
Chapter 259. A War with the Demon Gods (2)

Chapter 259. A War with the Demon Gods (2)


The wind blew.

The dark, dead land. Countless bugs overfilled the land.

They were the corpses of bugs which were spewing out toxins, polluting the land.

In the middle of it, a half man, a half beast has fallen on the ground.

It was a strange life form, having upper body of an elephant, and the lower body of a human.

A member of the coalition party. It was Bane, the 26th Demon God, and a part of the coalition.

“Uh, How… Did you find this place…?”

Bane’s body began disappearing as it disintegrated into powder.

Having reached the extinction conditions, Bane has met the death of its flesh.

Muyoung and Crimson Balrog were there before him.

Muyoung did not respond.

Instead, with the death of his flesh, the insects began to decompose.

‘Bane’s insect cave.’

It was the place where Bane ate his food.

This, too, had existed in the Dantalian’s memory.

Although the b*stard looked like an elephant, his main diet was bugs. Hence, Bane formed insect caves at many locations where he had stored insects for food.

He ate bugs two times a year, and those were the times in which the b*stard was vulnerable.

It was the time for fulfilling the extinction condition, which was ‘eating bugs’, that took place only twice in a given year.

As a result, Bane appeared at the insect caves during these times. He read it in the Dantalian’s memory that Bane would appear all alone, not trusting any of his underlings,

“Horrible stench.”

Murumuru held his nose in the back.

Murumuru was standing here, along with Muyoung, in order to take care of Bane.


Afterwards, as Murumuru stomped on Bane’s lower back, the speed at which the body turning into ashes has accelerated.

“You opposition cockroaches! Baal will not forgive…!”


Bane completely disappeared not long after.

Krrah! Krrrrah!!

Crimson Balrog pounded his own chest.

Crimson Balrog did not move away from Muyoung’s side. Muyoung had brought him along, and as a result, Crimson Balrog was helpful in the battle.

The level of Crimson Balrog’s powers has already risen beyond the level of a demon king. So, it was possible for him to deliver a certain level of damage to demon kings as well.

Picking up a large bug from nearby, Muyoung threw it into the Crimson Balrog’s mouth.

‘He eats everything.’

It wasn’t new, but not being a finicky eater was a kind of strength if it could be called a strength.

Perhaps, he might have taken it as a reward so Crimson Balrog happily screamed even more thunderously.

“Balrogs have been nearly wiped out. But, hard to believe that such a monster like that one was still remaining.”

Murumuru spoke as he nodded his head.

Due to the Demon Gods, Balrogs have reached near extinction. By chasing the previous master of the demon world away, the Demon Gods have taken over.

The demon kings could not kill strong Balrogs. So there were times in which the Demon Gods had to engage directly.

Crimson Balrog. That b*stard looked to be the strongest one of them all.

Finally, Murumuru, looked at Muyoung, as if he has just come around to asking a question.

“But how did you know at which insect cave the b*stard would be? We could not find even though we had tried everything.”

“It was luck.”

Muyoung explained tersely.

And by extending his arm, he ate his fill of one of the ‘powers’ of Bane.

<The power Predator is eating Bane’s power.>

<You have absorbed ‘Insect Power’.>

<’Insect Power’ is a unique power of Bane which allows for controlling insects within 100km radius, or acquire their vision.>

It didn’t seem that useful.

For a Demon God, it was possible to sense the movements of insects, even those far away.

It was meaningful to have ‘eyes in many locations’, but since the effective range was only 100km radius, it didn’t seem that useful.

‘Yet, it would be better to have it than not.’

Several more windows popped up. His powers have increased as he hunted Bane.

However, it was weak compared to the time when he had hunted Lerajie.

‘Bane was not a war Demon God.’

The b*stard was an intel type. That was also the reason for Muyoung to come for him.

And Murumuru was there with Muyoung. As it was two against one, it was a very easy fight.

“It was a good luck? Do you think that will explain it all?”

Murumuru said, a bit taken back.

Certainly, being able to locate the insect caves was credited to Muyoung.

After locating the insect caves by applying the memory of Dantalian, and based on the traces of the insects, Muyoung had instructed his underlings who specialized in stealth to investigate as to when Bane ate, and even how many times he visited in detail.

After such analysis, they had come to the location with the highest probability.

In fact, it was a 50:50 chance, yet it was high enough to take a bet.

However, there was no need for him to explain those details to Murumuru.

Muyoung walked, ignoring Murumuru.

‘Since we have taken out Bane, an inteligence agent, now is the time to cut off their legs.’

The Demon Gods were slowly mobilizing.

No matter what, there would be many rumors going around.

For example, the opposition has unified, and the transcendental beings were gathering. This type of information would cause them to react.

‘However, they do not know that Bae Seungmin is making moves independently.’

Muyoung has opened up two fronts.

He, himself, was moving with the opposition Demon Gods, and Bae Seungmin had been independently mobilized to unify every race. They would first launch an attack on the 40th Demon God Raum.

The 57th Demon God Ose was next, the 60th Demon God Bapula… Those ones who have sided with the coalition, but did not necessarily participate in meetings or such.

Of course, there would be limitations even if the races were to unite.

As a result, Muyoung was busy, personally moving about. It was to cause confusion by cutting intel transmission lines, so that good information did not get passed on.

There was a limitation though.

Muyoung stealthily raised his head.


He has been chosen as Muyoung’s shadow.

No matter how much Muyoung had made his presence felt, there was a need for insurance.

However, Muyoung wasn’t a dumb person to let him know that he knew he was being watched. Hence, he was maintaining a sufficient distance.

“At any rate, Bane was causing a lot of headache for us. Since he has been disintegrated, even our opponents will feel the heat.”

Murumuru laughed quietly.

As if he was truly happy.

However, Muyoung wasn’t sure whether Murumuru was part of the ‘anti-coalition faction’ or not.

Murumuru, Gremory, Forneus, Sitri, Asmodeus.

One of these was definitely a spy. Might be more than one.

Muyoung must prevent passing of more than the absolutely necessary intel to them.

For example, like Bae Seungmin’s mission, or information about Muyoung’s powers.

‘He must not have noticed my preying on Bane’s powers.’

Muyoung was studying Murumuru’s reactions.

He felt it since the time when he had absorbed Lerajie’s power of Divinity that they didn’t seem to know that Muyoung could prey on powers.

This was an important intel.

That was because it meant that Muyoung could use the powers whenever he needed to by hiding the act of using those stolen powers.

It was then.

Murumuru raised his right hand.

He was able to communicate with any person tattooed with a certain glyph by raising his right hand, no matter how far away that person was.

It was a highly useful ability in transmitting the intel that was gathered from watching and watching over Muyoung.

There would be no better tool for a spy than this ability.

Soon, he lowered his hand and Murumuru spoke.

“Gremory has disintegrated Phenex.”

Phenex. The 37th Demon God.

He was the Demon God that was in charge of strategy. It seemed that the simultaneous attack by four Demon Gods, including Gremory, was successful in destroying him.

For now, the first step in the plan was going well.

‘The initial attack was successful.’

The problem was from there on.

At this time, three coalition Demon Gods have been annihilated.

The moment that this was learned, they would hurriedly assemble.

They would plan retaliation, and would mobilize to destroy the opposition.

‘Paimon’s a concern.’

There was one more Demon God who, along with Bane, was gathering and delivering intel.


The one who reveals secrets.

However, there was no way to know what he looked like. Even Dantalian didn’t seem to know much about Paimon.

That was an indication as to how skilled he was in moving about undetected.

‘The worst case scenario.’

The possibility that Paimon, in which he might have told Baal about the annihilation of Bane and Phenex, must be put on the table.

Baal would gather his allies and first attack Gremory, who was the face of the opposition.

He would want to take care of things quickly, now when the whereabouts of Solomon was not known.

‘We are definitely in the position of the minority, attacking the majority.’

There could never be a situation in which attacks are launched against the same or more number of Demon Gods. Even a single casualty on the opposition forces could become fatal.

Hence, they must only engage in the fights in which victory was guaranteed.

Muyoung stroked his chin.

The best move that Muyoung could make if and when Baal was to mobilize after hearing from Paimon.

‘Toss a bait.’

They could never exclude Solomon.



She would be become the bait.

* * *

In the middle of the Demon Gods’ territory.

The land of death where there were endless lightning and storms.

The temple of Baal, the 1st one, was there.

At the temple in the sky, which can only be reached by climbing up tens of thousands of stairs, Baal was acting as the controller of all things as he looked down on the world.

During ordinary times, there wouldn’t be anyone else, but Baal. However, now, there were several coalition Demon Gods who were seeking his audience.


Seated on the seat of great power, he looked down upon the Demon Gods who were looking up as they knelt.

Paimon was there as well.

He was before Baal in his true flesh, rather than in his spiritual form.

“O, Baal, the opposition is mobilizing in earnest. I’ve confirmed Bane’s demise.”

“Is it only Bane?”

As if he already knew everything.

As his piercing eyes looked deeper into Paimon’s mind, Paimon paused for a moment before continuing.

“Mobilizations of Gremory and the opposition Demon Gods have been confirmed. The anticipated destination is believed to be where Phenex is.”

“We won’t be able to defeat them.”

“I concur.”

Baal was certain of Phenex’s demise.

However, Baal did not take his eyes off of Paimon.

“Paimon, isn’t there something that you’re hiding?”

“I’m not hiding anything.”

“I know of your limitations. You’re not able to reveal a Deity’s secret. However, if it concerns ‘him’, you must tell me.”

The reference to ‘him’ was Solomon.

“His whereabouts cannot be located.”

Paimon immediately replied as if he had prepared it in advance.

Solomon. Paimon was watching him. However, he could not talk about it easily.

If he was to talk about Solomon, he must also talk about the fight with King Slayer, and naturally, the subject of Solomon being kept in time would be known.

Should he reveal that kind of secrets, Paimon would not be able to prolong his own existence.

And he has decided that it wasn’t something to be mentioned unless he was absolutely certain.

Solomon knew that Paimon was watching him. That, itself, could be a trap.

“I trust you.”

Baal moved his eyes away from Paimon.

Although he said that he trusted him, was he, really, trusting Paimon?

Paimon denied it internally. As Paimon did not trust Baal and other Demon Gods, he, too, would not be trusted by anyone.

However, he could not verbalize it.


For he was a true god.

Like Solomon…

Then Baal looked on other Demon Gods.

There gathered a total of eleven Demon Gods at the temple.

It would take a while for everyone to gather, but this was a good number for the task.

“The opposition’s attack is already expected. As ‘he’ has appeared, he would be in contact with the opposition party. And it also implies that he is not, yet, whole.”

“That is Solomon…”

The Demon Gods showed nervous expressions.

Solomon. They knew of his powers better than anyone else.

However, Baal, who was before them, was also an equally powerful being.

“He is not completely free from limitations of Lemegeton. It is likely that he is still hiding with Diablo. He must certainly be near Gremory.”

What Baal said was absolutely true.

That was because even Paimon discovered Solomon while watching Gremory.

“Find him. And finish him.”


The Demon Gods lowered their heads.

Then they instantaneously vanished.

Baal’s words were absolute. As soon as he said something, it had to be done.

However, one of them still remained.

“Paimon, is there something you want to say?”

“The mobilizations of the transcendental beings seem serious.”

“I’ve heard that the King of the North has gone into Gremory’s camp.”

“That’s not all. The King of the Dragons, the Child of the Moon, and the masters of the mountains are all moving independently.”

The transcendental beings that ruled over everywhere were also threats to Demon Gods. Therefore, they were always being kept on watch.

“Were the transcendental beings influenced by his words also?”

“No. There is another one who is mobilizing them.”

“Another one?”

Paimon took a deep breath.

This, too, was one of the big secrets.

As it was the same [email protected] that had attacked him.

It meant that he was at the level of deity, and further, it was believed that he even made contact with the ‘Masters of the Darkness’.

By revealing this, Paimon would be immobilized for at least a month.

However, it was an unavoidable sacrifice that he had to make in order to avoid Baal’s suspicion.

“Muyoung, do you know that name?”

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