
Chapter 52 Teasing The Villain

Teasing the Villain

As Xue Bai and the hawks flew down, the Wang Clan members were oblivious to it until it was too late.

The two Peak Muscle Nourishing Realm Wang Clan who were dissecting the ape leader were the first to notice. And they saw that the target was their friends who were meditating, but as they were too far away to help them, they could only shout as loud as they could to get their attention.

"Brother Ye! Watch out!"

"Wang Guo, stop cultivating! Defend yourself!"

However, it was too late, and just as they opened their eyes, the thunderhawk managed to grab them with its sharp thunder-imbued talons and pull them into the sky.

And other than the thunderhawk, the other dozen hawks each managed to pick out a target and either kill or severely injure them. Leaving only five members of the Wang Clan able to fight the ensuing battle. But with their severe exhaustion from the previous battle and the weak Wang Mo they had to protect, the Wang Clan surviving members knew they were in danger.

All five members who came out unscathed immediately dropped what they were doing to form a circle around Wang Mo. Wang Mo was the last to react as his only eyes shot open after he heard two of his strongest bodyguards scream in terror.

"Who dares!" Wang Mo shouted out.

"Young Master Mo, we are being ambushed!" The surviving two Peak Muscle Nourishing Realm bodyguards shouted as they went to protect him.

"Who dares to ambush us?" Wang Mo asked confusedly.

"Young Master Mo, it seems to be a clan of hawks. They managed to attack fourteen of us before we could react."

"They even got Young Master Ye and Young Master Guo."

Hearing the many voices around him answer his questions. Wang Mo took a moment to process it all before making another decision. Though he was arrogant, bloodthirsty, and a horrible child, he was still the grandson of a Peak Domain Lord cultivator and was able to keep his calm in this despair-inducing moment.

After analyzing his situation, he first wanted to gather the numbers on the enemy forces, so he asked, "Wang Yibo, how many hawks were there and how strong was their leader."

Wang Yibo was one of the Peak Nourishing Realm Cultivators that came into the Secret Realm.

"Young Master, there were 13 of them. However, the leader managed to kill both Brother Ye and Brother Guo in one attack. They sat extremely close to each other." Wang Yibo responded.

"Those idiots!" Wang Mo angrily berated.

Wang Mo didn\'t care that they had just died and instantly started to insult them. The only person his age he would ever bother caring for was Wang Yu. Anyone else was either an ant waiting to be crushed beneath him or a pawn for his use. And the two that had died were the latter.

After angrily shouting for a minute, Wang Mo asked, "How strong was the leader?"

"The leader of the hawks was odd. We couldn\'t see through its cultivation. And its wings also had thunder flickering off of them." Wang Yibo tentatively answered.

"Fools, if you can\'t see its cultivation, then that means it\'s stronger than you." Wang Mo insulted them again.

"But Young Master Mo, the cap of this Secret Realm is the Muscle Nourishing Realm. How can something stronger than us exist here? Even the ape we fought earlier was too strong for the Secret Realm." Wang Yibo disagreed.

"Though that ape was half a step in the Bone Strengthening Realm, at the end of the day, he is still in the Muscle Nourishment Realm." Wang Mo calmly analyzed.

"But in Secret Realm, usually there is one beast that is above the limit. And that hawk with thunder must be it." Continued Wang Mo

"Then… You mean that hawk is the overlord of the Secret Realm?" Wang Yibo asked.

But before he could get an answer, Xue Bai had finally rounded back above the surviving members. He took longer than he thought, as Wang Ye and Wang Guo survived the initial attack and had managed to fight their way off of the thunderhawks talons.

Afraid that they would manage to injure the thunderhawk, Xue Bai ordered it to drop them to the ground harshly and kill them there. And with the help of its profound cultivation and the rest of its species, the thunderhawk killed the two with little to no injuries.

Standing on the thunderhawk above Wang Mo, Xue Bai looked at them calmly. They hadn\'t noticed him yet, but even without seeing him, terror could still be seen on the Wang Clan member\'s faces.

Though Wang Mo looked the most composed of them all, Xue Bai could tell his heart was in chaos. With Xue Bai\'s soul as strong as Qi Sea Realm cultivators, he could sense Wang Mo\'s soul fluctuating rapidly.

Xue Bai discovered he could do this when the hawks were killing Wang Ye and Wang Guo. But since he couldn\'t attack with his soul, this was the limit of his capabilities.

Not in a rush to attack, Xue Bai stood in the air and waited. The Wang Clan members wouldn\'t be able to move anywhere, and the longer they were tense, the more they would deteriorate. They hadn\'t rested from the first battle, and now they had to stay tense and ready for battle in front of an entire clan of hawks.

"Young Master Mo, there seems to be something on top of the hawk leader staring at us." With one of the strongest cultivation among the survivors, Wang Yibo was the first to notice Xue Bai.

Wang Mo, hearing him, also stared at the thunderhawk in the lead and noticed a figure standing up top of it.

"Fellow Daoist! If you are in control of these hawks, can you please give my grandfather, the Grand Elder of the Wang Clan, some face and call them off." Wang Mo asked.

Though it was, on the surface, a request, Wang Mo knew that the only people allowed into the Secret Realm had to be people from The Great Xuan Empire. And hearing his grandfather\'s name, they would surely fear him and let them go.

However, Xue Bai was unphased. Dead men told no tales.

Seeing that the figure ignored them, Wang Mo was infuriated. However, he knew that they wouldn\'t be able to survive the second attack, so he calmed himself down and tried to plead again.

"Fellow Daoist, in our journey throughout this Secret Realm, we have gathered many Low Yellow Grade Natural Treasures. And even a Middle Yellow Grade one, if you\'d let me and my subordinates go, you can have them all." Wang Mo offered with a smile.

But Xue Bai didn\'t respond but instead waved his hand once more, ordering the hawks to attack again.

"Dammit! Everyone defend me!" Wang Mo shouted. He was too weak to participate in this fight, as even the weakest hawk was in the late stages of the Blood Exchange Realm. And not everyone possessed Xue Bai\'s Space Element allowing them to leapfrog stages and fight.

At Xue Bai\'s order, all of the hawks, besides the thunderhawk, flew at the herded Wang Clan members. And in the ensuing fight, the hawks decided to gang up on the two weakest people instead of the whole group. With their strategy, they managed to kill their two targets bringing down the original 6 to 4.

"Dammit! You useless pieces of garbage, how hard is it to stand your ground!" Wang Mo shouted out, terrified.

"Young Master, there are more than twice of them than us. And we are still almost empty of Spiritual Qi!" Wang Yibo reminded.

"Then burn your Blood Essence! If I die here, your families will go down with me!" Wang Mo threatened.

The two continued arguing, but as soon as the hawks returned to their original positions, Xue Bai waved his arm mercilessly again, ordering them to attack.

From all the cultivation novels he read, Xue Bai had no mercy toward those from Demonic Sects, and he was more than willing to be their executioner.

The second wave of attacks killed the last Wang Clan member, who wasn\'t Wang Mo\'s personal bodyguard while leaving the bodyguards severely injured.

Wang Mo, who was still feigning calmness, couldn\'t hold in his anger anymore.

"You piece of trash who doesn\'t even dare to show his face to us! How dare you kill members of the Noble Wang Clan! You\'ve written yourself a death warrant! It doesn\'t matter which of the three great families you are from. You\'ll die a horrible death!"

After seeing that his prey was completely defenseless, Xue Bai decided he would taunt them before killing them. Though he knew he shouldn\'t play with his enemies, those were only for high-value targets. The people in front of him were all half-dead and were a dime a dozen throughout the Baishen Plane. So what comeback could they possibly make?

So wanting to talk to the survivors, Xue Bai motioned for the thunderhawk to fly down.

On the other hand, Wang Mo seeing this, thought that his threat had worked and was ecstatic.

"HA! You were terrified! Yes, come down and kowtow in front of me and beg forgiveness and maybe I\'ll let you live!" Wang Mo shouted in a deranged manner, surprising everyone.

Wang Yibo, the other bodyguard, or even Xue Bai, had not expected Wang Mo to think that he was surrendering. After all, Xue Bai had every advantage and was a few more clashes away from wiping out the Wang Clan members. Why would he surrender?

Xue Bai up above even started to laugh loudly.

\'I thought that only villains in cultivation novels could possibly be this dumb.\' Xue Bai thought mentally.

Xue Bai\'s laughter was so loud that the three survivors could also hear it. Wang Yibo and the last bodyguard looked awkward, but Wang Mo turned red from embarrassment. He obviously could tell why Xue Bai was laughing, and it didn\'t feel good.

"Wang Mo, oh Wang Mo, never did you think you\'d fall in this unnamed Secret Realm, did you. With the Demonic Sect as a backer and a Peak Domain Lord grandfather, you thought you were a child of the heavens, didn\'t you?" Xue Bai mocked as the thunderhawk landed.

Hearing those words, Wang Mo was terrified. Most of the younger generation in the Wang Clan didn\'t know that they were the subordinates of a Demonic Sect, but Wang Mo was the only grandson of the Grand Elder, so he was allowed to know despite his age.

But this man who had nearly wiped them out clearly wasn\'t a Wang Clan member, so how did he know?

"Who are you? And how do you know that." Wang Mo asked deeply.

Landing gracefully on the ground, Xue Bai extended his tails outward to show their majesty, released the aura of his Bloodline in the air and stuck his nose up before answering the question.

\'Since I have the opportunity to pose, I shall do so!\' Xue Bai thought.

"Wang Mo, you\'ve seen me before. Can it be that you can\'t recognize Brother Bai?\' Xue Bai asked with a saddened face.

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