
Chapter 10

Chapter 10 - Idle Talk : Sarona

It was when we confronted the bandits who kidnapped Siena in the forest, that I met him.

I was looking for a chance to rescued Siena from the bandits. From the direction of a thief I was shoot with an arrow, another man appeared. He wore clothes which seems made of a monster’s fur and leather. He has no sword, or rather he wasn’t carrying a weapon or anything. I wonder what he is doing inside the forest. . . I feel no hostility, so I thought to ignored him.

One of the bandits begin to walk towards the man.

In the blink of an eye, he came to this side and rescued Siena. Using this chance I wiped out the bandits with my magic. It ended, unconsciously I thought so. I conveyed words of gratitude to the person who rescued Siena.

But, he was solidified for some reason when he saw me. I wonder why? Is there something on my face?

[I have decided it since the first time I saw~~~!!!!!] (Wazu)

I didn’t understand what he was talking about.

After that, we found out that Siena benefactor’s name was Wazu. He asked about the location of the nearest town, but instead we guide him to the Elf Village. I walk ahead as a guide. Behind me, Sieana was clinging to Wazu-san and Yuyuna and Ruruna were also talking with him profusely.

That’s sounds fun. . .

Siena’s mother came running to us from inside the village. They are embracing each other, it’s good everything was over. . .

Apparently Wazu-san will stay at Yuyuna and Ruruna place for awhile, I was told by these two. Really, it seems to be fun. . . Would you stay overnight? I declined when Ruruna asked me. Someone like me will just spoil the mood. . .

I never missed my training since I was a child. Without me realizing, the people around me started to lionize me as a genius, I really worked hard to meet their expectation. Finally I stood in the apex of Morito, but when I looked back I was all alone. Friends or lover, nobody was there fo me. However, Yuyuna and Ruruna sill treat me as an equal. What a lonely life. . .

But Wazu-san was different, he often talking to me. We also went together to the forest to pick herbs and edible plants together. It’s nothing special but I was happy.

2 weeks have passed since Wazu-san come to this village. . . I think something has changed inside me. I’m feeling happy whenever Wazu-san talk to me, and then my heart become calm. But, looking at Wazu-san talking to another Elf woman, I feels somewhat pain on my chset, it’s really unpleasant.

Ruruna. . . you are a little too close with Wazu-san. . . . .

And then, On a certain day there was a call from the village chief. Gazuna has challenged me to a duel, in addition there was conditions to leave the village for the loser. Gazuna’s certainly an unpleasant person, but he is still a fellow of the village. I can’t underestimated his power however I didn’t see myself loosing to him. Because he proposed a duel, there must be a considerable resolution and decision.

I wondering whether I should accept it or not. No, I should accept it, I understand that much. But still, I can’t make up my mind. Because of that. . . my foot went to Wazu-san place as if a natural thing. I just want to be near him until I can solidify my determination.

On the next day I confronted Gazuna.

I was astonished by the power of his robe. However that won’t be enough to defeat me but suddenly a horde of monsters filled the village, honestly I didn’t know what I should do. Although they are from the mountain foot, it’s still B-rank at minimal with some of A-rank monsters mixed in. It’s monsters that I alone can’t win against. My heart was filled with frustation.

I tried to cast magic but no words were came out. I won’t hesitate to use it on bandits or monsters, but Gazuna is still my fellow villager. Although I despised him, I still can’t directed my magic at him. . .

And then Wazu-san has appeared in front of me.

Huh? Wazu-san? How could you be here? When I sent quick glance at Wazu-san’s back, a vast number of monster corpses were lying around.

[~I’m rooting on you! Good luck!] (Wazu)

Huh? What did you just say? You will drive out the monsters? It’s a lie right? But for some reason the monsters were running away from the village. . . Ah it’s good that Wazu-san was unharmed.

Gazuna’s magic seems about to be exhausted but he still doesn’t want to give up and intended to prolong the fight. But I will end it immediately.

Gazuna swallowed a red ball and his body transformed. His appearance it’s not an Elf anymore, he looked like a different creature as if something called “Devil” that appear in the story.

I focused my eyes at him, but because of the fatigue my body was a little late to react. I pierced my knife at the last moment but his attack didn’t stop, my body was blown off onto the barrier. Somehow I still have my consciousness but my body can’t move, in front of me Gazuna crushed my favorite knife with his bare hand. Damn it. . .

When I saw Wazu-san on the other side of barrier I told him to run away together with everyone. However such worry was unnecessary---


The barrier is gone. No, it was destroyed.

Wazu-san. . . what on earth are you. . .

Wazu-san was cornering the transformed Gazuna. In the meantime I slowly stand up and checked my body condition. And then such thing has entered my ears

[~because I like Sarona-san!!!] (Wazu)

. . . . . . Eeeeeeeeeh?

Just now, what did Wazu-san say?

Like? He likes me??

My face. . . no, my whole body suddenly hot.

My heart was beating so fast making it somewhat hurt. Why didn’t you look at me? Wazu-san. . . .

Finally Wazu-san is turning his body and our eyes meet each other, but suddenly my head went blank---

Wha~What should I do. . .

[. . . . well. . . . that’s. . . . about Wazu-san’s words frome earlier. . .] (Sarona)

My whole face is hot. . .

[I appreciate. . . . . your feeling. . . . .] (Sarona)

I can’t see Wazu-san’s face because I was looking down in order to divert my eyes.

[I’m sorry!!!] (Sarona)

Not that! It’s not what I want to say! Honestly, what am I doing!

[But---] (Sarona)

I raised my face, but the figure of Wazu-san that’s running at an amazing speed was seen. . .

. . . Eh. . . Eeeeeeeeeh?

Wazu-san you are too fast. . . . . wait for me. . . . . my confession. . . . . hasn’t fineshed yet. . . . .

. . . . . . . . . Confession?

Ah I see. . . I understand it now.

I also like you Wazu-san.

Finally I realize my feeling, strangely my heart feels so light and I smiled unintentioally.

[ [ . . . Sarona ] ] (Yuyuna / Ruruna)

I suddenly heard mutltiple voice, there Yuyuna and Ruruna was looking at me.

[He has gone. . . that guy!] (Yuyuna)

[The hero who save the village, Sarona as well. . . . . Eh? Sarona? Don’t tell me you?] (Ruruna)

Ruruna looked at my expression, it seems she has noticed my feeling.

Was my face was easy to read. . . . ughhh. . . I covered my cheeks. I didn’t understand myself.

[Really? you. . . to him. . .~] (Ruruna)

[There is no such thing] (Sarona)

I denied Ruruna words. because I was already decided it.

I will chase after wazu-san.

And then, I will conveyed my feeling.

Even if at that time there is someone else beside him, I won’t lose!

First of all, I will resign from Morito. . . and then. . .

It seems I will take a short while, but I will find you certainly! Be prepared Wazu-san!!

[. . . for the time being there is something to do, right?] (Yuyuna)

My head was full of Wazu-san, I look at the direction which Yuyuna pointed at, there is Gazuna at that place.

[Eh? just leave him alone! I have my future to consider or rather just let the village chief handle him. Honestly right now I don’t care whether he is alive or dead. . . see you] (Sarona)

I turned my heel to leave

With *pokkan!* Yuyuna and Ruruna showing astonished face.

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** If you have any suggestion or finding fault in my translation feel free to tell me **

**Proof reader : Truffle**

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