouldn\'t stoop so low as to engage in such cruelty," he replied, his words dripping with a twisted sense of amusement. "There\'s someone waiting to see you. As I am not yet the king, I thought it would be fitting for you to handle the matter. Farewell for now~"

Jira\'s teeth clenched tightly as his gaze fixated on the door. "Who in the depths of hell wants to see me?" he muttered under his breath, his frustration palpable in his voice.

Before he could finish his sentence, the grand doors swung open, revealing the imposing figure of Sato, accompanied by Yuri and Divanchi. The trio entered the room with an air of authority, their presence commanding attention. Sato\'s voice resonated with firm resolve as he addressed Jira, his tone unwavering.

"Apologies for the intrusion, but you and I have unfinished business to settle," Sato declared, his posture exuding strength and determination. He could discern the unmistakable fear flickering in Jira\'s eyes, a realization that did not escape his perceptive gaze.

Jira\'s voice trembled with disbelief as he stumbled backward, his body collapsing to the ground. "Y...y...y...you!" he stammered, his eyes wide with shock. "What are you doing here?"

Sato, his countenance unwavering and impassive, closed the distance between them with deliberate steps. He leaned forward, his posture imposing, and locked eyes with Jira. The intensity of his gaze sent shivers down Jira\'s spine, evoking a sense of unease.

"Come now, don\'t tell me you\'ve forgotten our little arrangement so easily," Sato said, his voice carrying a chilling undertone. His hand, ever so slightly raised, seemed to convey a silent threat. "Or should I remind you?"

The weight of Sato\'s words hung heavily in the air, their implications piercing through Jira\'s fragile composure. The memory of their previous dealings resurfaced, forcing Jira to confront the consequences of his past actions. Fear crept into his eyes, as if he of their previous dealings resurfaced, forcing Jira to confront the consequences of his past actions. Fear crept into his eyes, as if he were staring into the abyss of his own undoing.

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