
Chapter 323 Talk With The Council (3)

"Hah! Then what should I call you?" Kingra\'mash scoffed out loud.

"The Fallen Resurrector?"

"Ancient Collector?"

"Or would you rather be called Velkir Veleron Verres?" Kingra\'mash said while glaring at the seated aged dark skinned man with tattoos on his bald head.

"If you want to start calling each other by our formal titles, I bet that paperwork that I am seeing on that desk over there wouldn\'t solve itself."

"Oh Dark Priest of the Hungering" Velkir added after a pause.

"Ghhh...don\'t ever call me by that name before." Kingra\'mash said in annoyance before going and seating opposite Velkir.

"Then I hope you start telling me you called my own discipline here, Kingra\'mash"

"Hmpf, there was no particular reason, I was just acting upon my curiosity. But I didn\'t expect him to be just like us. A natural born undead..."


"Velkir...you know as well as I do, that he needs to join the council. An apprentice undead needs to be presented in front of the council-"

"Why, because of the rules?" Velkir cut the Lich opposite to him short.


"No! Because of our faction!" Kingra\'mash said while hitting the table.

"You of all people should know what is happening in the council! That other faction filled with fakes both outnumbers us and our resources! While our members can be barely counted by 4 hands! They have been gathering their forces while our sides stay the same! And in the past few centuries, there have only been 2 new members! And they joined only a few years ago." He said with his voice growing colder and colder.

Velkir in response stared indifferently toward Kingra\'mash.

"Old news of the past decades that have been repeating ever since. I don\'t see any reason why I should care now. My time is much more important than dealing with those measly fakes."

There was a moment of silence between each two before Kingra\'mash opened his mouth once more.

"Velkir, one of us has been recently killed." Kingra\'mash said with a heavy tone that lacked any empathy. It was as if he was talking about a coming storm that ravaged a city without caring about the casualties.

"Killed?" Velkir said in a blank voice, confused as to why he was talking about such useless things. As for them, death was only a temporary state of being.

"What I meant is that they destroyed the phylactery of Ravencrow, the Plague Bringer."

Hearing that, Velkir\'s grip on his staff became much more intensive.

"...What? They destroyed his phylactery?" Velkir said in disbelief.

"Not only that, but they burned his place and stolen whatever was worth. Though it isn\'t official, everyone on the council knows that the faction of fakes did it."

Velkir stayed silent from such news.

Ravencrow was a notorious Lich that gained the title of Plague Bringer. He was one of the few Liches who saw the fall and rise of the old and new kingdoms and specialized in a rare type of death magic that allowed to spread as his title states, plagues, and terrifying poisons.

Though mortals have forgotten his name, several of his plagues are left still by today several illnesses that plague the common man.

Back then, such illnesses brought forth chaos as they suddenly appeared in the lives of the living. But in this day and age, others consider them as something that was always there. Ignorant of the truth.

"For him to die...I see why everyone thinks that the faction of fakes done it." Velkir said feeling a tent of the emptiness of losing someone he knew for centuries long.

"It hasn\'t been only that. Recently those guys started messing with our goals, trying to sabotage our plans. I also believe that they informed the king about me. He has been more careful around me recently and the assassins that come for me are on the daily." Kingra\'mash said with a bitter voice that didn\'t match his face.

"Those idiots have been seeking conflict with us recently. I don\'t care what you are hiding with that Wight, but he needs to join us. I saw his strength and he is bound to reach the 4th-tier. For now, I will keep my mouth shut till he reaches that point. But once he does become a true undead, you got to present him to us, Velkir." Kingra\'mash gave his ultimatum while pointing at him.

By now Velkir\'s face had grown to have a frown after hearing all the news.

"Enough of that, we will hold that conversation another day. For now, tell me if the plan changed or not."

"...I made adjustments so that it can not. But it seems that we will have to skip some steps and hasten in achieving our goal." Kingra\'mash said annoyed by Velkir attitude.

"And what are those adjustments that you are talking about?"


Standing up from his couch under the watchful gaze of Velkir, Kingra\'mash walked towards his desk, and with a wave of mana all the papers that fell from releasing his mana started levitating and organized in nice piles.

"Our plan to kill the king of Dynasty stays the same, just the date of it happening has chanced in around when the honors are given. I will try to do it with my pawns, but just in case you should inform your group in case I need support."

Letting his body fall on the seat, he recovered the flesh of his hands before picking a pen and a report from the piles of papers.

"But that alone wouldn\'t be enough to give me the crown, the children of that human still have enough achievements to challenge me for their crown. Though killing them is my preferred option...it will be hard after the death of the king to do as such with that lancer around..."

Writing the signature of the human that he was impersonating in the report, the Lich took another report and started to do the same.

"For that reason, I came up with a more secure plan. Something that will undoubtedly secure my potion of that mere throne of mortals."

Finishing another report and putting it to the side, Kingra\'mash stopped and stared at Velkir who stayed silent for his whole monologue.

"And for that, I will need your mercenary group to attack the Tower of Arcana and steal its core."

"Are you crazy..?" Velkir said with gray light escaping his eyes.

"Though I preferably would like to have the tower of that guy destroyed, Stealing it would make that fellow hole up on his tower for a while, making the war between the Dynasty and Arcana stop for a while."

"This wouldn\'t only bring temporary peace to the Dynasty, But the Berum kingdom will also jump into the opportunity to take some advantage in their foolish war against the Arcana kingdom. And with them coming to harm, it would also harm the supplies of those arrogant fakes. Three birds with one stone I am telling you." Kingra\'mash said with a smile on his face, which was a bit unnatural and twisted.

"It would have been a good plan if it wasn\'t putting me on at the end of the stick." Velkir said as shadows were slowly gathering to his feet and growling around his body.

"You have no right to complain when I was forced to play a human for years. Years that I could have spent disclosing the secrets of magic. So many theories I had to put on stop..."

"Alright...I will see it done. Contact me when the first part of the plan takes place."

With the shadows gathering his whole body and slowly sinking into the floor, disappearing from the room, the various barriers in the room broke apart.

"Now only those papers are left to be dealt with..." Kingra\'mash mumbled to himself.

Taking one of the many reports in his hands, he cursed internally of having to do the chores of the likes of humans.


At the same time where Danzel was teleported, a certain male dark elve appeared in front of him, besides with a huge high troll and his halberd resting on his shoulder.

"Long time no see, Danzel." Azrael said while walking towards them with his hand opponent up towards him.

Looking at the hand for a few seconds, Danzel shook the hand while nodding at Azrael.

"Like ways..." Danzel said indifferently.

Though the inherited hate towards the living was much less towards non-humans, that didn\'t mean that it was completely gone.

,m Hints of his killing intent were felt by Sartan and Azrael, but neither of them was offended by the slightest.

"Though you just returned after all those months, I hoped to speak with you about. Of course, if you have time that is." Azrael said, with a joke that went unnoticed by either of the two.

"Alright. In truth, I also wanted to talk with you." Danzel said.

"Mhm, then let\'s go talk inside my room. But before that...there is someone else that want\'s to talk with." Azrael said before stepping to the side


Turning his head to the side in confusion.

In an instant, the halberd of the High Troll was swung down like the blade of a guillotine right in front of Danzel with a speed that he couldn\'t hope to react to.


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