
Chapter 28 - How Do You Know Me!?

With a surge of dead mana coming out of my body. My whole body started to trebled slightly, it wasn´t a thought of pain.

No, it was the exact opposite!

Currently, my whole skeleton body was experiencing a feeling of total euphoria! It was as if the crushing pressure that I felt before never happened in the first place and just the feeling of pure happiness remained.

The perfect words for this feeling would be `you have to go through hell, to reach the heavens.

It was truly addictive!

But the next moment that I caught a group of 5 humans in my sight, without giving any warning. The amazing feeling of euphoria disappeared, only for the burning feeling of hatred to replace it in short.

"Human..." With my mood turning foul and without any signs of the burning hatred going away. I got into my stance.

With the new sword raised in front of me, I prepare to engage him in the group of 5.

But then I noticed a dark green light that was coming out of my sword.

Why does the sword glow?

Turning the sword facing me, I found the source of the lighting.

"Why are there green flames inside my eyes..." Reaching my hand and touching the flames bough neither a feeling of being burned or of any discomfort.

After feeling quite puzzled by this situation, a flash of insight suddenly hit me.

Right! The new Skill I got!´ With an internal command, my whole status came in front of me.


Name: ----

Level: 10

Race: Draugr (Undead)

Class: [Undead Warrior Lv.7]

Sub-Class: ----

Health: 1600/1600

Mana: 210/210

Attribute Points: 2

Attributes: Strength: 39 Agility: 32 Intelligence: 21 Endurance: 31

[Talents] [Undead] [Sin of Wrath] [Reinforced Soul] [Superior Uniqe Concioness]

[Skills] [Lower Weapon Mastery Lv.1] [Miasma Corruption Lv.1] [Sprint Lv.1] [Shield Bash] [PiercingLv.1] [Wind Blade Lv.1]

[Remark: With your evolution of stepping through the Tier 2 Undead Although there is still a long way to reach. Your evolution broke the fate of you being as weak as a plain rock!]

"As rude as ever huh..." Ignoring the remark part, my focus went towards the [Superior Unique Concioness].

[Superior Unique Concioness]: A improved version of the talent [Uniqe Concioness] that only Undead that already had consciousness before stepping into the second tier are capable to get this talent. It slightly increases the consciousness intelligence while increasing the bonuses of the following ethereal eyes. Since the owner has dark green eyes, he gains 10% proficiency and cost reduction towards soul-based skills. You also gain +3 of all stats. The higher your Tier, the more bonuses are gained by this talent.

"So my talent is...towards soul-based skills? Nevertheless, just having 12 extra attributes makes this talent already good"

"Now...how should I deal with those´ thinks?"´Putting my remaining attribute points towards my Intelligence and slowly walked towards the group of five.

[Inteligence increase by 1]

[Inteligence increase by 1]

Seeing me advantaged towards them, four of them rushed towards me while one stayed behind.

Three with the same armor while the one on the middle with a full plate armor...

"Is the one that stayed behind...a caster?"

`I can´t let him carelessly shoot at me with whatever of a spell he got up to this a#s...

"Slowly...let it..." Letting the burning hatred in my chest engulf me. New Strenght came at me.

[Sins of Wrath]: Activated

The dead mana that was surrounding me before exploding with intense bloodlust!

Hmm...my mind is much more clear than when I tried using wrath before. Is it because of the [Reinforcement Soul]?

Putting such thoughts for later, I confronted the plated man.

With mana running in my new long sword.

Our swords clashed with each other!


"[Wind Blade]!" Before the clash even happened I used the wind blade together with my swing to confront the mana with the plate armor, Expecting the wind blade to at least inflict him some unexpected damage.

Seeing that no damage was made I realized that the wind blade didn´t go through this sword.

But as our swords were at each other, I heard a sudden voice out of this man.

"-Onslaught!" As I was confused by this sudden shout, I was engulfed by an explosion made out of flames!

Though the force behind the explosion, made me fly back about 5 meters away.

"W-What was that...?" Seeing the man in front of me unscratched I couldn´t help but look at the young man behind.

"Was it...the caster?" As I was looking at the pale young man, the man in the plate armor stood in front of me. Thus blocking my sight between me and the young man.

"So...he is a caster!" Seeing the way this group behaved they seemed to protect the young man in the backline.

As I stood back up, a loud battle cry came in the corner of my eye.

"-venge!" Seeing one of the group behind me raising this sword to crush my skull. I quickly reacted and blocked this swing with my shield.

"[Shield Bash]..." Expecting him to be as strong as the man with the plate armor. I used my skill,[Shield Bash] in case he would use a skill similar to [Heavy Strike]. But the outcome was totally out of my expectations.

Instead of the sword holding my shield down, I completely reflect the sword! Then I noticed the differences between those guys and the plate armor guy.

"Weak..." Without using a skill I hastily stood up and pierce my long sword inside the guy\'s heart!

"K-Kugh!" Coughing a mouth full of blood, he blankly stared at the sword towards this chest. Before crumpling like a puppet would if you were to cut her strings.

[You gained 1500 XP]

"Now fou-" Before I could even finish, the two other ordinary humans shouted at the same time.



"How could you do this to Frank!"

"Prepared to face my vengeance fuelled by the death of Frank!"


Who is Frank?

Being stunned for a second, what I next saw surprised me!

"Young Master! Stand back!"

The Caster, No. The young man that I had thought of him being the caster of this group suddenly ran towards me with this sword in hand.

Seeing the relations between the plated armor and the young man I realized that I was wrong.

`So a servant-master treatment...is it!? He will be a great hostage if I can catch him, and him being dead should affect their morale.´

Having found my target I quickly used [Sprint] and rushed towards him!

"Young Mas- You!" Seeing me targeting the young man the one with plated armor got quickly in my way.

"You two! Don´t forget why you are here! Protect the young master!"

After being stunned for a moment the two reacted quickly and headed to assist the plated man.

Our swords clashed again, which resulted in creating echoes of clashing metal!

Although it seemed evenly matched, it wasn´t.

While I was only able to hit this armor once with my long sword, he already hit and broke some of the ribs while other places were full of scratches!

He is stronger... and this swordplay is on a different level!

I can´t win...

Although I wasn´t able to inflict much damage, I was capable to see this status!


Name: Rapha Bloodmane

Race: Human

Level: 23

Class: [Warrior Lv.9]

Sub-Class: [Spell Blade Lv. 3]

Health: 1942/1950

Mana: 450/450

Attribute Points: 0

Attributes: Strength: 45 Agility: 38 Intelligence: 45 Endurance: 38 Stamina 40

[Talents] [Human] [Ancestors Blood] [Reinforced Body] [Leader] [Blood Loved] [****] [****]

[Skills] [Sword Mastery Lv.4] [Sprint Lv.5] [Blaze Onslaught Lv.2] [Blood Frenzy Lv.6] [****] [****] [****] [****] [****] [****]

[Remark: A man that has from this ancestors blood in this veins. This ancestor blood was forged and enchant thoroughly until perfection. Although this bloodline has mixes a little bit, the power towards the enchanted blood runs through these veins.]

So strong...no wonder he was able to block my wind blade!

But seeing this status I noticed the [****] which quite confused me. But sadly I didn´t have the time to focus on them right now.

Glancing at this status the I noticed that the status showed the name of this human. Seeing a name for my first time in the status I couldn´t help but mumble lowly.

"Rapha Bloodmane..." Although I said it with a low voice. The face of the plated man, No, Rapha Bloodmane´s faces turned pale.

"You...! How Do you Know me!?" Seeing him being stunned for a second I didn´t miss that chance!

I used [Sprint] to step to the side and realized my [Wind Blade] towards the young man!

"What!?" Realizing this mistake he gathers a terrifying amount of mana in this sword.

"Blaze Onslaught!" With a cross of flames appearing in front of me I used my skill [Shield Bash] to block it. But it was futile.

The moment the cross made out of fire hit me I massive explosion accrued which send me flying!

I felt all my bones being crashed at the same time. but what I didn´t expect was the explosion sent me towards the hole where the lake was at!


"Ar- ight!"

Falling with my broken body and sword towards the lake, I could barely hear the voices of those humans before I falling into the lake.

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