
Chapter 176 175: Zeon, Daughter Of The Bahamut. [2]

⟪Dread Mantle⟫

Darkness wrapped around Raven\'s axe, and he swung downwards, clashing with Zeon\'s claws, releasing a thunderous boom!

Zeon\'s strength was immense, her tail flicking Raven to the side, causing him to tumble, as he crashed into a boulder, leaving a small crack!

⟪Shadow Strike⟫

Raven dashed towards Zeon\'s left hindleg, raising his axe high, causing her to hiss in pain as it cut deeply into her white scales, his axe and shadow claws tearing away at her flesh.

Zeon lashed her tail, sweeping Raven to the side and cutting him, forcing him to use a Dread Mantle in a full defensive state, blocking her blow with a loud *Deng* sound, with sparks flying through the air as he twirled around and hammered Mor\'Vaal\'s heavy hammer part into her stomach, knocking the dragon off her feet.

Zeon roared ferociously, the cavern shaking, her right paw lunging for Raven\'s throat, who narrowly rolled to the side, using Dread Mantle on his shadow claws, punching at her belly!

A scream in rage reverberated within the cavern as Raven\'s hacked her soft underbelly, the dragon writhing in pain.

Zeon stood tall, crying out deafeningly, dark blood gushing from her underbelly and flowing to the ground!

⟪Shadow Strike⟫Cast into Sensual blow.

Raven vanished, his essence seeping throughout his body, and suddenly, his body flashed forward; before Zeon could even sense where he was going, her icy-blue reptilian eyes widened in fear as his axes arced towards her, swinging deeply, causing severe damage—roaring in frustration, she spun and kicked him back with her hind leg.

Zeon stomped Raven flatly onto the rocky floor, his lungs coughing and spitting up blood as she swung her claws at him, and he jumped over them, landing safely!

His Dread Mantle was deactivated as her ice-cold gaze pierced him, and his body slowed drastically!

⟪Frost Breath⟫

Zeon reared her head, and a blast of freezing wind surged towards Raven, engulfing him in a storm, his breath choking, as his skin turned a deathly pale colour.

A flash of shadows, and suddenly, his Dread Mantle covered his whole body, and the cold air began to recover his stamina slowly!

His Dread Claws extended as Zeon rushed towards him, and her maw lunged at him, clamping around his shoulder, crushing the bone underneath, causing him to bleed heavily, but Raven was unaffected!

⟪Shadow Strike⟫Cast into Sensual blow.

Zeon shrieked as his axes sunk into her throat, blood spewing everywhere as she released him, her body rolling on the floor.

Raven fell, his stamina exhausted, and he lay there, looking up at the bright cave ceiling; his wounds healed, and his body recovered!

Zeon\'s breath was shallow, and her icy blue eyes were glazed, her long serpentine neck bleeding profusely, her snow white scales covered in blood, as Raven stumbled forward, his Dread Mantle protecting him.

"Haa.... this is stupid.... why is she using frost!?" Raven gasped, standing against a rock, trying to recover himself, a shadowy aura constantly dancing around his body. 

"Treasured Orc~ come out to play!" 

Despite his many blows, they didn\'t deal significant damage, and she was just fine!

Was it because she was using frost, so her healing abilities could offset his attacks!?

"Treasured Orc~!"

Zeon\'s hissing voice echoed through the cavern, causing him to shudder, and her icy-blue reptilian eye stared at him as her claw swung towards him, ripping off his Dread Mantle.

"Now.... we can play...." Her voice was a seductive whisper, her eyes glowing as bliss flooded his mind!

Raven stood there, his vision blurry, his Dread Mantle gone, and Zeon\'s eyes glowed an eerie colour, her head coiling around, her maw opening as it inched towards him—her tongue flicked out and licked the wound on his shoulder, causing it to heal, before he realised... Zeon was only in a half-dragon state... 

Suddenly, Raven was shocked back to reality as Zeon\'s maw hurtled towards him, biting into his chest, her sharp teeth sinking deep into his flesh!

Pain, pleasure, agony, bliss, and euphoria flowed through his body, and his mind blanked; his Dread Mantle shattered as he cried out in pain!

Zeon\'s maw released him, and her reptilian eyes gazed at him; the ground cracked under her weight before he threw a powerful right hook into her jaw, his eyes glowing neon blue. 

\'Ah... I wasn\'t trying my best because she wasn\'t a monster in my head... She was a woman, but I cannot do that....\' 

His blow knocked her huge body back, and gloom began to spread through the entire arena, his body slowly fading into midnight before long feathered wings appeared on his back like a Raven\'s, transforming into his manticore form so often over the past week.

He learned how to change the animal, monster or beast his parts came from, this time only his long tail becoming sharp, with a spike on end and his beautiful Raven wings that hid perfectly under his shadowy dread mantle.

"I\'m coming," Raven whispered before his body shot through the air, holding his axe; it tore along the body of Zeon mercilessly as her flesh and scales were torn apart.

Zeon screeched in agony, her body shrinking, as Raven landed on her back, his axe and claws swinging in a furious rage, tearing apart her scales, as her blood and flesh began to splash the arena floor. His eyes were like torches before her tail smashed into his face, slamming him against the arena wall, embedding him.

"Ah...." Her cold voice whispered as Raven slammed her down, her body creating a large crater, her long serpentine neck shrunk, and her human-like body appeared. "I don\'t like this... I will get serious." 


Her body vanished, into a storm of white flames, before a humongous western dragon with thick scales, sharp claws and a huge maw appeared, no image of the cute serpent dragon or her human form, dark golden orbs staring at Raven\'s body encased in the wall, as she opened her maw, a huge amount of energy and magic being sucked into her throat, as a beam of deadly white flames began to form. 

\'Fuck... that damn Zera Flare...\'

Pulling himself from the wall, Raven stood on the ground, feeling his right arm was broken, blood pooling from the wound before he regenerated; watching her gather energy, he did the same.

"Mor\'Vall, let\'s show this woman what we can do!" 

Shadows gathered, around his axe, like a dark ritual. He cast the skill repeatedly until a mist of shadows engulfed him while watching her mouth now wide open, the huge Zera Flare more than double the size of the one he deflected a week ago.

\'Damn, show off.\'

He could feel his muscles screaming from the overuse of his magic, but Raven refused to stop; clenching the handle of Mor\'Vaal, he gritted his teeth, pouring as much mana as he could into his shadow onslaught.

Suddenly, Zeon\'s neck snapped back before an ear-piercing roar resounded in the room; her Zera Flare released!

Raven held Mor\'Vall with both hands, his Dread Mantle activated, and his eyes glowing, a storm of shadows wrapping around him, his axe; his shadow aura rose as Zeon\'s Zera Flare raced towards him, a massive explosion of wind and debris flying everywhere.

"AHHHHH!!" Raven screamed, the energy in his body flowing into his shadow onslaught, which released a dark and menacing aura, the shadows dancing violently, his mana and stamina draining rapidly!

As Zeon\'s Zera Flare came near Raven\'s shadow onslaught, a storm of shadows ripped from his axe, the power overwhelming.

It tore through the cavern, and a violent shockwave blasted the ceiling and floor as her Zera Flare exploded, engulfing the entire arena, and everything was consumed in white flames.

Watching the light approach him, Raven didn\'t fear it; instead, he felt his heart racing with joy, telling him to release all his power! To transform! To Devour! 

Raven rejected the call, slamming his axe down towards the beam, wanting to fight the first one by his power as a mere orc!

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