
Chapter 634: At the Depths of the Dream

Chapter 634: At the Depths of the Dream

Just as despair nearly consumed her, a sudden, electrifying jolt shot through her arm. Then, cutting through the darkness, she heard Dogs voice clearly in her mind, urgently calling out, Shirley! Come back to me! Dont give in! Its not your time to sleep!

This urgent, concerned voice was just what Shirley needed. It snapped her out of her terrifying dream of endless descent. Compelled by an unseen force, she suddenly sat up and exclaimed, Dog! The flames! Our city its being devoured by fire again!

Haunted by the vivid image of her city engulfed in flames, the fear induced by the dream made her heart race. It had been a long time since she had such a vivid and disturbing nightmare, and she briefly wondered if she was truly awake or still caught in another layer of a dream, one filled with fiery terrors.

Dogs calming voice brought her back to reality, Shirley, calm down. Theres no fire. It was all a figment of your imagination. Were safe now.

As confusion began to clear, Shirley blinked several times, adjusting her focus. Though her vision was initially blurred, she could make out the deep greens of the surrounding forest. The soothing sound of a nearby stream and Dog sitting next to her brought her comfort. She leaned into him, taking a deep breath, That was utterly terrifying What caused such a dream? Why did I see our city burning? And where are we now?

Interrupting her panicked thoughts, another voice said, Were within the Dream of the Nameless One. Shirley looked around and saw Miss Lucretia, often called the Sea Witch, standing regally on a nearby tree stump. They were surrounded by the dense forest, with a clear stream glistening in the dappled sunlight.

Realizing her surroundings, Shirley stood up, awe mixed with fear, whispering, Are we back in this mystical forest?

A chilling thought crossed her mind, making her face pale, Wait If this is a dream world, whats happening in the real world? Is our city still being consumed by those infernal flames?

Shirley, the concept of a real world has become an illusion, especially regarding Wind Harbor, Lucretia explained, her voice heavy with significance. She looked directly at Shirley, who was visibly oscillating between fear and confusion. The power of Atlantis has engulfed and distorted our reality, she continued, her voice patient and clear, trying to help Shirley understand.

She elaborated, Remember when my father revealed that unsettling truth? Since then, Wind Harbor has vanished from the tangible world we knew. We every brick and soul in the city have been caught in this mysterious dream world created by Atlantis. The trees that sprouted seemingly out of nowhere, overtaking our urban landscape and the once-thriving city now engulfed by dense woodlands Its all a part of this grand, complex dream.

As Lucretia spoke, Shirleys confusion turned to a dawning realization. Before she could respond, Lucretia added with a hint of sadness, Youve seen how every elf within the city disappears at dusk, as if absorbed into Atlantiss dream world. We used to think only they were affected by this vision. But now, it appears this deitys influence is extensive enough to envelop an entire city-state in its dreamlike clasp.

The weight of this revelation made Shirleys eyes widen in shock. After a moment to gather her thoughts, she spoke with urgent curiosity, So, what does all this mean? Why are we here again? Whats happening?

Lucretia sighed gently, Weve gone deeper into the dream, Shirley. Take a good look around. This forest isnt the one we remember.

Curious, Shirley heeded Lucretias suggestion and surveyed her surroundings. She quickly noticed unusual aspects of the environment she hadnt seen before, especially the strange sky visible through the dense leaves above.

With a sense of amazement, she looked up. Above them was a sight unlike any other. It was as if a mirrored version of the forest hung overhead, but inverted. Massive branches extended outward, supporting a lush, floating canopy. From this canopy hung glowing vines and bioluminescent clusters, casting a soft, otherworldly light on the forest floor. The branches converged on a huge central trunk, from which countless smaller branches descended, intertwining with the terrain below.

Where these descending branches touched the ground, thick greenery burst forth, creating an endless verdant landscape.

This is Its Shirley struggled to find the words, finally exclaiming, This must be Atlantis!

Lucretia nodded, her eyes reflecting the spectacle they witnessed, Indeed, its Atlantis. Behold its full glory. She gestured towards the vast, almost celestial canopy and the silhouettes of structures that resembled ancient cities or civilizations hidden among the trees. This is the World Tree, a symbol deeply ingrained in elven lore Its beauty surpasses even the legends.

Wait, just give me a second, Shirley said, her voice filled with disbelief. She looked up again, drawn to the colossal tree that dominated their view, its branches sprawling wide as if to embrace the cosmos. So, let me get this straight. Weve delved even deeper into this mysterious Dream of the Nameless One, where the ancient Atlantis lies dormant. Whats our next move? Are we planning to somehow communicate with this tree and persuade it to remain dormant?

Lucretia took a deep breath and paused, her expression one of deep thought. Rabbi, she murmured, seeking a connection.

Immediately, the distinctive voice of Rabbi the rabbit responded in her mind, Rabbi is here, attentive and awaiting your command~

Hows our situation on the ship? Have the cultists made any moves?

Speaking quietly as if wary of being overheard, Rabbi replied, I was just about to update you. Theres been a significant change. The cultists have retreated into hiding, back to their chambers. I overheard some of their conversations. Theyve been alarmed by a prophecy from their Saint about a warning from beings they call the Enders regarding an impending Great Void. Theyre taking precautions to avoid this threat.

Lucretias eyebrows knitted together as she considered this information. A premonition? Theyre avoiding this Great Void? Does this mean theyve sensed an imminent danger and are trying to escape it?

Rabbis voice carried a note of anxiety. Indeed. The ship has changed course and is now moving at full speed. Before, it seemed aimless. Mistress, Im growing concerned. Is it possible theyve detected me? Did my presence alarm them?

Thats unlikely, Lucretia replied firmly. In terms of power, youre no match for their Saint. He must have gotten his information from another source.

The rabbit, usually confident within the realm of nightmares, now sounded uncertain and vulnerable. What should Rabbi do next? It doesnt seem like the cultists plan to enter the Dream of the Nameless One anytime soon. If they dont, Rabbi wont be able to rejoin you through the dream world

Stay hidden. Dont draw attention to yourself. Ill come to get you when the time is right, Lucretia instructed, her voice leaving no room for doubt. And if, for any reason, I cant reach you, remember my father will in my stead. You know what hes capable of, dont you?

Before she could finish, the nightmare rabbit sharply acknowledged, Yes, Rabbi completely understands!!!

Lucretia ended the communication, resuming her usual stoic expression.

Shirley, who had been watching the entire exchange with increasing anxiety, bit her lip, waiting for Lucretia to explain further.

The Annihilators have detected something unusual; theyve paused their actions for now, Lucretia began quietly. She took a deep breath, looking intently at Shirley as she continued, As for the other group, the Suntists, their next steps are still uncertain.

Shirley, with a concerned frown, asked cautiously, If the Annihilators have stopped, does that mean we can relax a bit without worrying about encountering them in this dream world?

Holding Shirleys gaze, Lucretia answered firmly, Its not that simple. The changes in this dream landscape have exceeded even what the Annihilators expected. Theyve lost control of the situation, and now were caught in the middle of their chaos.

Lucretias solemn expression made Shirley pause to reflect on the seriousness of the situation. However, her contemplative silence was abruptly interrupted by a strange rustling sound.

At first, it seemed to come from a nearby streama gentle, flowing ripple of water. But soon, the noise grew more disturbing. It wasnt just water. The streams gentle flow was punctuated by grotesque slurping and squishing sounds. Focusing on the source, the ground beneath them appeared to pulse and churn as if it were the flesh of some monstrous creature.

In the surrounding foliage, what first looked like benign movement was far from it. Silvery tendrils with an unsettling organic texture reached out, probing the area. The ground seemed to breathe, expanding and contracting in a disturbing manner. Adding to the horror, what lurked in the bushes resembled rows of serrated teeth, clenching and grinding. Most disturbingly, a tree that had seemed normal moments before now sported eyes at the end of a branch, watching them intently.

Shirleys heart pounded as the once familiar forest morphed into a living nightmare. Overcome with fear, she yelled, Now I get why those cultists steered clear! We have to get out of here, and fast!

Blinking away the disorientation, Vanna tried to clear her vision, her eyelashes stubbornly coated with sand. As the oppressive weight of the sandstorm lifted, it revealed a vast desert illuminated by an ethereal glow.

She could faintly recall her last memory: the vibrant city she knew engulfed in flames, its streets filled with panicked citizens, buildings collapsing, and smoke darkening the skies. The deafening roars of explosions still echoed in her mind, a harsh reminder of the catastrophe she had just fled.

Yet now, she found herself in a starkly different setting. The abrasive sands had settled, and before her stood a towering figure. His immense stature was cloaked in robes bearing the wear of millennia, frayed and tattered. His face was mostly hidden, with penetrating eyes that seemed to communicate volumes, eyes that told stories of countless ages and wisdom beyond measure. Whenever she had been lost in the maze-like corridors of her dreams, this ancient sentinel had been there, guiding and challenging her.

As she recognized him, Vannas breathing steadied, and she found the courage to speak. Guardian of the Sands, why do our paths keep crossing? Why have you brought me here again?

The giant, a witness to the journeys of many travelers like Vanna, spoke in a deep, rumbling voice that resonated like distant thunder. Every time you descend deeper into the dream world, you come closer to the core of your being, Traveler. Our meetings are not mere coincidences. They reflect your journey and the choices you have made.

Vanna pondered his profound words, recalling past encounters that each taught her something deeper about her purpose.

His next statement, however, carried a finality that sent a chill through her, This is where our paths diverge, Traveler. The choices ahead are yours alone to make.

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