
Chapter 14 Laying A Blueprint For Future

After an hour of cuddling and an intense night\'s workout, their stomach started growling from hunger.

Slowly, they separated and started washing up their face.

This time Aushima was like an obedient little maid who prepared breakfast carefully and seeing it a smile bloomed on his face and he couldn\'t stop himself from chuckling," Sure enough, the maid\'s training was not in vain."

After changing clothes they started to pack up.

She took the bedsheets containing evidence of her no longer being a virgin and folded them carefully like they were her life\'s most important treasure.


The return journey was smooth, I decided to give the airhead a heads up regarding my future actions.

"Hey listen carefully, for this directly involves your husband\'s core secrets, I want you to wait for a while before admitting our relationship as our sudden announcement may cause an alarm for Jasmine and Eve and they may become more careful plus you don\'t need to stick with David anymore and we gonna sleep together in my house rather than group\'s rented house.

Lastly, I must keep targeting David and other people like him as it\'s the only way for me to get stronger, and as long I get stronger the people sharing my bloodline will also get stronger, so even if you have any questions don\'t ask them now as I can\'t answer them yet.

You just have to remember I will never leave you and I\'m doing it for myself and people who are important to me and you are included in it."

Soon the duo after a day-night journey filled with lots of couple\'s moments arrived back in the city.

Today was the day they had to report to the guild for their new silver-ranked quests in the evening.

They separated and went to their respective house, Aushima still had to bring her clothes and other girls\' stuff from her home to the place she\'s gonna sleep from now on.


After a tiring journey I decided to finally take a bath in the large tub I had specially bought before the trip, suddenly I had an amazing idea," Won\'t it be better to stuff almost all important things like beds, clothes, mattresses, bathtubs and other daily necessities inside my storage ring, that way I can always carry my home with me."

Not wanting to wait for more, he headed for the market area and soon began his shopping spree and ordered all sorts of items to be delivered to his house.

It was already past afternoon and all the items he ordered were about to arrive, he was thankful to Aushima as she had already given him so many gold coins which she had saved for God knows how long.

After sitting leisurely on the sofa he began to remember all the new information he acquired via inheritance.

It took him a while but finally, he was able to process everything.

According to the knowledge he gained, there were countless worlds like the one he lived in this universe and each world has its own set of rules by which it works, all different worlds function independently and treat all living things impartially but there are some people who are the chosen ones, they are chosen by their respective worlds to maintain order and stability and act on behalf of the world, they are blessed by luck and destiny of the world they live in.

He finally realised who the so-called protagonists /heroes/chosen ones truly are.

He now had a clear understanding that by stealing their chances he was stealing away the blessing and luck bestowed upon them to convert it into pure energy for his increase in strength.

He realised that there were 8 orders of strength after which one can finally cross mortal limits and step into the true path of immortal cultivation.

The bigger worlds included countless gods, demons, and various other mythical beings and only after reaching order 8 can he force into those worlds. Yes, the countless worlds had a strong barrier surrounding them which needed a certain amount of order strength to break.

His current strength was already level two, and their current world was a low-level world capable of producing protagonists that can rival up to the 4th order of strength.

Thus, he concluded David should have 4th order of strength as according to the knowledge he gained from inheritance all world usually only have one protagonist whose strength correspond to the size of that world.

Suddenly everything became clear to him, he realised that as he took and plundered the other\'s luck and destiny, he was weakening his opponent\'s strength, but at the same time his strength was going up and soon he will be able to ignore the rules that bound him here, and when that happens nothing can stop him in this world.

So the plan was simply to find these so-called lucky ones and plunder them to raise his strength to the fourth-order which was the limit here and then leave this world for a medium-level world.

As he got the hang of everything, the things he bought earlier arrived. After putting everything in place and making sure the delivery person went away he stored all the stuff in his storage ring.

He knew in the current world only some low-level storage rings were present as the technology to produce them was long lost since the space mages disappeared and he did not want to make anyone come for him after knowing about storage ring.

Finally, the door of the house rang and Aushima without waiting for any more directly barged in, she was carrying two large suitcases which caused her to be heavily exhausted. After putting them down she just sank onto the sofa.

He gave her a glass of water to recharge her energy, which proved effective but he soon realised her pouting expression and knew what this seductress needed.

In these past days, he had already realised that the most important thing she loved in intimate actions was kissing. So he leaned in to give her a small peck on the lips and she nodded in satisfaction.

She soon put all her stuff in his room and both started getting ready to go to the guild as the group had long decided to meet there directly.

The two managed to arrive at their destination just in time, where they found others waiting for them.

David just nodded at them and went in without thinking much.

On the other hand, seeing Elandor and Aushima arriving together many ideas and thoughts started popping up in Eve and Jasmine\'s minds.

The group soon came to the bulletin board where quests were hung.

There were only 2 silver-ranked quests but they were enough for them to rank up to gold rank.

But each of them would take at least a week to complete, but the plus point was, starting from silver rank, adventurers were paid a good amount of gold coins by their respective guilds.

The first quest was to help the guild master\'s daughter Parul in finding a special ingredient for an ancient elixir recipe but that ingredient could only be found in the nearby kingdom of light\'s dangerous restricted forest, where rarely any human enters due to various dangerous beasts lurking in shadows.

The second was to assist the knights in exterminating a horde of menacing goblins in a town in the countryside. This quest needed a week and a half to finish.

Seeing the people in dilemma Elandor decided it was time for him to speak as in their eyes he was the most analytical person in the group," Actually both tasks are very easy and each needs 2 people as a basic requirement. Why don\'t we split into groups of 2 and 3 respectively to complete them fast, you know the quest like goblin extermination is very hard to come by as it\'s gonna give us lots of points and if we missed either of these, we will have to do a lot of other silver-ranked quests before we can level up to gold rank."

Founding the argument logical all nodded their heads.

"Yes you are right, we must level up fast and only by putting our lives as a wager can we become strongest", spoke David.

It was at that point Aushima realised David only had the notion to get strong in his brain and didn\'t even bother paying a glance to others, in his eyes he don\'t even need to bother to explain his actions to anyone and all must assume they have to serve him and guide him like a monarch, the minor shortcomings in his personality which earlier she was blinded to were soon noticed by her and the more she noticed the more she felt thankful to Elandor for opening her eyes and looked at him affectionately.

I suddenly saw the blue airhead looking at me again with those misty eyes," What\'s the situation with her now? Is this her way to give me a signal to again go on a duo journey … hmm but it will push back my plans for Eve and Jasmine. Well never mind let\'s just fulfil her wish. Who knows what surprise awaits us?"

David was already thinking about how to split the group, seeing the rhythm I winked at Aushima and spoke," The goblin quest needs strong strength people as we need to engage in melee with them plus most of the goblins this time have magic resistance in their bodies, so Aushima won\'t be able to help much and I also lack experience with weapons for melee as I\'m more of a survival and support type."

Getting my signal Aushima followed me up, "Yes, I am also bad with weapons and only able to do magic spells and the past week I have learned various spells to improve my shortcomings and increased my agility with physical work out so I think, I and Elandor are most suited for the quest to retrieve item."

p Not finding any fault with her reasoning David once again nodded. In his mind, he had already decided to go to kill goblins, it doesn\'t matter who came with him, as a hero and chosen one how can he waste time finding some herbs while he had the chance to unleash his strength and fight and kill to his heart\'s content, in his eyes only by fighting can one become stronger.

Soon the groups were decided and they decided to separate accordingly but during the entire time, there was a strange light in Eve\'s eyes.

With her sharp eyes, she was able to notice changes in Aushima, she was no longer arguing with them nor stayed closer to David plus all these secret expressions that were exchanged between Elandor and her only made the situation more suspicious, while Jasmine didn\'t even bother to pay attention to these details as in her eyes Aushima and Elandor with their weak strengths were like a pawn in her hand who she could play with any time, she had long decided to kill Aushima and Elandor after a while, in her eyes the only opponent was Eve.

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