
Chapter 170: Crazy Physique, Incredible Split

Chapter 170: Crazy Physique, Incredible Split

Despite not carrying any weapon system, the instrument on 9527’s spaceship, which was a top-of-the-line spacecraft from the Emissian Civilization, was extremely advanced.

As 9527 said, Earthlings as a species were still in the infancy of their civilization, and they had no secrets before the instrument of this spaceship.

It only took 9527 two minutes for Yang Su’s scanning result to be out. “Part of her memory has indeed been erased, Ling Jiu.”

“Besides, this method of memory erasure is quite simple and brute. It has caused significant damage to her brain with lots of sequelae!”

“I knew it.”

Ling Jiu clenched his fists, his eyes flashing with a cold light. “Is there a way to restore that part of her memory?”

“Piece of cake.” 9527 smiled. “Erased memory is just like a deleted file; it is easy to restore. Just that it takes some time.”

“I will count on you then.”

“No worries.”

9527 started the procedure, using the spaceship to restore Yang Su’s memory.

Then there was a long wait.

Ling Jiu was bored. Suddenly the giant egg of the Flame Astral Behemoth came to mind. “Tell me more about the Flame Astral behemoth, 9527.”

“The Flame Astral behemoth, eh?” 9527 smiled. “It is the most powerful and important Astral Behemoth, born as a pinnacle stellar life form, stronger than Emperor Might on Earth, and the pinnacle of the universe when it grows up.”

“You have said that before.”

Ling Jiu held up his hand. “I want to know about the Arcanas of the Flame Astral Behemoth, such as Ultimate Physique, Flying Arcana, Fire Arcana, and Split Arcana.”

“Sure.” 9527 nodded. “The Flame Astral Behemoth has six Srcanas, namely Ultimate Physique, Stellar Fire, Spawn Split, Soulpeering, The Devourer, and the Inner World.”

They were not exactly the same as what he had detected earlier. Ling Jiu cocked an eyebrow. “Tell me more.”

“Firstly, the Ultimate Physique.”

9527 slowly said, “The Flame Astral Behemoth, like most Astral Behemoths, has a powerful physique. Its muscles are tough, bones very hard, skin defenses amazing, and body cells super active.

“In other words, there are few life forms in the universe that can match the Flame Astral Behemoth at the same level. Therefore, the Flame Astral Behemoths are the top stellar life form after a short period of weakness, because their bodies are powerful.

“If you use the Level 10 Arcanist on your planet as a unit of measurement, the strength, speed, defense, and other attributes of a newly born Flame Astral Behemoth (the top stellar life form) are about a million times higher than a Level 10 Arcanist.”

“A million times?” Ling Jiu’s heart skipped a beat. “A million times higher in power, speed, physical strength, endurance, and all attributes?”

“Yup.” 9527 nodded. “The gap between ordinary stellar life form and Flame Astral Behemoth is like a gap between heaven and earth; there is no comparison! This is the Ultimate Physique!”

“The Ultimate Physique is that strong?”

It was a shocker to Ling Jiu. As much as Level 10 Arcanists were terrestrial people who had just become stellar life forms, the Flame Astral Behemoths were just newborns.

Newborn Flame Astral Behemoths had a million times the physical strength of the earthlings who just become stellar life forms. This difference was just incredible.

“But that is great! That is fantastic! That is absolutely awesome!

Ling Jiu was so excited that his eyes were glowing. The stronger the Ultimate Physique of the Flame Astral Behemoth, the better, as he could replicate it.

“Half a month. I just need half a month and then the Arcana Replication’s cooling period will be over, and I can replicate the Ultimate Physique of the Flame Astral Behemoth. After that, I will have a terrifying physique comparable to the Flame Astral Behemoth. All that in just half a month.”

Ling Jiu took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. “Go on, 9527.”

“Secondly, the Stellar Fire,” 9527 continued. “As I said before, the Flame Astral Behemoth grows by consuming stellar energy, after which it can store the energy of the star in its body, which nourishes itself and provides energy to launch attacks. You can imagine what it is like to launch an attack with stellar energy. A strike of stellar energy equates to countless nuclear explosions. Who can withstand that?”

“So, the so-called Stellar Fire is actually stellar energy that a Flame Astral Behemoth stores and uses to attack?” Ling Jiu swallowed.

“That’s right.” 9527 continued, “Stars are the most violent celestial bodies in the universe. Even if the Flame Astral Behemoths feed on the stars, a newly born Flame Astral Behemoth will not rush into it. They tend to absorb the planetary energy first, and only after reaching higher levels as life forms will they go to the nearest star and then extract stellar energy. In fact, this is not an Arcana but the instinct of the Flame Astral Behemoths, just like the foraging instinct of a cow to eat grass and a cat to eat a mouse.”

“Indeed.” Ling Jiu nodded.

“Thirdly, Spawn Split.” 9527 explained, “The Flame Astral Behemoths can use some tissues such as the hair, scales, flesh and blood, fingertips left behind by living things to nurture this life form, then implant its own soul to spawn itself a split.”

“Spawn this life form?”

“This ability...” Ling Jiu frowned, “is absolutely buggy.”

“There are many extremely tough life forms and species in the universe, many of which are not weaker than the Flame Astral Behemoth,” 9527 said. “Imagine if a Flame Astral Behemoth gets the broken limbs of these tough life forms, will it be able to spawn these tough life forms?”


Ling Jiu took a deep breath. “A Flame Astral Behemoth is powerful enough. If it breeds a few more similarly tough splits, it would be...”

“This is how terrific Spawn Split is,” 9527 said. “In the database of the Emissian Civilization, there is a record of such a Flame Astral Behemoth that spawned three splits. And these three splits are all Astral Behemoths—the Golden Horn Behemoth that masters defense, the Obliterator Behemoth that masters control, and the Slaughterer Behemoth that masters assassination. The three Astral Behemoth splits together with the Flame Astral Behemoth that masters attack are the top four Astral Behemoth bloodlines. So this Flame Astral Behemoth is terrifying. It once ruled a vast territory, its strength not lower than that of the Emissian Civilization at its peak.”

“Three splits. Top four Astral behemoth bloodlines.”

Ling Jiu couldn’t help but swallow. This ability was crazy. Imagine if he could replicate it.

He could not imagine this absolutely crazy idea.

“The ability to spawn splits is unique to the Flame Astral Behemoth and the few top Astral Behemoth bloodlines. It is crazy.”

9527 said, “Many species and civilizations in the universe are greedy. But apart from taking control of the Flame Astral Behemoth’s bodies, they have no way of getting this ability.”

Ling Jiu kept nodding his head.

“Fourthly, Soulpeeping.”

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