
Chapter 299 Abdiel, The Knight That Brings Death

With the lighting of the spell [Dragon Lighting] traveling through his whole body, even his newly aquired skill [Armor of Vengeances] wasn´t able to absorb all the damage, making small cracks appear all around his body.

Maybe [Armor of Vengeances] would have been able to absorb 2, but for a total of 4 lighting spells the skill was only able to reduce the damage he received to a minimum.

Resulting in a wave of anger coming at Danzel.

"You!!!" Gnashing his teeth, he guided his mana into his sword and swung towards the location of one of the masked magic casters.

Unfortunately, the magic caster had already realized his limitation in ranged combat. At this point, they would have been stupid if they didn´t notice how Danzel long ranged attacks were only the dark green wind blade and the balls of dead mana.

But knowing isn´t the same as doing it.

The masked magic casters had spread right after finishing their spell, but the one who was targeted found the ominous wind blade being much faster than his flying speed.

Luckily for him, one of his colleagues reacted accordingly and cast the spell [Air Wave] on the one who was targeted.

[Air Wave] was a 1st-tier spell that as its name suggested, send a large wave of air to the caster\'s target location. In most cases, it wasn´t a lethal spell to say the less.

The magic caster used this spell to push his colleagues a few meters to the side so that he can dodge the dark wind blade, which for the most part he succeeded.

The target magic caster thanks to the save of his colleagues barely manage to avoid death for the cost of being cut on the neck.

"Agh~[Close Wounds]!"

The cut was a few centimeters deep and could have been lethal if left untreated. And for a magic caster who is capable of healing magic, such a thing wasn´t an issue.

"Dammit, Agh~[Greater Pain Resistance]! Why does it still hurt?" He mumbled as the pain in his neck made him extremely uncomfortable.

It wasn´t unbearable like the one who had his arm cut off, but the pain he felt was always there and didn´t lessen even after using a spell like [Greater Pain Resistance].

"Everyone! That wind holds some kind of pain amplifying curse!" The magic caster who was cut shared the information among the others before going down out of Danzel\'s vision.

Danzel would have very much liked to chase after them, but having lost his momentum he soon found himself surrounded by the arcanic mutants.

A total of 6 mutants charged at him at the same time.

The one in front of him jumped at him with his black claws trying to get a piece from him while another 2 were trying to do the same on both his left and right.

Using skillful his shield with the support of [Undying Guard] Danzel was capable to hold the one in front of him together with the ones on his left side at bay and even slammed his shield directly at their face and heal the cracks in his body.

The two others from his right side were the victims of his sword.

​ Wherever they came close Danzel would swing his sword and cut their chest a large wound, while amplifying the curse of the [Cursed Wounds Blade] skill.

Holding so many 3rd-tier combatants while inflicting them lethal damage was a feat worth mentioning, but in the end, there was a limit.

Right after the two mutants in his right stopped moving, the last mutant that was sneaking from behind him moved at speed much faster than the other mutants.

Something that Danzlel didn´t expect.

Without being able to react, the mutant rammed his shoulder right through his back with enough force to crack his spine.

This mutant body modification was specifically aimed toward his legs so that he can dash with explosive speed. Making it the reason why this one was faster than all other mutants.

But since using such speed overheated the muscles on his legs, performing such a move wasn´t possible more than once in a short time.

And having used her dash already, the mutant felt soon victim to Danzel\'s cursed sword cutting his body from shoulder to his hip.

The mutant in front of him saw this as an opportunity and moved to Danzel\'s right side in the hope to push his claw right through where the lungs were supposed to be.

Danzel who didn´t miss such movement had his ethereal eyes flare up much more.

Sweeping his sword like the scythe of a reaper, he directly cut the mutant\'s chest in one go without it being able to dodge.

Danzel learned that as long as he killed them and cut their arms off, they would be essentially powerless even if they would be able to move

Unfortunately, he once again underestimated the mutants will power to kill one\'s opponent.

The mutant who had his half torso cleaved though, used one of its remaining legs to jump right past Danzel while the other leg turned around and directly kicked Danzel\'s head.


Destroying the dark platings, the kick\'s power was enough to leave a large crack in the back of Danzel\'s skull.

The damage had been much greater if Danzel didn´t wear his helmet while using [Armor of Vengeances].

With the skull being the weakness of most skeleton type undead, the damage that Danzel received was incredibly high. If he were to look at his status, that would even have been a total of more than 6000 HP.

As an undead, he didn´t feel any sort of pain.

But receiving such kind of damage to his skull engulfed him with an increadible amount of hatred and bloodlust to the point where a dark aura was seeping out of his armor.


The masked magic caster who saw that didn´t dare to leave this opportunity unused.

They flew above Danzel and let a total of 4 [Dragon Lightings] louse towards Danzel, which soon met their target.

*Chiigh~!!! Crack!

Just like before, Danzel was engulfed with the lighting of the magic caster, further opening the cracks in his spine and skull while creating much smaller cracks all around his body.

Of course, most of the damage was absorbed and turned into a dark mist that was accumulating inside his chest thanks to the skill of [Armor of Vengeances].

At that time the other mutants who had him surrounded replaced the spots of the previous 4 dead mutants. Charging to get a piece on the severely damaged dark knight.

At that time Danzel\'s bloodlust was raised to the next level and manifest like a dark aura seeping out of his armor, bringing immense pressure though around the whole area.

"YOU MERE INFERIOR BEINGS!!!" Danzel cold and thunderous voice echoes through the whole area, carrying the bloodlust that made even his own allies tremble from fear.

In the next second, that dark mist that has accumulated in his chest moved out of his armor and circled around him.

Suddenly, the very dark mist that was circling around his armor exploded and spread through his surroundings.

At first, it looked like some usual dark mist, but once the mutants came in contact with the mist, they were forcibly pushed back as if the mist was a wall.

The mist traveled a total of 10 meters and send every mutant who came across its path flying.

Since a large amount of them was gathered around Danzel, the mutants who were sent flying crashed into the mutants behind them.

Those who came in direct contact with the dark mist found their bodies to quickly decay and have their very own flesh rot.

Danzel being in the middle of where the dark mist came had his sword engulfed with his mana while casting one of his spells.

"Repair this wronged vessel."

In the next second, dead mana flowed through his body and repaired the cracks of his body, but not all of them.

It was the 2 tier spell, [Restore Undying Body], which was of the few skills which he had to chant to use.

Once he used it once, he dashed forward with a speed much greater than before.

Being under the effect of [Sin of Wrath] while having his skull damaged and even facing the living. Danzel\'s state of mind was filled with bloodlust.

Leaving most of the mutants behind, the few who came to stop him were met with his [Soul of Death Essence], making them completely unable to move even after their death. Since he could only use such skill three times at the same time, the rest of the mutants who tried to stop him were directly run over by him.

He pushed them to the ground while letting them scratch his armor or cut them directly with his sword while continuing his march towards his target.

He did all that while continuously casting [Restore Undying Body] and slowly repairing his body.


Currently, the masked magic caster who was putting their all to activate the portal once more finally succeeded after painstakingly focusing their entire minds on it.

Though the metal spikes did most of the work, they were still responsible to keep the teleportation portal active and supply it with mana.

If they wanted to activate the teleportation portal more than once, they had to carefully keep the portal stable while supplying it with mana. It was a mentally tiresome job, which had them put their entire focus on maintaining the portal.

After all, they were mere 2nd-tier magic casters.

Though they were from an elite unit that receive special training and magical knowledge, there was a limit that they couldn´t cross.

But with the help of some magic items, even they were capable to cast magic of the 4th-tier!

Suddenly, the pool of mana in the portal seemed to show an image of a more masked magic caster and mutants.

`Just a bit more...´ One of the magic casters thought as he saw the portal almost ready to bring their reinforcements to them.

But in the next moment, a huge shadow fall upon this magic caster before a cold filled with hate came from behind him.

"Repair this wronged vessel," The cold said before driving his cursed sword to the magic caster\'s head, thus ending his life without him even realizing it.

With him gone, the portal started to go out of control, and the image that just appeared faded away shortly after.

Seeing that, the 3 other magic casters were dumbfounded at what just happend.

`What just happend?` They thought in unison before glancing at their colleague laying on the ground while a pool of blood was forming where his head was.

Right after seeing him, they saw the appearance of the dark knight engulfed with a horrifying aura.

"Move!" Upon the call of one of them, the others jumped to fly into the air.

But Danzel wasn´t generous enough to let them go.

Having already been moving after killing the first of them, Danzel directly killed two magic casters without them being able to take flight.

The one who shout was the only one who managed to fly and escape from the dark knight.

At least that\'s what he thought.

Before flying high enough, he felt something holding his leg.

"Huh?" Looking down at his leg, all he saw were two dark green hands holding his leg before he was cut in half by a dark green wind blade.

The blood flew everywhere, including on top of Danzel\'s armors, which by now was filled with scratches and small holes.

Out of his armor flew some dark sand which started to fill those scars and holes and make his armor just as it was before.

Having stopped more enemies beings summoned, Danzel turned toward the remaining mutants and the masked magic caster.

"Now only you lot remain." He said while walking towards the whole group with killing intent.

Wilhelm who observed Danzel\'s performance couldn´t help but remember Vanessa´s words.

`That guy there is already enough to be your bodyguard.´

At that time he doubted her words.

But after seeing the strength that he showed and feeling his ominous aura, cold sweat run through his back.

"Necromancer Abdiel...a knight that brings death upon others." He mumbled to himself.

He knew that his brother could possibly send assassins after him to finish him off so that he can secure the heir position for good.

That was why Wilhelm was always wary of the people around him.

Being a 3rd-tier magic caster, he was confident in his strength and his ability to survive an assassination.

But after seeing the necromancer known as Abdiel, he suddenly lost all his confidence.

`No, it should be alright. His highness was the one who sent me Vanessa and Abdiel to guard me.´ He thought for a moment before focusing back on the battlefield.

Though he had spent the majority of his mana, through time he managed to regain some amount of mana to perform some spells.

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