
Chapter 374 Chad in the Capital's guild.

-n、o、ve,L BAM! The guild’s ground shacked as a massive fight was taking place, all the S-rank adventures were facing a single man.

Engulfed in a magical shield, a woman mage got stood to cast her spell.

A mage extended her staff toward the man they were fighting, her magic crackling with blue light, the fighter has bought her precious seconds. [Chain Lightning] The woman yelled as the lightning started to form in front of her staff.

BAM! Chad rushed right through the lightning and punched her right in the face, her shield cracked as she was blasted outside the guild.

“You…you dare punch a woman like this?” The mage growled.

“Tell that to the adventures who died in Furberg.” Chad grabbed one of the fighters from the head and swung him around like a ragdoll.

Mary who was hiding behind a pillar leaped ahead running across the battlefield dodging attacks like a fly.

“Here is one!” One of the adventures yelled as he saw her, quickly charging with his blade.

“Here you go!” Mary immediately splashed him in the face with a tearing potion that was made of the spiciest plants the alchemists of Furberg could find.

The adventurer growled but kept his stance, he was no S-rank in vain. “You bitch, what you threw at me!” He swung his blade at her.

Mary could see the blade slowly approach her left eye, yet she didn’t bother to move. Sizzle! The liquid she just threw at the man started boing and eating at his flesh.

GRAWAAA! He growled in pain as the skin on his face started to melt. Mary grabbed the adventure’s blade with her bare hand. “Hey!” CRACK! She snapped it on her chin like it was a twig.

“You’ve been scammed with this sword, ask the guild support and they will speak up for you with the blacksmith.” She then kicked him in the face with a smile and rushed toward a big table to hide under.

One of the most experienced clerics rushed to the front to heal the fighters. [Mass cure wound]…nothing happened, [Mass cure wound] No matter how much he prayed or begged, no response came from his good. All the healer in the guild seems to have lost their power. Ariel was just tending to her nails while comfortably drinking on her table at the corner.

‘Trying to cast holy and divine magic in the presence of an angel, how stupid.’ She is an angel and could interfere with their magic causing it to fail.

Ariel then looked under her table, Mary was hiding there so she poked her in the back with her leg. “That was impressive earlier. That was an S-rank I guess.”

“Was he? We’re used to dealing with adventures so it’s to be expected, we’re trained well at least.” Mary smiled.

“What was that potion made off? I never heard of such an effect, and that blade looked too clean to me as well…” Ariel glared down at the smiling Mary.

“Hyperactive acid and the blade was really crafted badly. I guess they cooled in water instead of oil so it has some weaknesses. You won’t be able to tell without years of experience with steel.” Mary replied.

“Are you sure…” Before Ariel could finish her question, Mary pointed toward Chad.

“Look, that barbarian is approaching him. You might need to stop her before she gets too close!” Mary said with a smile.

“Move away!” A broadly built woman that only wore ragged hide clothes rushed toward Chad with two veins popping on her head. Her massive axe roared with ember red flames.

Clang! Chad blocked her strike with his bare hand, his skin was far harder than steel with his stats.

Raging, the woman grabbed Chad by the neck and head-butted him on the nose. Her skull almost cracked, as if she hit an iron statue.

Neither magic nor physical attacks seemed to work on Chad, be it a warrior or a mage, a man or a woman, getting close meant being punched hard.

Thud! CRACK! Chad jumped as hard as he could, breaching the ceiling into the guildmaster’s office.

“Wait, who are you?” The secretary being an A-rank adventurer herself tried to stand in Chad’s way but he only gave her one word. “SIT!” She fell on her back end unmoving, Chad charisma was too much for her to think about anything but following his order for the rest of her life.

“You seem to have played with my children well.” The big man sitting on his desk growled.

“Explanation, apology, compensation, now!” Chad wasn’t playing around, he knew the guildmaster was aware of everything.

The guildmaster slowly stood up, unsheathed his sword, and readied a spell in his hand. Five summoned ethereal spirits appeared behind him. “Don’t count me in the same bucket as the other S-rank, this position can only be taken with strength.” The guild master growled.

Chad’s body was engulfed in divine magic as he was ready to smite all those who stood in his way.

“Such things are none of your business, stranger. You should’ve stayed down, now a talent like you will be wasted!” the guild master growled, “This land belonged to us and it shall forever be, you will…” Suddenly the five spirits he summoned disappeared, they ran away immediately after seeing Chad’s smite ready.

Seeing them run away, the guild master started taking the situation more seriously and rushed at Chad.

“Excuse me for interfering in such an important moment but, the king and Cain seem to have arrived.” Ariel tapped the guild master on his back.

Surprised, the guild master turned around to see an angel glaring at him with a disgusted face. SLAP! Chad took the chance and gave him a backhand fist.

“I don’t care about what you think or believe, I only care about what you did and it was bad.” Chad looked down at the guildmaster’s body.

…As Cain, the king, and the royal guards rushed into the guild, they saw a massacre but with no one killed. All of the S-rank adventurers were either badly injured or incapacitated.

“What kind of monster could do this?” The king gasped, he was optimistic that the guild had more strength than his royal guards.

“This is my father’s doing, he doesn’t like arguing with those he considers bad as arguing rarely results in a solution.” Cain sighed, he would have preferred a more civilized solution.

THUD! Chad landed on the ground as he dragged the guild master. Ariel walked behind him with a bored expression.

“Cain, what brought you here? I thought you were going to meet the king.” Chad asked with a surprised face, had he known Cain wasn’t busy he could have invited him to join him.

“This is the king, we were talking when we got the news of a man causing troubles in the guild,” Cain replied pointing at Baltos.

“You should have kept them in check!” Chad said immediately.

“The guild acts independently from the kingdom, no matter what your problem with them, I had no direct way of knowing,” Baltos replied. The biggest selling point for the guild was their independence from the kingdom.

Chad threw the guildmaster toward the king’s feet, “Deal with him however you like. She will be able to explain the situation better than me.” He pointed toward Mary who was hiding under a table. She came with him and Ariel to negotiate, make sure no fight happens but alas, Chad started punching after the first argument.

“I can explain later, can we get some healers here first?” Mary looked worried about the adventurers.

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