
Chapter 415 The battle of the Royal Palace part 15

Axel nodded and as he felt perfectly fine, he disappeared to join Kevin, and as for Mykael, he sent a message to Malo to warn him not to drag out these fights too long, because what had happened to Axel had really scared him, and he would only feel better when he could watch over him himself.

Tarik, Lanis, Glen and Isaac then joined him and they didn’t have to ask any questions to make Mykael guess what they wanted to know, so he told them : “Something happened to Axel when he came in contact with the power of my sword… It’s as if something was unlocked inside him and he had access to a huge power.”

He then added with a sidelong glance : “Elias and Miguel have already ordered the Warrior Spirits who are not in charge of protecting the humans of this world tonight to look for answers… The key to what is happening to Axel must be in his tattoos.”

Tarik then said to him : “This power… How does Axel manage to support such a power with the level he has…”

But then Lanis said to Mykael cutting off Tarik’s curiosity : “You can go and join him, we will protect those who are here for you.”

And Glen added : “Mykael, don’t worry too much, I’m sure Elias and Miguel will find a way to help Axel control this power.”

Mykael smiled then and said accepting their proposal : “Thank you guys.”

And he disappeared immediately after, to go and watch over his son and this mysterious source of power which seemed to want to take possession of his body.

Tarik then looked at Lanis with an annoyed look and Lanis said to him : “Damn it Tarik, frankly, you are really lacking in tact ! Didn’t you notice that Mykael was already freaking out about his son, how could you say that ?”

Tarik then shrugged his shoulders and said to him : “I only told the truth, Axel’s body should not be able to withstand black flames, let alone be able to use such a power.”

When he saw the reproving look on Lanis, Glen and Isaac’s faces he then said to them to appease them : “Okay, okay, I got it, next time I’ll just shut up, is that okay ?”

Lanis then muttered in a barely audible voice : “As if you could.”

And Tarik immediately said to him : “I heard that…”

And as he was about to order them to disperse because he was their team leader, Isaac then said to him with a frown : “There’s something wrong with Jordan…”

Tarik also frowned and asked him : “Wasn’t he resting in your room ?”

He thought so too and suddenly Miguel appeared in front of them and put a hand on Isaac’s shoulder before saying to the others : “Sorry, this is an emergency.”

Then he disappeared with Isaac as suddenly as he had appeared and Tarik then said to them : “Well, it’s just the three of us here now so keep your eyes open. Scatter !”

This night was really full of surprises, and he wondered what had happened to make Miguel come looking for Isaac himself.


Miguel, before heading back to the basement of the Royal Palace where Jordan was having a hard time getting all those black particles out of that Titan’s body, stopped on his way to pick up Connor who was with Sora, the Queen of humans here, that Caleb seemed to care so much about.

And when they appeared in front of them, Sora who had just been freed by Connor immediately stepped in front of him sensing his presence and she immediately attacked him with snake-like vines.

Miguel smirked and with a simple wave of his hand he made those strange vines disappear instantly taking Sora by surprise, and before she could attack again, Connor stopped her by grabbing her arm and he said to her : “Sora, stop, they are with us, they are there to take you to Lena.”

Connor looked at Miguel to wait for confirmation and Miguel made appear a teleportation portal before holding out his hand to Sora and saying : “That was an unusual spell, you’re talented Sora, and you’re brave.

You didn’t hesitate to put yourself in front of Connor to protect him even though he’s a demon, I’m very impressed, and Kevin will be very pleased to hear that.”

Sora shook his hand in pure reflex, she was still stunned that this man with a wave of his hand had made her spell disappear and that without even moving he had made a teleportation portal appear instantly, she had never seen that before.

Yet this man gave off nothing, she couldn’t even feel his energy reserve so she could only imagine his power, luckily he was with them, otherwise they would have had no chance to survive.

And suddenly she stammered as she looked at Connor : “Wait… You mean… You mean Lena is just… Is just on the other side of that portal ?”

Connor nodded and he smiled at her, motioning for her to go and join her little sister, he knew too well what it was like to be separated from the people you loved without knowing how they were doing.

Sora only hesitated for a split second and she bowed her head to thanks this powerful man before walking through the portal.

Connor then watched the golden chain that was now wrapped around his forearm since there was no more imminent threat, and he said to Miguel remembering how Sora didn’t hesitate to put herself in front of him to protect him : “I really feel like I’m completely useless.”

But after hearing this, Isaac stepped forward and he said to him before going through the portal to check on Jordan : “How can you say that ? You’re the bravest of them all Connor.

You didn’t hesitate to come into enemy territory and free their Queen from her chains even though your chakra is still unstable, and you still can’t use it properly because of what you’ve been through.”

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