
Chapter 39 - NEW ARRIVAL

EDMUND glanced at the still sleeping general. This was probably the first time he\'d seen the other with such a peaceful expression on his face. Because he was sleeping, the aggressive aura he usually gave off was nowhere to be found. Which fully brought out his overly handsome features. If other people saw the general like this, they wouldn\'t feel fear like they usually would. Instead, Edmund was sure that they would feel nothing but admiration.

But he couldn\'t feel any of that. Instead, all he could feel now was worry. 

They were now inside one of the guest rooms in this house. It was probably more than two hours since the general had fallen asleep. Now, that Edmund had calmed down, he still couldn\'t think that there must be a problem. But he didn\'t know what that could problem be. No matter how many times he thought about it, there\'s really nothing that could have caused this.

He did think at first that it was the food. But just like what that kid named Reas said, if it was the food, whatever drug that was put there should have worked the moment the general ingested it. But the fact that he didn\'t fall asleep hours after meant that it was not the food. 

The next possibility was that it was something that was spread in the air. But he also quickly scrapped that idea. Because if it was really that, then he also should have fallen asleep. After all, he was only a few steps away from the general at that time.

The last possibility, which was also the most absurd, was that someone here had an awakened ability that could make others lost consciousness and force then to fall asleep. The reason why it was absurd was because a person who manifested abilities was very rare. It was so rare that in all of Edmunds 29 years of existence he had only seen one – the general himself. 

The possibility of seeing one here was even lower. Edmund could might as well wiped that thought. If that was so, then there was only one remaining possibility. 

That the general really did fell asleep without any outside influence.

Edmund scratched his bald head. His brain was already hurting from all the thinking. Something like this was really not for him. 

As he was thinking, his Terminal rang. He answered it and on the screen appeared the serious face of the lieutenant. Edmund suddenly felt nervous. The lieutenant surely wouldn\'t blame him for this, right?

"Lieutenant," he greeted.

"Hildred is still not there?" Leland asked.

"No, Lieutenant."

A dissatisfied expression appeared on Leland\'s face. Based on his calculation, Hildred should have already arrived at Delryria by now. But why wasn\'t he still there? Did that guy go on a stroll or something? Knowing Hildred, that was something he certainly would do. He sighed. Seriously, each and every one of these guys were problematic. 

"He hasn\'t called you?" he asked in which Edmund just shook his head. And once again, he sighed. "How about His Highness?"

Edmund paused before answering. "The General is asleep."

When Leland heard that, he almost thought that he heard it wrong. "He\'s what?"

"Asleep," Edmund repeated again.

Hearing the same answer, Leland was finally convinced that he truly heard it right. And now that he looked at the background behind Edmund, it was obvious that he was in a room. Probably one of the rooms in the house of the family the two were imposing themselves on.

"Was it a normal sleep?"

Edmund swallowed his saliva. He really didn\'t know how to answer this. Then he suddenly remembered the crying expression of Astrid. That heartbreaking expression on his face. And that fear that emanated from him. He could feel that he truly believed that the general would kill their family if he as so much think that they had something to do on why he suddenly fell asleep.

If he told the lieutenant that it\'s not, then he would surely do a thorough investigation that might destroy the peaceful lives of these people. Could Edmund really do that? Especially when this family most likely had nothing to do with it. 

Making up his mind, he said, "It\'s… normal."

But even though he didn\'t say the full circumstance on how the general had fallen asleep, the way he answered Leland was really not convincing. So, the other narrowed his eyes at him, scrutinizing his every expression. Which only made him more nervous.

"We\'ll talk about this once you all got back here in Beowulf," Leland only said at the end. "Guard His Highness thoroughly until Hildred arrives there."

"Yes, Lieutenant!"

Edmund only managed to let out a sigh of relief when the call ended.


Another person who was having a conversation over the Terminal was Emmy. She was outside. Just to make sure that the bald captain wouldn\'t hear the conversation. After all, a person working under the prince couldn\'t possibly have a physique level lower than S. 

"Wife, the sun had already set. Are you not planning to let me go home?" Gage asked from over the screen. "Your husband is already hungry from working on the farm all day."

"I\'m sorry, husband. Just wait a bit more," Emmy said, consoling her husband.

"Then could you at least tell me why I can\'t go home?"

"I\'ll tell you later."

Gage then started to act sad. "You\'ve changed, wife. You\'re now hiding something from me."

Emmy looked at this husband of hers who\'s now acting like an abandoned puppy. And then she remembered the great \'acting\' that Astrid had shown earlier. Maybe he actually got that talent from his father.

She ignored his sulking and said instead, "You could go and have dinner at the Smiths. I\'m sure they would be more than glad to let you eat at their table."

Then before Gage could say anything, she already ended the call.

She was about to walk back to the house when she saw a light suddenly shone down on their yard. Confused, she looked up and actually saw a flying shuttle hovering over. She hadn\'t processed it all yet when a figure suddenly jumped down from the said shuttle. They landed perfectly on the yard. 

Emmy stared at this figure and saw that it was a man. He had flaxen blond hair and a pair of amber colored eyes. From the light, she could see the freckles dusting the bridge of his nose. He had a babyface. But Emmy would never think that he was the same age as her sons. Mostly because of the white military uniform he was wearing. 

"Good evening, Madam," the man greeted and smiled very warmly. 

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