
Chapter 676: Expectation and tension.

Chapter 676: Expectation and tension.

Five hundred able-bodied soldiers who had followed General Mopu for more than three years were quickly selected. They threw away their AK assault rifles, replaced each with a hammer, mounted dozens of pickup trucks, and headed for the Sotu rainforest. The Soto Rainforest is located over 200 km from the town they were in, and all the way was through grasslands.

After running for more than three hours, a continuous mountain range began to appear at the end of the boundless grassland. On either side of the simple road, a few villages with thatched cottages began to appear. On the road near the villages, there was often a playground for children\'s activities. Seeing the long line of vans, these children excitedly chased the vans to the side of the road. In their minds, being a member of a van is the biggest dream of their life and the only way forward.

When someone saw these children, he kicked the body of the van asking the driver to stop and distributed a snack to the group of children, then reprimanded them and asked them to not pursue the vehicle, and when the van arrived at the edge of the rainforest, Buzz climbed into the car body and shouted to the crowd with a microphone.

"We are on the edge of the mountains that border the Sotu Rainforest. Everyone must keep their eyes on the ground and not miss a single crack. When you come across a cliff or a cave, go to the deepest point and shoot down all the suspicious stones with your hammer. Perhaps you are wondering exactly what we are looking for. We are looking for ore." Buzz pointed out: "A very precious ore. It comes in three colors and has a small crystalline appearance, like a cluster of precious stones. Whoever finds this ore will be rewarded with a thousand dollars."

The crowd that was in the vans and is now surrounding the van where Buzz rode was agitated. A thousand dollars was definitely a huge amount of money for them. Moreover, the officer said this type of ore was very valuable. If someone found it, couldn\'t they eat and drink spicy food in the future?

"The reward is there, but I also tell you that anyone who leaks the news here or dares to hide the ore, will wait to be judged by military law," Buzz added and continued, "Okay, captains soldiers will bring everyone to action and come here to meet before dark."

With a bang coming from a pistol shot through the air, the crowd dispersed, some started to climb the nearby mountain and some drove their vans to start their work in other nearby mountains further.

The Sotu rainforest covers an area of tens of square kilometers and is surrounded by a circle of blue-gray mountains. Here there are countless caves and cliffs, and it takes these five hundred people at least a week to search the whole mountain range.

Buzz has planned to eat and live here all week. Anyway, there are illiterate natives living near these mountains, and General Mopu is their god, and Buzz is unafraid that a group of people who are part of the Mopu army will be gathering here arouses the suspicions of these natives.


It\'s been less than a day since Buzz left the city of Shanghai accompanied by Master Metal Expert, and here he is now in these mountains. The Master Metal Expert also followed the team of ore hunters, but most of the team was unaware of his existence.

After arriving in the Sotu Rainforest, the Master Metal Expert made a satellite phone call to report the news to Ye Qing, then used the tools he carried with him to collect rock samples near the assembly site.

Hearing that General Mopu had started to act, even Ye Qing, who was already used to seeing big scenes, started to get nervous at that time. It was no different from the feeling Buzz had in his office, waiting for the mineral analysis report. He felt he couldn\'t blame himself for being unable to hold his breath.

Now, the Shi Lei car was becoming more and more popular, and many car owners were frantically loading money from their wallets into the smart assistant, just like an in-game currency.

However, the reserves of Dysprosium Metal in the factory\'s underground base have become less and less and given that in another week, all the reserves of Dysprosium Metal will be exhausted. In such a good situation, Shi Lei Automobile will be able to produce 60,000 more vehicles, and there will be failures, so why can\'t Ye Qing be pressed?

Only when the four tons of metal Dysprosium allocated next month can be received, and only 40,000 vehicles can be started in a month, will he feel a little relieved, but there was also the situation in the Sotu rainforest, how could Ye Qing not be nervous?

From the Tianjin side, the researched remote driving technology has successfully solved the most complex remote timing problem. At the same time, the Shi Lei car has also been connected to highway tolls in 14 provinces nationwide. Users do not need to install card readers to manage bank cards. As long as the channel is in use, the vehicle-mounted microwave dedicated short-range communication module can be connected to the channel device, then the little helper will jump up and ask the owner if he wants to take out money from his wallet and give it to the highway toll?

Quick and hassle-free, this feature was popular with car owners. In the next Shi Lei car system upgrade, if there is no accident, the out-of-car payment function will also be launched. Automatically generate payment QR code on glass, scan payment for the car wash or repair shop with a mobile phone.


"Boss~Boss?" In the underground secret lab, Tianjin lightly tapped Ye Qing with his tail.

"Eh?" Ye Qing, who was deep in thought in the Sotu Rainforest, suddenly came to his senses.

"The test can begin, boss." In a temporarily built car washroom, Tianjin, which was acting as a car washer, shook the water gun in his hand.

The Shi Lei car had a powerful intelligent computer control system. Its strength lay in the many temporarily available functions. A simple system update allowed unlimited possibilities without changing hardware; for example, the out-of-vehicle payment function that is about to be tested is an idea proposed by Ye Qing, and Tianjin was in charge of software development. Now that the software is developed, they are ready to test it for themselves.

Ye Qing stood at the door of the humble car wash, and the Shi Lei test car was stopped in front of him.

"So let\'s get started!" Ye Qing nodded.

"The dog is gone ~ driving the car."

Ye Qing held the car key and shouted at the car in front of him.

The monster logo of the high-speed car flashed the cold light twice quickly, and at the same time came the lovely voice of the intelligent assistant: "The left dog has received, and it will start its function automatically."

There was no one in the cabin, but the wheels of the Lightning and the Shi Lei began to automatically return to the right and slowly drove towards the car wash. The automatic storage and the principle of automatic parking and positioning technology both detected the space through the obstacle radar around the body, and the Shi Lei car did a better job in this regard.

When the car was arranged in the warehouse, Tianjin pretended to be the car wash man and without a word sprayed Shi Lei\'s car with a water gun indiscriminately, and before a minute had passed, Tianjin put away the water gun and shouted at Ye Qing: "Boss, your car has been washed, please come back next time."

"How much?" Ye Qing looked at Tianjin speechless.

It was just a simple car wash, and Tianjin felt it would anger the boss who hired him.

"Two hundred, boss, do you pay with WeChat or Alipay?"

Ye Qing raised his finger and took out his Magic Crystal mobile phone, ready to scan the QR code.

"I have both, you can scan with WeChat or Alipay." Ye Qing snapped his fingers: "Gouji, help me generate a QR code and pay him two cents for the car wash."

Alipay and WeChat are the mainstream of change payment. Shi Lei car assistant\'s small wallet is an independent account other than the two. However, Ye Qing did not have the ambition to create a third payment method to compete with these two monsters.

After the out-of-vehicle payment function test is no problem, Huge Industrial Monster will ask to connect to the payment channels of WeChat and Alipay, and then directly generate a QR code that can be recognized by WeChat and Alipay. Now the transistor actually uses special scanning software to simulate the deduction process.

To recharge the smart assistant wallet, its owner could directly use WeChat or Alipay to recharge, which has already opened up payment channels before the launch of the Shi Lei car, and it was extremely convenient for users to recharge.

"The dog is gone?"

Not seeing the QR code on the glass, Ye Qing shouted again.

"Master, what kind of washing did you do? You didn\'t clean me at all!" The smart assistant protested, "My wiper sensor only lasted 50 seconds since it detected rain. It actually charged you two cents, master, I suggest you think calmly. I can navigate to hundreds of conscientious companies that only charge twenty for car washes."

"Haha~" Ye Qing\'s stomach hurt from laughter: "Give him, just this one time he gets angry, it\'s worth two hundred."

The intelligent assistant could only persuade but could not go against the consumer\'s will of the owner. In other words, Ye Qing was going to pay 200 Yuan for a car wash, and he was forced and couldn\'t do anything about it.

With a beep, a clear payment QR code appeared on the cabin side windshield.

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