
Chapter 807 Fire And Ice III

GAIA lifted her arm, charging one of her biggest available attacks. She used a large chunk of her remaining power to generate a lightning pulse and shot her first forward.

The dragon saw the lightning flash, and he immediately evaded it, albeit the light blinded him temporarily as he felt a sharp pain on his left wing.

The dragon grunts, flailing down as the little girls barely held on his scales. BAM! He hit the ground, sending the snow flying.

SWOSH! GAIA took the chance to blast away and run as fast as she could. Her goal is to find a spot to hide and get remodeled.

The dragon stood. He can\'t fly as GAIA blasted his left wing off. Usually, he would run away and hide to let his wounds heal, but this wasn\'t any fight.

He looked to the side, seeing the little girl unconscious in the snow. She fell from his back. He scoped her with his claw and cleared the snow from underneath a tree, and put her there.

The dragon stood, turning his head up and sniffing the air. His wings got tucked on his back, and his neck cracked. He could smell it, the scent of heated metal coming from GAIA.

ROOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRR! The dragon roared, screaming in rage. The veins on his neck and limbs bulged as a loud rumbling boomed from his chest.

BAM! With a single push from his hind legs, the dragon blasted forward, running faster than any other living being could achieve. His massive claws gripping into the slippery ground, pushing forward with zeal.

As GAIA flew away, she could sense the dragon chasing her She looked back and saw him rushing at a blinding speed.

^I need to find a cave in the mountains and hide.^ GAIA flew toward the mountains in the hope to put something between her and that raging beast.

GROAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! The dragon screamed, and his crackling voice reached the mountain causing it to quake. The snowy peaks danced as a flood of ice came rushing down.

^Did he causes an avalanche from this distance? How large is his territory? No, since white dragons live in the frigid wastelands, they usually rule over vast distances.^

GAIA slid on the snow, blasting most of it away before flying straight up. ^I will try going above the clouds and falling far away when I run out of power. At least he won\'t fly after me.^

The dragon saw GAIA fly toward the sky. His left wing is severely injured, so he can\'t fly.

BA-dump! His heart started pounding faster and faster, his draconic brain pulsating inside his skull. As a white dragon, he lacked the intelligence of the other dragons and can\'t use magic, but he has something they don\'t have.

As he was running like a big cat, his four knees bent, compressing his muscles. His tail and mouth kissed the ground as he got ready to push with all six at the same time.

BAM! The moment he released the tension, his body blasted to the sky. He opened his Jaw and unleashed an ice breath to push himself up higher.

GAIA looked back and saw the dragon behind her. It only took him a second to reach her.

Absolute monsters and dragons are the apex predators of the mortal world. Only heroes and gods can hope to take one easily, and GAIA\'s current body can\'t match those.

BAM! The dragon grabbed GAIA in his left claw, ready to bite her head off.

CLANG! Blades extended from GAIA\'s arms, and her upper torso spun around, ripping the dragon\'s fingers.

"My blades were already sharp. That doesn\'t consume power." GAIA looked at the dragon and then back at her blades. ^They are dulling. His bones are dense,^

The dragon swung his right claw at her, but she shifted the direction of her jet and flew to completely sever his left arm. CLANG! CLANG!

With three swings, GAIA got through the dragon\'s humerus bone.

CRACK! GAIA\'s swords shattered at the fourth strike. They can\'t handle the dragon\'s tough body.

"It doesn\'t matter, you\'re falling down," GAIA watched the dragon falling but soon felt something off. Her jet was jammed and her body can barely move.

^I\'m out of power? No, it\'s something else.^ She looked closely at her body, seeing the dragon\'s frozen blood on her.

ROAR! The dragon roared as GAIA started falling as well. He extended his right wing and flapped it as hard as he can. With a shockwave, the dragon\'s body spun mid-air, and his tail wrapped around GAIA\'s body.

"Let me go!" GAIA shouted, trying to kick his tail but failing.

The dragon pulled her toward his maw, opening his jaw. GAIA lifted her arms to protect her core as she expected a breath, but the dragon\'s teeth dug into her stomach. He bit off her lower half in a single gulp to avoid his tail.

BOOM! GAIA\'s legs exploded in a crimson rose of flames inside the dragon\'s throat, causing him to scream in pain. FLAP! He flapped his wing again, spinning and throwing GAIA toward the ground.

BAM! GAIA hit the ground at a terrifying speed, the remains of her steel body cracked, and her core almost shattered.

^Low power, remodeling is impossible, this unit is doomed to fail. Requesting a mental upload to another unit,^

[Upload started, it will finish in 10 seconds.]

BAM! The dragon fell behind GAIA, breaking his hind legs, but immediately pounced on her. ^I don\'t have ten seconds...^ GAIA saw the dragon\'s jaw approaching her, it was his wing. ^You\'re still blind from my flash...^ She giggled inside, it\'s her loss.

"Say, why didn\'t you call me?" A voice came from above her, she looked, and Cain was sitting on her body as the dragon rushed with an open jaw.

Cain opened his palm and teleported the dragon a few hundred feet away.

"Master Cain," GAIA barely managed to turn her head, glaring at him with lighting sparking from her chest and neck. "It wasn\'t in the protocol,"

"You can always call me, even if I\'m busy. I will at least send someone to help. So, what\'s the dragon deal?" Cain looked at the dragon growling in the distance.

"It isn\'t his fault, I\'m causing a distraction so ALPHA can steal some crystals for Mistress Lilia. The main goal is to not harm the people, that dragon included." GAIA replied as she felt Cain\'s magic seeping into her body.

"Why is he included?"

"A little girl tamed him, he is protecting her," GAIA replied.

"A little girl? Well, white dragons are pretty stupid, the best analogy for them is large dogs or wolves. Taming them isn\'t hard, as long as the dragon doesn\'t see you as food or a threat." Cain sighed, standing and lifting GAIA with [Telekinesis]

"Rest well, I will deal with him." Cain smiled.

CRACK! GAIA\'s body fell apart and Cain looked back, "She sent her mind to another body in Mechanus. I guess she won\'t survive in this damaged one." Cain sucked the body into his maze and then looked at the dragon.

"Want to play?" He lifted his hands and combed his fingers. [Infinite maze domain] [Arcane Eyes] [Divine Consciousness]

With a wide pulse of magic, Cain\'s maid covered the whole tundra, making him aware of anything happening in a fifty-mile radius. He then pointed a finger at the dragon [Heal]

The dragon\'s body regenerated as Cain smiled and approached him. "Don\'t worry, I\'m not here to harm you." Cain waved his hands, "The one you were fighting is already dead."

The dragon glared at Cain, confused.

"What? Do you want to fight me? That\'s a bad idea." Cain looked at the dragon, smiling, "Go back to the girl you\'re protecting." BAM! The dragon jumped into the sky, flying away.

"I mean, I don\'t look like a prey worth eating." Cain giggled looking at his humanoid body. "I\'m too small."

CLICK! He then clicked his fingers, pulling ALPHA to his place. "You did get the crystals, right?"

ALPHA pulled her sword and swung at Cain in shock. "Hoi! It\'s me, Cain! I just teleported you."

ALPHA stopped, "Please inform me before you do it!" She touch someone else and teleported her. "And yes. I got the crystals."

ALPHA looked around, "Where is GAIA?"

"Her body was too damaged, she had to send her mind to Mechanus." Cain smiled, "She will be fine."

"She said she was fighting a dragon, what happened to him?" ALPHA looked around.

"AH! That drakaina already left." Cain smiled, "She didn\'t want to fight after her GAIA disappeared."

"It was a drakaina?"

"Yeah." Cain nodded.

"GAIA didn\'t mention that."

"She was running low on power from what I saw. She probably turned most of her sensors off to focus on the fight." Cain patted ALPHA\'s head, "Can I see one of the crystals?"

ALPHA handed Cain one and he stared at it, confused. "This one holds a strange form of ice magic. It isn\'t that strong, but it\'s slow and won\'t damage tissues when frozen by it."

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