
Chapter 348

Chapter 348

“If it’s something I can help you with, I’ll definitely do so. What is it?”

Well, it’s not that something happened...”

“Just tell me. It’s okay,” said Ho Sung Lee while hiding his nervousness.

He couldn’t help but feel nervous.

He was worried that something horrible might’ve happened.

It was a call from Commander Kim, and normally, that meant something big happened.

So the thing is... I was wondering...

“Haha, don’t worry. Just say it.”

I was wondering if you could look into Min Sung for me.

“What do you mean?”

So, um...

‘What is this? Why is she so hesitant?’

I’m going back to Korea.

“Yes, I know. You’re coming back tomorrow, right?”

Yes. So I was wondering if you could find out what kind of women Min Sung likes. You’re the closet person to Min Sung.

Ho Sung Lee went so blank that he almost got into an accident.

Ho Sung Lee quickly fixed his handle.

‘So that’s why she called?’

‘Wow, she knows how to take initiative.’

“Haha, sure. Is there anything else you’d like to know?”

Also... please ask him what he thinks about me.

She wasn’t the stern commander that he knew, but a woman who acted just her age.

She was a normal woman, who couldn’t resist Min Sung’s fatal charms, and Ho Sung Lee had to block his mouth from laughing.

“Okay. I’ll find out and tell you tomorrow.”

When are you free tomorrow?”

“I’ll pick you up when you arrive.”

You don’t have to do that.

“No, I have no plans anyway. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Okay. Thank you.

Upon hanging up, Ho Sung Lee put a cigarette in his mouth. He lowered the window and smiled bitterly.

“Sigh, I’m jealous. Why does Commander Kim like a psychopath like him anyway? I don’t get it.”

Ho Sung Lee smoked with anger.

“Am I helping Min Sung with his dating life now? Ugh, my life.”

Ho Sung Lee grumbled but then smirked.

His life as a slave was still over.

He didn’t regret his time with Min Sung. He felt a little sad that it ended, but he wasn’t going to live his life with regret.

He had money, and he had things he wanted to do.

He was going to live a new life.

He had a hard time trying to assist Min Sung all this time.

It was a miserable life.

But now, he could walk his own path.

He could finally enjoy his own life.

When Min Sung Kang told him he was free for the first time, Ho Sung Lee couldn’t get used to it, and he was unable to feel that it was real.

But as time went on, he could clearly see his freedom ahead of him, and that made his heart flutter.

Ho Sung Lee headed over to the shadow guild with a smile on his face

He had to look for someone to manage his foundation, and then he had to go to Min Sung to fulfill Commander Kim’s request.

After that, he would look into a restaurant, think about the interior, and start on many matters of the preparation stage.

He had much to do.

And Ho Sung Lee didn’t hate that he did.


He went grocery shopping at a market nearby.

After putting his groceries in the kitchen, he made a cup of coffee and entered the living room, and that was when he saw Bowl and Ssol, playing outside in the yard through the window.

Min Sung enjoyed his cup of coffee on the sofa before heading back to the kitchen while rolling up his sleeves.

Bowl and Ssol, who were playing out in the yard, entered and followed Min Sung everywhere.

While Min Sung washed his hands at the sink, Bowl and Ssol bickered and fought at the bottom of Min Sung’s legs.

Min Sung ignored them and continued to do his work.

First, he took out a knife and sliced some ingredients.

Bowl and Ssol stopped fighting and clapped as soon as they saw it.

Upon preparing the ingredients, Min Sung measured them on a scale and began to boil the broth.

“Master, would you like more heat?”

Bowl asked.

“No, that’s okay. Then I won’t be able to time it.”

Min Sung crossed his arms and nodded at his watch.

His watch would ring at a specified time.

‘I have some time until then.’

‘I’ll prepare the other food in the meantime.’

Min Sung checked the other ingredients.

Woong Jang glanced into the kitchen with a pleased smile and returned quietly.

While Min Sung took out various mushrooms and vegetables, he heard the front door open.

It was Ho Sung Lee.

Bowl and Ssol ran over and stuck to his legs, but Ho Sung Lee ignored them and greeted Min Sung.

“I’m here, Sir. What are you doing?”

Ho Sung Lee greeted him and then stared at Min Sung in confusion.

“Isn’t it obvious?”

Min Sung glared back.

“But Chef Jang is here. Why are you cooking?”

Min Sung washed the vegetables and after placing them back down, he answered, “Because I want to. Why else?”

Ho Sung Lee scratched his neck and nodded.

“I-I see.”

“Try it when I’m finished.”

Ho Sung Lee’s face turned pale.

“Ha, haha... Oh no. I just ate.”

Min Sung lifted his eyes and glared at Ho Sung Lee.

“I’ll eat it,” Ho Sung Lee said with a pale face.

“You’re lying, aren’t you?”

“A-about what?”

“That you’re going to eat.”

“Let me be honest, Sir. I’m scared.”


“I almost died after eating the food you made at cooking class.”

“But you didn’t.”

“That’s not the point. It was painful.”

“So you’re saying you don’t want to eat it?”

“No, I will... because I respect you.”

Min Sung smiled at Ho Sung Lee.

And when Ho Sung Lee saw this, he got goosebumps.

“So what I’m trying to say is...”


He wanted to make up an excuse, but he couldn’t think of anything.

“I’m sorry.”

Min Sung scoffed at Ho Sung Lee.

“Just don’t be shocked when you taste it later.”

Min Sung shifted his focus back on his cooking.

He sounded confident, but all Ho Sung Lee could think about was how shocked he was going to be at how horrible the food was.


“Let’s eat.”

Min Sung set up the meal on the table and sat down first.

Ho Sung Lee sat down in a stiff manner.

Ho Sung Lee felt tense, but Min Sung didn’t care about Ho Sung Lee’s attitude and simply lifted his spoon.

Just as he was about to scoop up some rice, Min Sung put down his spoon and looked at Ho Sung Lee.

“Eat,” said Min Sung.

Ho Sung Lee sighed and looked down at the food.

The visual wasn’t bad.

But he couldn’t let his guard down because it was Min Sung Kang who made the food.

That was enough to be suspicious.

Ho Sung Lee smiled bitterly at the food.

“Why are you smiling?”

Min Sung asked.

“No reason.”

Ho Sung Lee picked up his spoon.

It was foolish to have any expectations for Min Sung Kang’s cooking.

He was better off trying it with full determination.

‘I’ll just go to the hospital and receive treatment afterward.’

That was what Ho Sung Lee thought as he looked at the food.

It was white rice, kimchi stew, and sausages.

Ho Sung Lee took a bite of the rice before tasting the kimchi stew.

He then jolted his eyes wide open.


Upon seeing Ho Sung Lee’s reaction...

“How is it?”

Min Sung asked with hope.

“It’s not good,” Ho Sung Lee said with a smile.

Min Sung grimaced at Ho Sung Lee.

“Then why are you smiling?”

“Because this is a significant improvement!”

Ho Sung Lee shouted with excitement.

Min Sung crossed his arms, unable to understand.

“What do you mean by that?”

“It didn’t poison me!! That’s amazing.”

“Why do you think it tastes bad?”

“I’m sorry? Well, the rice is hard, and the kimchi stew is too salty.”

Min Sung fell deeply into thought as he looked down at the food that he made.

Following a moment of silence...

“I made the broth, and I even used the scale to measure the ingredients. Why is it bad?”

Upon seeing Min Sung think so seriously about his cooking, Ho Sung Lee sighed.

This man, who was always flawless, showed his only weakness when he cooked.

It was fascinating.

“That’s because you skipped a few crucial steps.”

“What is it?”

Min Sung stared at Ho Sung Lee with sharp eyes.

“First, when you make the rice, how much water you add is important. After putting your hand in, make sure the water comes up to your palm.”

“What about the kimchi stew?”

“The broth isn’t bad, but the kimchi isn’t the right kind for stew, and you added too little broth. That’s why it’s salty.”

“I see.”

Min Sung stared down at his food with a serious face.

“But you’ve improved. I think you’ll be able to make delicious food soon enough,” said Ho Sung Lee with a joyful face


But Ho Sung Lee had no idea... what a big mistake he had made.

“I’d better make it again.”

“I’m sorry?”

Min Sung threw the food into the sink.

Min Sung took out new ingredients from the fridge and began preparing them again.

Ho Sung Lee gulped as he watched Min Sung, who was now very sensitive.

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