
Chapter 19 - Warrior Vs Magic Caster

POV of shaman´s.

"Light up your torches and continue forward!"

Hearing the command of their elder, some goblins dropped their bags to the ground and pulled torches out of the bags.

Lighting up the torches made the surrounding goblins go blind for a sec cause of the sudden appearance of light.

He blankly stared at the goblins getting used to the light before getting to move forward.

"Even though we are able to see greatly through the dark, it isn´t to the point to complete night vision..."

Unlike the undead.

We would at least need a single spark of light to be able to see through complete darkness.

Since most of the undead have by default night vision it shouldn´t be strange that there is no sight of a light source inside the cave.

"Anyways...this skeleton did quite some work didn´t he?"


Shortly after they lighten up their torches they noticed that the path leading to the warrior´s chief throne had signs of something being dragged over together with some blood mixed in.

"K-Kgh..." The first goblin to notice this sight quickly sucked up this breath. Seeing where the tracks in the ground were coming from they quickly got afraid.

The tracks were coming out of the throne room.

Every single goblin knew this room. This room represents either their execution point or their promotion into a warrior.

Except the female goblins and these two reasons, no one else was allowed to go inside without the permission of their warrior chief.

Every goblin that was called inside that room has as high expectations as they had in dread!

"Quite!" Although it was quite hypocritical for me to scream at them to be quiet I didn´t care.

"Inside there is only a single skeleton waiting for us! With my supreme magic and our numbers, there is nothing to be afraid of! No get to moving!"

Suppressing their fear from the throne room, they moved according to the elder\'s command.

After all, they feared more their elder being dissatisfied with them and turning them to these toys, rather than the throne room.

Entering the room, the first thing they took to notice was the throne and a silhouette sitting on the throne.

Cause of the darkness they couldn´t make up what exactly that silhouette was. All they saw was that it wore some of the same cloth their wearing in this chest and legs.

But before they could make up what this was their elder took command.

"Charge at the skeleton from left and right! I will cast magic at the front!"

Upon hearing the command of the elder. It was as if a hidden switch was turned on the goblins. And the before scary cats that the goblins were screeched out loudly and put a ferocious face while charging with all they got!

"Kghwa! Kwhaw! Kwhaw!"

While those goblins were charging with all their might. I was in a deep concentration.

That´s right, I was casting magic!

After around 3 seconds the shaman opened this eye and faced this palm towards the now sitting skeleton!


And like an instant, some flame materialized from out of nothing and formed a small ball of fire which was shot directly at the throne with immense speed!


The ball of fire although small, the moment it came into contact with the skeleton on the throne. The ball of flames exploded and engulfed the whole throne with fire!

At this sight, the goblins stopped rushing towards the throne, and they all stand still.

Waiting for the skeleton to emerge out of the flames.

But after a short while, they started to have some doubts.

Where is the skeleton?

Why isn´t it coming out of the flames?

Did maybe their elder finished to skeleton with just one move?

Our elder is indeed the greatest!

And so, their cries (screeches) of celebration could be heard from all over the cave.

But the shaman only had a heavy look while staring at the flames.

While intensively watching over the flame, he noticed something.

After the cloth was burned he could finally see what was hidden between the flames. At what he saw wasn´t bone, but instead...


And like an instant, a terrifying idea came to this mind!

But before he could relay these findings.

Something happened among the cheerful cheer.

And that was a scream of pain!



[You received 300 Experience Points]

"So that´s the caster!"

Seeing the goblin that was holding a skull staff and perform magic it was obvious at this point that this one was the master of the zombie goblins and the leader of those 20 or whatnot goblins that were all over the room.

"It went better than expected!" Although I had some doubts about my plan inside my head. In the end, the current situation was way better than I had even thought!

The original plan was to decorate the entry point of the cave in order to make it seem like I was waiting for them inside while burying myself outside so that I can ambush them.

Not only would that allow me to have the jump on them but if things go south I will still have the opportunity to run!

If we don´t count that I had to wait for almost a whole hour underground...

The perfect plan!

As for the decoy that was sitting on the throne I just used the remains of the hobgoblin and put some cloth to hide this flesh.

Although I didn´t have much expectation on the dummy itself being able to fool the goblins.

But who would even though that the caster goblin would reveal this magic!

All the effort wasn´t for nothing!

I tossed the goblin that I had just killed and I rushed towards the caster!

The distance was only 10 meters!

Seeing me rush towards it, the caster goblin made an anxious face before screeching out loudly!

That helped the other goblins to finally realize my existence.


"Too late!" Even if the goblins were to come rushing to me I would even have reached the caster goblin. If I kill the caster the others would soon follow after!

But as I reached the 6 meters, something happened.

The caster goblin raised this skull staff up high and slap it to the ground. Realizing some faint brown lightly.

The next moment he did that that the ground started moving!

The ground started to rise and moving like some waves. And like an Instant, a 4-meter tall earth wall came to my sight.

"What the..?" But before I could make sense of what was going on. The 4 meters that have risen like an instant accelerated towards me.

"What!?" I halted and tried to use [Sprint] to dodge to the side.

But it was already too late.

The wall smashed right in front of me and as if disregarding my existence. The wall continued to move and pushing me forward.

And right after the wall reached a distance of 15 meters away from the shaman. The wall stopped and crumbled into pieces, leaving only some pile of stones at the place where the earth wall stopped.

Although the wall stopped, it did push me away from the caster goblin.

Though the momentum that had built up and the sudden stop of the earth wall, made me roll to the ground and further increasing the distance between us.

"To be able to raise a whole 4-meter tall wall like an instant..." I wanted to curse out loud but before I could do that I saw the caster goblin through the corner of my "eye" pointing this palm towards me.

Seeing that, I immediately panicked and activated [Sprint] in a hurry.

Pure mana flowed through my body and directly to my legs. While still laying to the ground I activated the skill [Sprint] and jumped away from my current locations.

And a short moment after, the location that I was a second ago was engulfed with flames!

"That guy is too dangerous to be left alone..." Disregarding all useless thoughts, I stood up with my spear and shield in my hands and rushed towards the caster goblin.

"You must die!"

The goblin caster was bewildered, he originally thought that he could finish the skeleton once and for all with this [Firebolt] and [Earth Wave] combo. Seeing the skeleton dodging this combo attack it screeched towards the surrounding goblins and pointed towards the skeleton.

And at the next moment, all the goblin´s rushed towards the skeleton with a mad expression.

Seeing that I scoffed loudly.

"You think those mere goblins can actually stop me!?"

I raised my spear and pierced right through the first goblin that came in front of me,

[You received 300 Experience Points]

The beginning of the first blood [1] was the signal which started my mass slaughter!

When the goblins were nearing me I either pierced them with my spear, punched, and even kicked them.

Each punch and kick made broke bones. Although that didn´t kill me, I had some other priorities in my mind. And those were not the half-dead goblin´s lying to the ground.

The caster was the problem!

While I was dealing with the goblin´s to move forward, most of my attention was placed on the caster goblin with the skull staff. Every move he made was under my watch!

But shortly after the caster made this move!

He pointed this skull staff towards my direction, which made me confuse.

"You going to shoot that fireball with that goblin´s around me and at that distance?"

I placed myself between some goblins and stayed at full alert while watching the caster goblin every move closely.

"What is he doing...?" And while I was watching, I notice a chance!

Some sparks of lightning came out of the staff which instantly turned into lighting that was shot towards me!

The lighting pierced right through the stomach of the goblin in front of me and directly hitting me too! Which made us two get electrocuted for a full 2 seconds.

The goblin that was hit fall to the ground with no signs of life while I in another hand was still standing.

Although some smoke was coming out of my body I didn´t receive as much damage as I had expected. I lost only about 125 hp through this attack.

"So fast..." Even if I know that this attack was coming I doubt I will be able to dodge it. I need to reach the caster faster.

15 meters away

12 meters away

9 meters away.

Seeing that I was slowly approaching him, the shaman goblin started to screech while holding this staff with both these hands.

And at the next moment, dead mana came out of caster´s goblin directly to the fallen, almost dead goblin´s.

The next moment the fatally wounded goblin´s stood up and screeched loudly at the same time. Though the 12 targets were hit by the dead man, only 5 goblins died and became zombie goblins.

"So that´s how he does it..." Seeing that that zombie goblins were coming at me I scoffed inwardly.

What can does mere 5 goblins do, compared to the 16 that came at me?

But at the moment all the goblins that were surrounding me attacked me at the same time. I simply waved my spear and knocked most of the goblins away.


3 goblins managed to somehow dodge and instead of attacking me with their dagger´s or axes they instead jumped at me in the hopes of holding me down.

"The heck you guy´s doing?" Just these three want to stop my movement? Dream on!

But at the next moment, the 5 zombie goblin´s jumped at me. or rather hugged me in the hopes of holding me down.

"What the...!" Although I was confused at first, seeing that goblin caster pointing this palm towards me I panicked!

Distracted by the sudden attack, I forgot about this guy!

"Let me go!" I punched the goblin´s that were holding me down so that I can move freely. But they were too many!

"Kghwa!" The caster finished this spell and a fireball came to my sight.

"Sh*t! [Shield Bash]" Seeing no way out, I used my skill [Shield Bash] to meet with the fireball.

The fireball exploded in front of me, engulfing both me and the 8 goblins in flames.





With the explosion accruing, everyone stopped moving as if a switch was turned on.

They were anxiously watching the fires, hoping that the damned skeleton to be dead.

But their hopes were crushed the next moment.

A burst of bloodthirst came out flames and at the next moment a skeleton came out flames.

[Sin of Wrath] Activated

A skeleton with green ethereal eyes appeared out of the flames. With this chest still in flames, he rushed towards their elder!

"Die!" I used [Sprint] and reached the caster.

"Kwgah!" The caster goblin slaps this staff to the ground and a similar earth wall appeared in front of me.

"Not this time! [Piercing]" a faint green and white light came out of the tip of my spear which crushed towards the wall.

After a short pause, the spear showed signs of breaking apart. But so did the wall.

The spear pushed through the wall, thus destroying and turning the wall into pieces, but it also resulted in the spear breaking.

The caster goblin was shocked and was about to turn around to run away.

But it was already too late.

I throw the spear away and bought out my sword.

"Your death is already here!"

And with a swing towards the caster´s head.

It was dead.

[1] In the game League of Legends, the first blood refers to the announcement that players get to when the first player is killed.

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