
Chapter 246: Demon King of the Ash Gray (4)

Chapter 246: Demon King of the Ash Gray (4)

The ground broke in to pieces.

The sky, the space, like puzzles, they were cut up into small pieces.

Truly, it was not like any realistic phenomenon.

It was a very strange ambience as if the widespread space didn’t feel like the same world.

“Too bad. Just a little bit longer, it would have been possible to enter the world of omnipotence.”

Above that, there was Solomon.

And below that, a lot of things that King Slayer was wearing were scattered around.

Although an actual attempt was made to destroy Solomon by moving time, it was not enough.

As the after effects, the space and time were sliced up, but the space and time themselves could not be completely dominated.

That was King Slayer’s limitation.

The limitation of a demigod dragged into vain.

King Slayer over did it as he pushed his limit, and sustained an impact that was close to coming to self-destruction.

Certainly as a demigod, he probably knew well that he couldn’t have defeated Solomon, the only omnipotent god.

“The master of the other side should never come out from the other side. The results from everything you do are always destructive and messy. So, wasn’t it for that very reason that you’ve signed a contract with me?”

Solomon murmured silently.

Breaching the contract would result in destruction.

King Slayer. The noble knight of the past was no longer.

However, that didn’t mean that there weren’t any successes.

Solomon looked down on his own body.

The body was repeating the process of aging quickly to getting younger and vice-versa.

“Still, not too bad. I didn’t expect you to tie up my ‘time’ by sacrificing yourself. I didn’t realize that such method existed.”

Solomon. He was at nowhere and everywhere.

Therefore, he didn’t die even if he was killed, but different from the immortals. That was because they weren’t the immortals by its true definition.

Hence, wasn’t it that even Baal, who feared Solomon, had sealed the gate with Lemegeton.

However… King Slayer has figured out the only Solomon’s weakness.

He has forcefully put Solomon into a cycle of time.

Going beyond the self imposed speed of 128 folds, he pushed the time to the 200 folds and forcefully tied him up.

Had it been perfectly executed with 256 folds of time, there would have been no way out.

Such things were possible by only ‘the angel of time’. However, ‘the angel of time’ had perished together when the Lemegeton’s seal was broken.

That’s how Solomon understood it.

“King Slayer, if you were in less despair, you might have become a being which could perfectly will the worldly order.”

However, that becoming a reality was not possible.

As he has already perished!

Despair eats up at deity.

King Slayer was too much in despair to become a complete god.

That wasn’t the only thing, but all of the cases were the same for the masters of the other side.

That was the reason why the masters of the other side could not defeat Solomon.

Only absolutely perfect god was able to go up against Solomon.

Even the demons or that Baal were far from being a perfect god.

‘Do you believe that you’ll have the hope again by putting me in to the cycle of time?’

Even if King Slayer had force put him in to the cycle of time, his Divinitywas still the same.


No one would dare to fight.

Only those with the equal Divinitycould deliver damages.

No such being existed within the world of demons.

However, even the omnipotent Solomon could not immediately cause wanted things to happen.

‘It proves its futility.’

Due to Lemegeton, it was impossible for Solomon to wield his influence within the world of demons.

However, if the ‘unusual event’ or the ‘great fissure’ caused by Diablo was to be expanded, even the ‘cleaning’ that Solomon desired could be possible.


Solomon raised his head.

The spirit being of Paymon fluttered.

He was the one, who uncovers secrets, and the unique being which has watched the battle between Solomon and king Slayer.

And Paymon was now at the critical crossroads.

Solomon threw the words out as if he was murmuring to himself.

The words of, ‘have been placed inside the cycle of time’.

Perhaps, it could be the only weakness of Solomon.

However, Paymon was being restricted from revealing secrets. That was more so if it were to have greater influence over the world. As such, if it was the ‘weakness of Solomon’ then it would be like voluntarily walking in the path of extinction.

So he didn’t say it, but internally, Solomon wanted Paymon to tell this truth to Baal.

The more they struggled, Solomon’s influence would be magnified.

In fact, even time could be shortened.

It didn’t matter to Solomon that much, either way.

Here, this place to which they, themselves, gave the name of the world of demons.

There was no devil, angel, nor omnipotent god here in this place.


The one who was called the Death Lord was still in the darkness.

The other side.

In here, there was nothing, and there was everything.

They could see what they wanted to see and they could experience the happiest moments without limitations.

And experienced despair at the same time.

They were all half deities who fell in to futility from extreme despair.

Artanas… It was same for Death Lord.

He was watching. Watching himself before he was called Death Lord.

“O, great Life Lord, the creator of the magic of life!”

“Thank you for healing this child. Ah!”

“Praise! Artanas who is the only holy one on the continent!”

The magic of life. It was like Hormundclus which was a ‘synthetic life’ creating magic.

And by using that ‘synthetic life form’, Artanas has healed countless number of people.

He has become the hope of many as he was called the Life Lord and true holy one.

However, does one know?

That that magic of life was ultimately linked closely to death, as well.

He has overstepped the boundaries of his influence.

Going beyond creating synthetic life form, he wanted to expand his influence by encroaching on the magic of bringing the dead back to life.

Notably, he wanted to reach the area that was only possible by a true ‘god’.

And that arrogance led to destruction.

At the end of the countless number of experiments, unbounded despair, he turned his body into a Liche.

As a result, he was criticized. It was the result of practicing prohibited magic and experiments. Criticized as having become a disciple of death, he was attacked by the entire empire.

“Had I been on the path of wrong?”

Artanas asked himself as he looked, from the distance, on the past moments as they panoramically passed by.

Death Lord. That’s how he was called, in the later days.

However, he has not reached the realm of true deity.

What if he did not become a Liche, what if such experiments have never been done, he asked these questions hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of times to himself, but could not find an answer.

It wasn’t just Death Lord. Everyone who has become the master of the other side has not been able to find his own answer. For a very long time, they were pacing at one spot.

There was only one…

Except King Slayer.

“King Slayer, what has moved you?”

He has moved.

He read the strange events and came to find Solomon.

Because of sudden feel for justice?

No way. Such emotions have been locked away from the masters of the other side.

A change has occurred. There was only one thing for the reason behind that.

‘Muyoung. What have you seen from the bastard?’

Muyoung… He was incredible.

The art of death. He has made the power of death to be his own.

However, that was not the end. The bastard still would not be able to jump over the hurdle which was the source of Artanas’ despair.

It was certain. However, King Slayer must have seen it differently.

‘Muyoung’s potential is beyond mine. I’m only curious as to what choice he will make in the end. Whether he will fall in to despair, or make another choice.’

The glorious knight.

As one of the highest ranked masters of the other side, with respect to simple power, has recognized Muyoung.

He has moved as soon as he had recognized him.

He has escaped from the other side.

It meant that he wanted to break away from his past.

To take it further, he has dared to oppose Solomon.


There were 11 masters of the other side.

Likewise, there were 11 rooms in the other side.

One of them has disappeared, now.

The so called rooms were sustained by the magic power of their masters. As the room’s master has been extinguished, so has the room, naturally.

‘The result is predetermined. It was a futile attempt.’

Solomon was not an ordinary god.

As an ancient god that controlled several worlds, he was in charge of maintaining the balance of the worlds.

He was the highest god of gods, and was in charge of life forms extinction, evolution, and such things, for example.

Although King Slayer who controls time had a hope, even that hope seemed to have been shattered.



He stared at the vision that was distancing away from him.

His own mistakes, the things that had occurred in the past.

How long would he be like this, just regretting?

In the past, there wasn’t even such curiosity at all.

There were only two masters of the other side who have come to have such questions.

King Slayer and Death Lord.

And both of them had direct connections to Muyoung.

A spiritual connection.

There was no wonder that they were being influenced.

However, Artanas denied it.

‘I’m also just curious. King Slayer, as you’ve said, I’m just curious as to what he will choose, that’s all. Only that, I’ll do so in other ways than you.’

Artanas came out of his room.

Then the door of the room slowly began to close.




Muyoung opened his eyes inside the temple.

The center of the great temple which reached the sky.

He found himself in the spring, in nude.


He inspected his body with some pain.

‘It has been treated.’

The right half of his upper body that had been sliced off has been regenerated.

The spring seemed to have been the factor that maximized the healing power.

“Please don’t move. The healing is not complete.”

Gremory was on the other side.

Wearing a thin shawl over her, she was soaking herself inside the spring with Muyoung.

Her curves were exposed through the shawl and if it was a male being, there wasn’t anyone who could fight the attraction, yet Muyoung did not move at all.

“Amazing. Even many demons flutter when they see me.”

“Would it please you if I do so?”

Gremory shook her head.

“No. I can trust you because you do not flutter.”


The two haven’t known each other for that long.

They have only met twice in person.

Of course, Muyoung had saved Gremory. It seemed that he has earned a lot of points from that.

“What are your plans going forward?”

He has changed the topic.

He wanted to hear Gremory’s thoughts.

“I’ll gather the opposing forces and buy time. If we find ‘Als Nova’, even Baal couldn’t maneuver freely.”

“Als Nova is with me.”


Gremory’s eyes became as big as lanterns. As she could not fathom that Als Nova was in Muyoung’s possession, her reaction was appropriate.

“And just buying time alone is not to my liking.”

Gremory was a friend for a long time.

To maximize the utilization of her, it was necessary for Muyoung to show his hand, up to certain point.

“Then is there another way? They are too many and very powerful. The only thing that we can do is to buy time then wait for an opportunity.”

Gremory was a bit skeptical.

That was the reality.

To be attacking without a plan was a suicide. Even if having the Als Nova.

“They will unify when they hear that Leragea was extinguished. The extremist sect will especially like it. We have to move before then.”

“Including myself, there remain only five opposing demons. There will be less than ten million troops even after combining. Can’t even fight against the extremists.”

True. That was true.

There was a limitation no matter how quickly they were to move.

However, there certainly was another way.

“Why do you think that this fight is only among the demons?”

“Then it is not?”

“We expand the stage. Instead of it being just a war of the demon races, it will be made as the war in which the fate of the demon world and every form of life were at stake.”

Losing seemed obvious if nothing was done, anyway. Wouldn’t it be better to throw a frantic fight than simply get obliterated.

If Gremory and few other demons were to help, it wasn’t all that impossible, either.

In fact, Muyoung was thinking even beyond that.

‘The transcendental beings that were all around.’

Their help will be sought, too.

Gremory was still showing an expression of not understanding it.

It was because she has been thinking that it was only a war among the demon races for a very long time that she failed to think outside of the box.

Therefore, Muyoung said succinctly.

“I’ll help.”

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