
Chapter 180 Xue Bai Interrupts The Stereotypical Plot

Xue Bai Interrupts the Stereotypical Plot

"Oi, old man, aren\'t you being too disrespectful? Aren\'t old fogeys like you supposed to love the younger generation for more than their own lives? Why are you sending off the greatest being in this puny continent\'s history just because he is too unfathomable? If anything, the fact that you couldn\'t see through him with your eyes is a greater reason for you to bring him in." Liu Mei asked as she cracked her knuckles once more.

Though her words were to the point and thorough, she still didn\'t like to talk so much. So the second the Head Instructor disagreed, she planned to go back to her roots.

Besides the implicit threat of physical violence, Liu Mei also looked over at the vegetable cosplaying Long Zhenyu, implying that the old man wouldn\'t end up much different if he disagreed.

Afraid of being beaten and implanted into the ground like a potato and also embarrassed he was seen through, the Head Instructor was at a loss for words for a moment and began to stammer.

Thankfully before he said something exposing, someone came to his rescue.

"Beast, this is the Gen Empire, not your forest. Don\'t judge us by your primitive cognition. If even Head Instructors Li\'s Divine Piercing Eyes can\'t see through the Prince Consort, then that means that the boy right there has too many secrets on him to be safely let into the Academy." A booming voice came from the Academy gates.

Following the proclamation, the gates swung open and revealed the owner of the voice.

The booming voice\'s owner matched the power of his voice.

With a burly statue that stood over 2 meters and bulging muscles, the man who made his presence known was a macho man, to say the least. Even his arms were thicker than Xue Bai\'s waist. However, once Xue Bai looked at the top of his head, he couldn\'t help but remember a specific fictional character from his previous life.

\'This man must\'ve trained too hard as well.\'

"Yes, an academy\'s goal is to acquire and cultivate talents for the empire, but they also have the duty to protect their own students! That is why for every student who enters, Head Instructor Li will look through their secrets with his Divine Piercing Eye. So if his eyes don\'t work on a student in any facet like they did now, then that only means the student is an anomaly! And if we allow such an anomaly into our walls, then we are also putting all of our other students in danger!" The burly man continued as he stepped out of the Academy\'s gates.

"If his eyes don\'t work on me, then how dare you use such a pompous name like the Divine Piercing Eyes?" Xue Bai laughed sarcastically.

\'From the Martial God Pavilion to now the Divine Piercing Eyes, it seems that the Northern Continent loves over-the-top names.\' Xue Bai amusedly thought.

However, unlike his and Liu Mei\'s faces full of laughter, the Head Instructor\'s face was redder than a tomato.

He was angry at his core technique being insulted, but since he couldn\'t attack the person who insulted it, the Head Instructor could only sit and bake like a loaf of bread in the oven.

"The strength of the Head Instructors Divine Piercing Eyes doesn\'t matter in this situation. The only thing that does is the fact that you, Prince Consort Xue Bai, are a threat. And we can\'t allow you in!" The Burly Man saw Head Instructor Li\'s emotions fluctuating and spoke before the old man blew up.

"So what? Are you saying that you\'ll only let me in if I divulge all the secrets I have on my body?" Xue Bai laughed.

What cultivator didn\'t have secrets on them? Especially him, who had enough knowledge to wring half of the Baishen Plane dry.

Obviously, this muscle-brained brute was another lackey of Long Tian and was just making it hard for him.

"Yes, it\'s true that every cultivator has secrets, but that has to do with their cultivation speed, treasures, and other items they found in their journey to immortality. However with you, we know nothing about you other than your name! For all we know, you could be a spy who is trying to take over the Gen Empire from the inside."

"So if you are going to say that I want to see all of your secrets, then sure. Then sure! That is exactly what I want! Until you can prove to the rest of the Academy\'s staff and me that you aren\'t a danger to our students, you aren\'t welcome, Prince Consort, if that\'s who you truly are." The man replied bluntly.

"There was no wedding, no ceremony, or even an announcement to the public about your enthronement. We didn\'t even know your name until you introduced yourself a few moments ago. If I let you into the academy walls, not only will I threaten the students inside, but also the staff. Just look at what happened to the Grand Duke and his son!"

Xue Bai ignored that part.

"Nonsense!" Feng Fei suddenly shouted.

"The business inside my own Imperial Harem has nothing to do with the empire. Should I wish to take a concubine, why should I, the Monarch of this empire, have to announce it? Neither my grandfather nor his father had either."

The burly man was unphased and merely shrugged his shoulders in response before crossing his arms at his chest. So obviously, he knew Feng Fei was right, but so what?

Did she think she was in the same class as her grandfather and great-grandfather?

Those two men were Xiantian Great Realm experts who commanded the entire empire, while Feng Fei was a mortal woman with no backing or faction to her name.

Even if those two men wiped out an entire Duke Family, the Gen Empire commoners would call the Duke Family traitors and criminals the next day.

However, Feng Fei didn\'t have the strength or reputation to do such a feat.

She and the previous emperors were of different classes. Other than the Feng surname, there were no similarities!

However, just as Feng Fei fell into despair once more and Xue Bai and Liu Mei were about to resort to violence once more, another voice sounded from behind the burly man.

"Old Ling, is there really such a need to go so far?"

As the aged voice floated into the crowd, everyone\'s attention was grabbed, and they all looked at the old figure it belonged to.

"Uncle Hai!" Feng Fei shouted in glee as she went over to the older man.

Adorned in a robe similar to Long Tian\'s with a 4-clawed dragon, the Headmaster easily gained everyone\'s attention.

The Headmaster wasn\'t tall like Old Ling, but from the pressure he subconsciously exuded, no one dared to think that he was any weaker.

But once they looked at his hairline, at the white hairs that had begun to sprout out, and the weakness in his eyes, anyone with sharp eyes could see that he was weakened.

"Uncle Hai, are you sure you can come out? What about your …?" Feng Fei spoke worriedly.

Feng Fei was one of the few people who knew what was going on with Dean Hai, and for him to be out and involved with this dispute was a surprise to her.

But it also made her concerned. Though what was happening was undoubtedly a problem, Feng Fei didn\'t think it was big enough for Dean Hai to get involved in it.

And if his old injuries were relapsed because of this and Dean Hai\'s already short enough remaining lifespan was shortened, Feng Fei wouldn\'t even be able to forgive herself. So she obviously wanted Dean Hai to return lest something bad happened to him.

But the Dean just waved her concern off.

"It\'s fine, Little Fei. Staying locked up in my room won\'t do me any good. I might as well go out and help you." Dean Hai dotingly said as he rubbed Feng Fei\'s head.

After a quick pet, Dean Hai looked back at his \'old friend\' awaiting his answer.

However, his friend didn\'t even bother to turn around and address him. Instead, Old Ling just snorted in response.

"Sigh~~ Fine, since you wanted this for so long, I\'ll do it. I\'ll wage my position on Young Friend Xue Bai. If he endangers a student for no reason and interferes with the safety of the academy, you may have my position."

"Uncle Hai!" Feng Fei shouted in distress.

The only thing that was helping her family\'s situation was the fact that Feng Hai was still the Dean of the empire\'s academy.

So the second that he lost the position, not only would their last piece of influence leave them, but also they would fully become mere puppets who were waiting for death.

Yet before she could say another and try to dissuade Feng Hai from making a decision, the man spoke once more.

"Didn\'t you trust that boy strongly enough to organize this? So what if I also put some trust in him too? You were the one who told me that boy is the last spear for our Feng Imperial Family, so if I don\'t put in the same amount of risk that you did, then how can I go around and call myself a member of the Feng Imperial Clan!" Dean Hai shouted as he stood up straight and revealed a strong and headstrong side.

Sure, he knew that such a move was risky, especially since even Feng Fei didn\'t know much about Xue Bai or if he truly could be the spear they needed, but like Feng Fei told him a few days ago, what other choice did they have?

Before Xue Bai\'s arrival a few months ago, he, his sister-in-law, and Feng Fei were all without any hope and were waiting for their deaths. But now that Xue Bai was here, the three of them saw a glimpse of light down the tunnel.

So why should he, the strongest of the three, just sit back and mooch off the risk that Feng Fei put in? The girl had not only sacrificed her image by making Xue Bai a concubine but also gave up almost all of her pride by begging the many fence-sitters to come here and watch Xue Bai\'s first appearance.

How could he live with him if he couldn\'t put in any chips?

After Dean Hai made the proclamation, Old Ling, who had stayed silent, suddenly lit up in joy.

"Then it\'s fine! Head Instructor Li, you can permit the anions to take the exam. However, do keep an extra eye on him. He might just do something drastic." And with a stomp, Old Ling flew into the air, leaving the area.

However, just as the man managed to fly a few dozen meters away, Xue Bai suddenly spoke up.

"Huh? Who the hell said I agreed to this? Liu Mei, knock that bastard down!" Xue Bai spat angrily.

Liu Mei hadn\'t heard a better sentence all day and wasted no time at all before fulfilling the command.

Flapping her wings, Liu Mei almost teleported in front of Old Ling before sending him flying back down to the ground with a white light-coated fist.

"You idiotic bird! I already said that this isn\'t a place for you to run amok!" After being sent down to the ground even faster than he flew up, Old Ling was fuming, and with a rage-filled shout, he went into his spatial ring and pulled out a talisman coated in red ink.

However, to his shock and disbelief, before he could activate it, a purple sword slash flew over to his hand and severed it completely.

"Huh?! AH! My hand!" Mortified at the sudden attack, Old Ling couldn\'t help but scream in panic. But the more he screamed, the higher pitch his voice got. Eventually, his screams no longer resembled a human\'s but rather a pig\'s squeal.

Xue Bai\'s Dao of Space could potentially slice through anything within his Great Realm. However, there were many other factors than just its strength.

Sure, if a child had a sledgehammer, it could kill an adult. But that wasn\'t a reasonable outcome. When factoring in the child\'s ability to use the hammer, its speed, its dexterity, and then also the adult\'s superior stats, it wasn\'t likely for the child to even hurt the adult, let alone kill it.

The same was with his Dao of Space. Sure, he could potentially kill a Domain Lord realm cultivator. But as long as the Domain Lord realm cultivator had even half of his awareness, he would be able to easily dodge all of Xue Bai\'s attacks, making them useless even though they were overwhelmingly powerful.

Sadly Old Ling was stunned in dizziness by Liu Mei\'s penetrative punch and didn\'t even have enough wits to know which direction was up, making him vulnerable to Xue Bai\'s sword slash. Moreover, coupled with the fact of his neglecting a Bone Strengthening realm Xue Bai and with his main focus of the talisman in his hand and Liu Mei, getting hit by Xue Bai\'s sword slash wasn\'t impractical.

"Liu Mei shut him up. It\'s getting annoying." Xue Bai said as he calmly stored his Lava Spring Sword back in his spatial ring.

Once again, Liu Mei didn\'t hesitate, and with a strong punch to the man\'s jaw, she disabled his speaking abilities.

With the crowd\'s attention on him, Xue Bai nodded in contentment and walked over.

Calmly picking up the man\'s severed hand, Xue Bai commented, "Good talisman, old bat. But, of course, since I won the prize, I\'ll keep it for myself. But beyond that, answer my question. Who the hell do you think you are to make decisions for me?!"

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