
Chapter 435 Ironlake II

Ironlake estate is a large beautiful land of green lush forest overseeing a lake from the side of a magnificent mountain.

“We’re here, now what? Storm them?” Isbert asked unsheathing her blade as soon as they reached the borders of Ironlake estate.

Cain quickly used [Telekinesis] to force her sword sheathed. Looking down this place was peaceful, farming caring for the land, children playing, and more. They can’t just attack out of nowhere.

“Not everything is solved with a massacre, even if I wished it was like that,” Cain replied. Nemmoxon punched his side with a slightly worried face.

“What was that? You aren’t a red you know? Or is that why you take Zaleria?” She glared at him.

“Nah, I meant that killing the bad guys doesn’t necessarily mean the problem is solved. Even if I wished it was that simple.” Cain scratched the place where she smacked him.

Nemmoxon smiled, “So we think alike. I also don’t like killing.”

Cain sighed, “We aren’t on the same page.”

After walking a bit across the forest they passed by a small house. “A small farm?” Isbert looked around.

“Almond, look there are the trees.” Cain pointed toward the back.

Isbert looked around with an interested gaze, “Brother likes almond, wonder if it harvested from here.” She approached the tree.

BARK! BARK! BARK! A dog leaped at her, could’ve bitten her leg if he wasn’t tied with a chain.

“What a good puppy, I bet Kayden would’ve liked to see you.” The dog calmed down the moment Cain approached. He was even to pat the aggressive dog without a problem.

“Magic?” Nemmoxon stared at him.

“Mixed with a bit of skill, but you…”

“Who are you?” A kid screamed from behind the door holding a saw in his hand. “Get away from the trees, you hear me?” His legs were shaking.

“We’re just travelers who have never seen an almond tree before. Don’t worry we’re leaving right away.” Cain stood up after giving the dog a last pat.

“Jimmy, who’s out there?” A woman that looked in her late forties approached the door covered in a blanket.

“Mom! I told you to stay in bed!” Jimmy screamed.

Cain stared at the woman and his face went sour for a brief moment, “Blood curse, and don’t tell me the whole fucking place is infected?” He growled.

“Hey Cain, what got into you? What is that?” Isbert glared at him, she had never seen his face be this serious before.

Cain cleared his throat, the woman also seemed to get worried hearing him and Jimmy was getting ready to whack him.

“It’s a disease, even though it’s called Blood curse, there is no curse, that’s just a name.” Cain started explaining.

“It simply makes a person bleed inside his body, slowly dying. Look how yellow her face is, and her hands are starting to lose color.” Cain walked toward the woman even though Jimmy swung the saw at him. The dull blade just bounced back from his armor.

“You know a cure?” Nemmoxon asked.

“I know but, the disease is infectious like a stench. The whole place might be infected. The cure is simple yet hard to get for such a number.” Cain looked around.

“I bet father has the resources, what does it need?”

Cain stared at Isbert. “Sages say that the disease is caused by overwork and poor diet. When a commoner gets infected, he’s stuck. The cure is simple and available but out of his reach due to the price. He then works harder and cuts on food to save for the cure just to have his condition get worse. When he finally had the money, he knew that because of the way he saved money, he now need a stronger medicine that cost more so he go back to overwork himself.” Cain started spinning his fingers.

“The cycle continues over and over until the patient dies of internal bleeding. This is why it’s called the blood curse.” Cain stared at them.

“And the medicine? What is it?” Both Isbert and Nemmoxon glared at him.

“The good old High healing potion. The regenerative boost gained from it can overwhelm the disease curing it. That is why adventurers who are arguably the most overworked people never get sick of the blood curse.” Cain pulled two high-healing potions from his back, giving one to the woman and one to Jimmy.

“Not all people have the money to see a doctor or buy potions, I can see how it can quickly get out of hand,” Nemmoxon said.

“I know, the whole place might be infected,” Cain said.

~Olivia, Can you hear me~

~CRACK! You scared me, master Cain, the glass is shattered~ Olivia cried.

~Are you all right ~

~I’m fine, what did you need~

~A large batch of High healing potions. Over one hundred if possible~

~Sorry but I only have about seventy made right now, I seem to have lost a bucket worth of your blood~

~Did you spill it out? Where could a whole bucket go~

~I don’t know, I just found it empty. For now, should I send you what I have~

~Send them to Baltos, I will ask him to prepare what he has and send relief here. Thank you for your work~

~No problem…well…Can I get another batch of your blood…spit…hair or tissue samples~

~Are you going to start doing flesh experiments like a witch? Matter not, I will give you some later~

~YAY…~ Cain cut the conversation.

“How did it go?” Isbert asked.

“Still lacking some, probably need even more. I will have to call Baltos…I don’t have his information…” Cain realized that he has no way of calling the king.

~Sebas, Olivia will give you some potions to take to the king. Inform him that he has to send over one hundred high potions to Ironlake. The point is that he has to make sure all the citizens have drank one each~

~Understood~ Sebas replied with a nod.

~Or, if you faced any problems. Touch the king’s hand and I can talk to him~

~I will do that, the ladies have returned and are wanting to meet you. What should I tell them~

~Tell them to wait, or follow me if they want. I might not be home tonight as we have a whole infection here~

~Than please take care~

Cain then closed the conversation.

“Everything is fine,” Cain stood and looked at the woman. “You will be fine, just need to know where your husband, other children’s if possible.”

“My husband works at the mine, children I have Jimmy and…” Her face went even paler that before.

“Did they die?” Cain needed to confirm something.

“No…It’s…” She wasn’t able to talk but Cain could see it in her eyes. IT was crystal clear.

‘Probably sold them before the winter, less they freeze to death in this rundown shed’ Cain’s first brain started making sense of what he heard. ‘I’m going to skin the Ironlake lord alive if I found the children at the mine’ His second brain already preparing spells.

“You rest, the potion should get you back on your feet. We’re going to fix the whole place.” Cain stood and walked toward the door patting Jimmy on the head.

“Keep up the good work, protect your mom.”

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