
Chapter 316 1 Vs 100 (Aizel Vs Kelvin)

When their companions were killed in such a surprising way, the other 18 mages turned their wary eyes on Aizel.

Even Kelvin, who was far away, couldn\'t understand how a simple plant could kill two Grade III mages with just one breath.

The realization dawned upon them that Aizel, armed with his deadly arsenal, had become the most formidable and powerful threat.

[Master, it seems they don\'t know about the plant.]

Yeah, but we need to use it carefully now."

"You are really interesting. No wonder Mother wants you more," Kelvin suddenly said.

"Why don\'t you just surrender? More mages might be on their way right now, and even if you somehow manage to kill everyone and escape, do you really think you can win the whole battle?"

"Yeah, that\'s the plan for now," Aizel replied.

"Why do you want to die young? You will be working under my mother, the most beautiful woman in Xelgar. 

"Every mage will die to take the opportunity that you are getting."

"Oye Brat... do you even know what are you saying? Do you really want me to fuck your mother so badly, huh?"


Throughout the Grand Colosseum, the crowd started to laugh and mock. 

Their collective laughter filled the air, mingling with the murmurs of the spectators. 

Even on the balcony where the kings, queens, and mages were sitting, a ripple of amusement spread.

However, amidst the laughter, the Queen of Theodora\'s countenance contorted with irritation. Her brows furrowed, and veins pulsed on her forehead, revealing her growing frustration and displeasure.

"If he is somehow able to survive this battle, I will personally rip him apart," She said in annoyance.

"Mother, calm down. You know he is a little stupid," Her eldest Daughter replied.


"This...This isn\'t what I meant. You... you won\'t surrender that easily, it seems. We really need to use force," Kelvin said.

Aizel\'s senses tingled as he realized that an unseen power had ensnared him, its grip tightening like an invisible vice.

As he slowly rose from the ground, his limbs stopped moving, leaving him powerless. It was as if an invisible string connected him to a mesmerizing mage who effortlessly drew him closer with a mere gaze.

Telekinesis?" He thought.

Aizel\'s resolve became stronger as he struggled against the force that wanted to shackle him.

With a surge of power through his imagination, he nullified the pull, leaving the mage momentarily stunned and vulnerable.

Before the mage could even utter a word, Aizel vanished in a swift burst of lightning, reappearing behind him in an instant.

His blade struck with lethal precision, swiftly ending the mage\'s life in a single decisive blow.

[13 down]

As Aizel made a sweeping motion with his hand, tall pillars of fire shot up from the ground under the mages. 

The intense heat and flames disrupted their carefully arranged formation, causing chaos and confusion among their ranks.

As Aizel charged towards the two mages, a man and a woman, the woman moved quickly and created a strong wall of earth to create a barrier between them.

However, undeterred, Aizel crashed through the wall with incredible force, closing the distance in an instant. 

He focused his attention on the female mage, determined to take her down first.

At the same time, Aizel saw the male mage coming toward him very quickly out of the corner of his eye.

In a calculated move, he summoned a mysterious mask in the shape of a box and a small container.  I think you should take a look at

With a swift motion, Aizel released the contents of the container, creating a dense cloud of smoke that enveloped the trio, temporarily obscuring their vision and disrupting their movements.

As the smoke spread, Aizel swiftly capitalized on the advantage. With their mana senses blocked and their defenses weakened, he unleashed a barrage of precise and lethal strikes, eliminating both mages simultaneously. 

Aizel\'s quick and decisive actions resulted in their dead bodies falling to the ground, ending their threat. 

[15 Down] 

Aizel\'s mana sense was blocked by the smokey haze, leaving him temporarily blind to the mages\' locations. 

Sensing his predicament, the remaining mages unleashed a torrent of spells, aiming to force him out of the smoke and into their waiting grasp.


In an instant, a tremendous explosion erupted within the smoky veil, engulfing the surroundings with a searing inferno. 

The blast unleashed a wave of fiery energy, propelling flames in all directions and illuminating the darkened battlefield.

Kelvin\'s heightened senses alerted him to impending danger, and he swiftly retreated.

A flurry of lightning-charged crescent-shaped slashes that flew through the air with unmatched accuracy emerged from the chaos that the explosions caused. 

Each deadly arc found its mark, cleaving through the defenses of the remaining 16 mages who sought shelter from the earlier explosion. 

In the blink of an eye, the slashing blades released their deadly power, cutting the mages in half with chilling speed. 

The dead bodies fell at the same time, and their once-terrifying presence on the battlefield was reduced to empty husks.

[31 Down, now the little boss remains of this area]



Emerging from the dissipating flames of the explosion, Aizel stood tall, a slight crack resonating through his neck as he flexed his muscles. With determined steps, he walked towards Kelvin.

"This is really unexpected.

"Never would I have thought it would become this difficult. A double-core mage with deadly tools and a gorgeous face.

"Seeing that smirk makes me want to bash your face again and again," Kelvin said.

Aizel simply snorted and ignored him.

Kelvin also slowly started to walk towards him.

"It\'s finally hereeeeeeee..........." Shoka\'s voice boomed in the Colosseum.

"The first major obstacle for our young war god. Will he be able to pass and move ahead, or will his journey will get over here?"

Both Aizel and Kelvin enhanced themselves with mana, their bodies pulsating with energy as they charged toward each other. 

The air crackled with anticipation as they collided, their fists meeting in a fierce clash. 



Both thought at the same time.

The force of their collision sent both Aizel and Kelvin staggering back, creating a momentary pause in their intense duel. 

This guy is tough,"

[Fufu, better be]

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