
Chapter 411 Toward the sunrise.

As the night grew darker, Chad and Katherine were forced to stop the training. Unlike anyone that he had trained before, she was the most diligent.

As they got inside, Chad saw Alice walking down the stairs so he rushed at her.

“He is fine, everything is going as he expected so far.” What Alice replied with was no like, it was a sentence carefully written by Cain to avoid his father’s zone of truth spell.

“Are there any signs that he will wake up soon?” Chad asked again.

“I saw nothing that could indicate that. Cain had already expected not to wake up before a week.” Alice replied with another scripted answer.

Chad could feel that the answers were pre-thought off but he didn’t intend to interfere with what Cain wanted, he was just worried about his only son.

As Chad turned to walk away Alice called him, “You needn’t worry about Cain, he is your son after all.”

“I can’t help but feel uneasy when the control isn’t in my hand, if I did lose him this time, I will turn the whole kingdom upside down.” Chad seemed to be joking but his words felt heavy, he meant every word.

Chad walked silently toward the living room, leaving a shadowy trace of his golden divine magic. Just the faint vibrations of his inner feeling are enough to generate divine magic. Even Alice was limited to how much she can receive from Amaterasu in one go, it was just like breathing, you have a natural limit. Chad’s breath didn’t seem to end, absorbing and releasing divine magic at the same time.

In a faraway land, a group of adventures just entered a city.

“You stink! Go take a bath!” Daraku leaped away from Kayden who was soaked in blood.

“To think you would jump into the mouth of a Titanic Boa, you’re a valiant one!” Takeshi smiled.

Titanic Boa was a titanic (As the name implies) Snake, the S-rank variant of the crimson cobra but it wasn’t a cobra. The snake hide under the ground in a suspended animation that resembled death to just strike its prey when they walk above.

In the blink of an eye, the Boa who seemed dead and buried underground becomes alive and gulping down on its meal. This time that meal was Lily, Luckily for her Kayden pushed her away and was swallowed instead.

“He was protecting Lily, give the man a break!” Yamauba walked toward Takeshi.

Sadly as that happened, Kayden got submerged in stomach acid that severely damaged his armor, clothes, sword, and even the party rations that he was carrying (It was his turn)

“I’m surprised your skin wasn’t damaged, is that a property of your body?” Miko asked. She knew that Kayden was a demon so she thought that was the reason he survived the acid without a scratch.

“I was damaged, my body just heals faster than the acid could eat away.

As sad as the truth may be, Kayden now was unarmed and unarmoured, he lacked both offense and defense. He could still fight by creating demon blades and his natural regeneration is enough to overpower any damage he takes. But this is a bad thing as it will expose his demonic origins.

“Here, sadly we can’t get you fitted with armor as it will take too long but we can at least buy a sword.” Takeshi picked a sword from the weapon smith.

Kayden looked at the sword, it looked like a miniature version of Takeshi’s Nodachi.

“What is this curved blade? It’s not a falchion nor a scimitar.” Kayden tried to bend the blade back to shape but it was hard. Using any greater amount of strength would break the blade.

“It’s called a Katana, even though we still need to cross the sea, our countries products are making their way here nicely. Here look, it will suit you” Daraku threw a bag at Lily, Kayden was stinking and he needed to take a bath before grabbing anything.

Inside the bag were two sets of grey and strange clothes. “A grey kimono and another grey kimono, I’m bad at choosing clothes you have two of the same outfit to change between.

Kayden was still interested in the sword, “I do prefer my long sword, and I’m used to it.”

“Even if you found a long sword here, it’s probably just a piece of junk. The quality is abysmal as they only focus on our products.” Yamauba explained.

“I see…” Kayden glared at the Katana, “You all oddly like thin curved swords, are they any great?”

“They say out Katanas cuts better. We can also stab with them.” Daraku tried to explain.

“I would go as that far, both Katana and long swords are similarly effective. But there a small trade that you make.” Takeshi walked in, he spend years swinging both types of swords so he could tell.

“In long swords, you have two edges which make reverse cuts a possible strategy. In Katanas you exchange that for an easier edge alignment due to the curved blade shape. But his is all means nothing when you’re out of the amateur stage, after that any sharp-edged object with acceptable weight and center of balance will be an effective sword.” Takeshi explained that as he carried the Katana on his forearms, the blade naturally aligned itself to sit on the edge.

“This makes it easier for beginners to score a slash which led to the misconception that it cuts better.”

Hearing Takeshi’s lengthy explanation, Kayden grabbed the Katana and hurried toward the closest public bath. He could see Lily about to barf beside him.

‘Dogs have a strong sense of smell, I must have disturbed her nose’

Kayden, Takeshi, and Daraku entered the men’s bath while Miko and Yamauba entered the women’s bath.

Takeshi and Kayden were drawing too much attention with their scar-filled bodies. If something was obvious, those two have witnessed countless deadly fights. Daraku did have some scares but he was as thin as leek so it wasn’t that impressive.

After washing up, the three of them relaxed in the bath.

“Scares on the back are a disgrace, did you run from the battlefield.” A random man said as he looked at Kayden’s back. On the opposite side, Takeshi’s back was clean.

Kayden slowly turned toward the man, stood up with a menacing glare, and walked toward him.

Kayden then suddenly started patting the man’s head and scratching his beard. “You sure those dogs aren’t filled with mites? Letting them in the bath is a wish for troubles.” Kayden was seeing everyone in the bath as dogs, the only exceptions are Takeshi and Daraku.

Takeshi couldn’t help but laugh out loud, “They are indeed. let them be Kayden. Unless they want otherwise.” Takeshi stood like a tower, everyone else looked like a kid compared to him.

“I haven’t fought anyone in a while, I do wonder if my skills rusted.” Takeshi released his intimidating aura scarring everyone.

“Don’t scare the dogs, they are more likely to bite you like that.” Kayden sat back in his spot and as well did Takeshi.

Surprisingly, Kayden was the calmest one of them. For now.

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