
Chapter 573 Healing The Injured (2)

While the woman\'s skeletal structure was the same as any other human skeleton he had seen in textbooks or online, the same couldn\'t be said about her organs. 

Upon stepping into the Fifth Tier, the organs generally associated with bodily functions would shrink, especially ones such as the lungs, liver, stomach, and intestines, which would become less effective as one grew in power. 

Their main reason being the body would become more dependent on utilizing Mana to sustain life instead of eating or breathing. As such, they became unnecessary and shrank, giving way to more important things such as the Codex and heart. 

Seeing as it was Cynrik\'s first time getting an up-close and personal interaction with a being such as the Governess, it made sense that his Mad Scientist brain would want to study it. 

To him, this was no different from getting his hands on an alien species, and he wanted nothing more than to figure out how everything worked.

Unfortunately, since time didn\'t permit such things, he took a lot of mental snapshots for further observations and instead zoomed his vision in on the situation inside of her Codex. 

What he saw caused Cynrik\'s face to darken. 

The Death Mana was highly active in attacking and destroying the two Mana particle types, in this case, Psychic and Terra. 

\'Tobs, what is the best way to do this?\' Getting a good view of the going ons of the Death Mana, Cynrik was stumped on how to move forward. 

Ideally, he wanted to brute force his Umbra Mana into the Codex and eradicate any trace of the Death Mana. However, if he did that, not only could he accidentally cause injuries to the woman, but if he was rash, Cynrik could potentially cripple the woman\'s ability to utilize Mana, which was no better than killing her since her body relied on it to live. 

  -Honestly, you only have two options here, Cyn. There is a third, but it would be impossible for you to achieve it.-

  -Option one is the brute force method, which, although dangerous, it\'s the more straightforward way to meet your goal.-

  -The downside is, as you know, a high chance of disabling her ability to use Mana, or worse yet, killing her.-

  -Realistically, even if you were an expert on doing such a procedure, there is only a 20% chance of success. From my understanding of your country\'s technology and knowledge, only three Doctors have experience in similar situations.-

  -And that percentage is their own; I\'d say you have a 3 to 5% chance of succeeding.-

\'Che, look\'s like the easy method is off the table then. What is the second method?\' Scratching his chin with his free hand, Cynrik took the opportunity to squish the Governess\'s breast again, savoring the feeling shamelessly. 

  -The Second option is more time-consuming but safer at the same time.-

  -As you know, a beings Codex can only manipulate and handle Mana particles of which the being has an Affinity: that or those of the Affinitiless variety. When external particles are introduced, the body\'s natural response is to attack and cleanse the intruding particles.-

  -Option two consists of flooding your Umbra Particles into her Codex and coating the inside, trapping everything inside and forcing a war between opposing particles.-

  -With the Codex isolated internally, no damage can be done to the organ itself, and you can snipe the Death Mana from time to time, but only to aid the Governess\'s particles.-

Ignoring Cynrik\'s actions with the Governess, Tobs explained the second option, causing him to sigh loudly.

\'Which is why it is time-consuming; I am essentially rendered as backup, only lending support when I see one side losing. 

  -Indeed, but you must also remember that the moment you introduce your Umbra Particles to the Codex, it will treat you the same way as the Death Mana, splitting its resources between you and the Death Mana, weakening its battlefront since it has to deal with not one but two enemies.-

  -I can run some simulations on how long it will take, but I expect you will use the option for over an hour or two…that is, if nothing goes wrong.-

\'I see…\' Looking over his shoulder, Cynrik watched Brance frantically move from one person to the next, burning all his Health potions on the injured people. 

\'And if Brance was to take over? What are his odds of success with the first option?\'

  -100 Percent. Although you can forcefully wrangle the particles into submission due to Umbra being a Superior Particle, Brance\'s HolyFire is as much a healing Type Element as offensive, making them much gentler in this scenario.-

  -Unlike you, who would be forced into going in guns a blazing, Brance can coax the Terra and Psychic Mana away from the Death, causing a cease-fire between them, before wiping out the Death Mana and leaving before the natives can attack him.-

\'Sigh, and of course, right now, Brance is fresh out of Elemental Mana, quite the shitty situation we\'ve found ourselves in this time.\' Sighing once more and looking back down at the Governess, Cynrik suddenly remembered the Third option Tobs had mentioned was impossible.

\'Tell me about option three, I know you said it was outside the realm of possibility, but it doesn\'t hurt to know what it is.\'

  -Uh…give her an Umbra Affinity.-

The moment the words left the little fairy\'s mouth, Cynrik\'s brain almost shut down, and he slowly turned to look at her on his shoulder with dead eyes. 

  -H…hey now, don\'t look at me with fish eyes; I said it was impossible for a reason, but that doesn\'t make it any less viable of an option to heal the woman.-

Jumping to her feet like a cat whose tail was stepped on, Tobs held her hands defensively and backed away from Cynrik\'s face. 

  -If her Codex recognized Umbra Particles, it wouldn\'t attack, and you could take control of them temporarily to wipe out any traces of Death Mana in her body.-

\'If she had an Umbra Affinity, I wouldn\'t even have to do a thing to aid her, as the Umbra particles would have no trouble fighting back on their own. Tobs, why even bother telling me it was an option?\'

Hearing what his response was, Tobs dropped her hands and helplessly shrugged her shoulders, causing Cynrik to roll his eyes and look down at the Governess. 

\'Hold on…\' As he was about to write off option three entirely,  Cynrik\'s brain kicked into high gear as he remembered numerous situations in certain Anime and Novels he had read before. 

  -Nope, not going to work, don\'t try explaining yourself or making bullshit sense out of things you don\'t understand. You cant use fiction logic here; this isn\'t something remotely on the same level as stealing techniques or skills from Anime Cyn; if you try what you are thinking, you will INSTANTLY KILL HER!-

  -Not only that, but the moment you attempt it, her Codex expands rapidly and explodes, making Brance\'s Positron Cannon explosion look like child\'s play.-

Rushing forward and thumping Cynrik\'s cheek with her tiny hand, Tobs freaked out as she read his thoughts and instantly stopped him from thinking in such a dangerous way. 

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