
Chapter 72 Applying Precision And Accuracy Skill

Bawang was more than 200 kilometers from the seaside warehouse, but it only took an hour to arrive there.

It strolled along a 30-meter-wide and ten-meter-deep canal, making its way to the large warehouse.

"Master gave me a present. Any guesses on what it could be?" Bawang wondered to himself.

Upon entering the warehouse, its attention was immediately drawn to a massive 20-meter-long spear, causing its eyes to sparkle.

"This must be the item my master was referring to,"

Bawang realized.

It scurried over and used its front paw to pick up the object, "Wow, it\'s quite heavy!"

The giant spear was so heavy that Overlord struggled to pick it up. It weighed almost 20 tons and had a strength attribute of over 1200 points.

Even with its enormous strength, lifting a spear weighing around 17 or 18 tons took a lot of work.

"Master, is this what you were referring to? It\'s cumbersome,"

Overlord inquired.

After receiving bawang\'s message, Liu Yong responded,

"Bawang, that\'s a weapon I designed specifically for you. It\'s called a spear, and you should become familiar with it before tomorrow morning\'s task."

"Understood, master. I\'ll do my best," replied Overlord.

Liu Yong reassured,

"It\'s alright if you\'re able to lift it. When you reach a weight of more than 20 tons in a few days, the weight will no longer feel as heavy. Moreover, the weight will feel even lighter when you\'re in the water."

The spear\'s weight would feel significantly lighter by nearly two tons when in the water due to the buoyancy of the water.

As a result, Bawang wouldn\'t feel as heavy or strained when holding the spear.

"Understood, I\'ll take the spear and wait for your task tomorrow," replied Overlord.

Liu Yong instructed, "Tomorrow morning, you should be in the waters near Dongshan Deepwater Port. I\'ll contact you and provide you with your task."

With the giant spear in one of its front paws, Overlord entered the waterway and swam back out to the sea.

Overlord couldn\'t help but notice how much lighter and smoother the spear felt when in the water.

Feeling a little puzzled at first, Overlord quickly realized what was happening.

It possessed an IQ similar to that of a twelve or thirteen-year-old child, and after giving it some thought, it understood what was happening.

"Well, I have a weapon now," Overlord said.

"The weapon my master helped create is truly exceptional. Instead of relying solely on my teeth to bite, I can use the spear to take down larger adversaries,"

Overlord concluded.

Overlord leisurely swam with the giant spear, heading towards the deep sea while pondering to itself.

After swimming for a couple of hours, it had already traveled far away from the coastline, approximately two to three hundred kilometers away.

The spear, weighing nearly 20 tons, was indeed a giant compared to other marine creatures, except for some whales, which may be more extensive.

Of course, Overlord was not content with merely staying in the sea area near the land.

Its activity range often spanned hundreds of kilometers away from the mainland.

If it weren\'t for the fact that it had a mission to attend to the following morning at Dongshan Deepwater Port, Overlord would have likely continued to swim even further away.

Venturing deeper into the sea and further away from the mainland gave Overlord a sense of comfort.

An abundance of food, particularly for larger fish, where catching just two or three would provide a full meal.

After setting the giant spear aside, Overlord drifted off to sleep, enjoying a peaceful slumber.

Upon awakening, it was greeted by a red sun emerging from the horizon, signaling that it was already early morning.

Feeling refreshed, Overlord grasped the giant spear and swam towards Dongshan Deep Water Port while watching for breakfast.

Upon spotting a massive fish weighing a few hundred catties, Bawang would quickly reach the prey and consume it in a few bites.

However, smaller fish weighing only one or two hundred catties were deemed insignificant to Bawang.

It considered them small fries that were not worth its time and effort.

Bawang caught sight of a school of colossal sharks in the distance and exclaimed, "Ah, there\'s my next meal!"

Bawang possessed exceptional abilities, enabling it to see things over a thousand meters away, even in the clear seawater, more than 100 meters underwater.

One day, Bawang spotted a group of massive sharks more than a thousand meters away.

These sharks ranged from three to six meters long, with the larger ones being five to six meters long.

Bawang suspected that the sharks had caught and killed a big fish, and the scent of the blood attracted them toward it.

The dozen or so sharks were competing for the large fish weighing hundreds of catties still untouched.

Despite being a thousand meters away, Bawang knew it would take little time to reach the sharks and join the feast.

The sight of Bawang\'s arrival startled the group of sharks, but they quickly regained their composure.

The sharks appeared to rely on their strength in numbers while Bawang was alone.

Suddenly, a five to six-meter-long shark stealthily approached Bawang from behind and attempted to bite its tail.

The shark\'s wide-open mouth exposed its sharp teeth, creating a daunting sight.

Many would assume that turning around quickly with such a large size would be difficult, but Bawang proved them wrong.

With ease, Bawang executed a swift turn, and the shark\'s attack missed its mark, leaving it with nothing but a blur in sight.

In addition to its swift turn, Bawang reacted to the shark\'s attack with lightning speed, thrusting the spear in its hand toward the shark.

With a sharp "puff" sound, the spear pierced the shark\'s body quickly, instantly causing the seawater to turn red.

The scent of blood made the other sharks in the area become agitated and aggressive.

The giant shark in the group, approximately six to seven meters in length, quickly charged toward Bawang.

Several other sharks also joined in, opening their mouths wide and revealing their sharp teeth, ready to attack the Overlord.

Bawang reacted with agility and speed, avoiding the incoming sharks.

Instead of using its front paws or opening its mouth to attack, it used its giant spear to defend itself.

With precision and accuracy Skill, Bawang stabbed the approaching sharks individually.

In a matter of seconds, five sharks had been impaled on the spear, making it look like a giant skewer holding the sharks in place.

The remaining sharks were frightened and quickly dispersed in all directions, retreating as far away as possible until they were no longer in sight.

Bawang didn\'t bother to chase after them, content with the sight of the impaled shark on its spear.

It thought to itself that the weapon given to it by its master was impressive and effective.

After waking up from a nap and skipping breakfast, Bawang decided to have a satisfying meal of the five sharks it had caught earlier. Feeling full and energized, Bawang swam towards Dongshan Deep Water Port to begin its work.

Meanwhile, Liu Yong arrived early for the fourth consecutive day at the company.

He brewed a cup of coffee and settled comfortably into his boss\'s chair, checking the time and thinking Bawang should be near Dongshan Deepwater Port and ready to begin its work.

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