
Chapter 2 - Gallimard (2)

Chapter 2 - Gallimard (2)

Honestly, I’m not sure why I did it.

Maybe I just got annoyed all of a sudden.

Or perhaps it was some silly instinct like, "Our precious protagonist is in danger!!"

One thing was clear.


There was some pig rolling on the ground in front of me.

And the one who knocked him down was none other than me.

“Haha, this is quite the predicament.”

The corners of my mouth curled into a smooth smile.

It was a sly grin.

I wanted to put on the friendliest expression possible, but thanks to my trait, that wasn’t easy.

No matter what I did, I couldn’t shake off the sinister vibe.

Well, nothing I can do about it.

I gave up and bent down.

Then, I spoke to the pig lying in that ridiculous position.

“My apologies for the unintended offense. Are you alright, young master?”

“Y-You...! Who the hell are you?!”

The guy suddenly snapped, yelling in outrage.

The pain from the shock must have worn off, replaced by anger at being knocked over.

Quite a reaction.

“I’m terribly sorry about this.”

“Where did this lowlife come from, daring to trip a noble of the Holint Baron family?!”

“I was in such a rush that I failed to see where I was going.”

“And that’s your excuse—?!”

“You have quite the powerful voice.”

I expressed my regret for the piglet’s fury, then gracefully introduced myself.

“Allow me to introduce myself. I am Judas Snakes, only son of the Snakes Count family.”


The boy, who had been ranting a moment ago, suddenly froze.

It seemed the name “Snakes” had struck a chord.

Well, it would be strange if he didn’t know.

After all, it was a prestigious family.

Watching his face stiffen, I smiled brightly.

“The Snakes Count family... Then, you must be the son of the Snakes?”

“I’m honored you remember.”


The pig’s face turned pale.

It seemed he realized he was in deep trouble.

But what good is regret now?

The snake coiled tightly around his neck had no intention of letting its prey go.

‘What? The Holint Baron family?’

As far as I know, they’re a family with no background, no wealth, and no notable figures—utter nobodies.

And yet this brat dares to bully a commoner?

And on top of that, our beloved protagonist?

“I-I’m sorry...! I didn’t recognize your noble status and acted rudely...!”

He quickly bowed his head.

The same guy who had been so stiff just moments ago was now bending his back in sheer desperation.

Well, that’s the reaction I’d expect.

He insulted a noble from a distinguished family in front of everyone.

“Haha... So, you were aware of your rudeness?”

“I’m truly sorry. Please, forgive me...!”


I tilted my head mockingly.

It was unfortunate for him, but I had no intention of letting him off easily.

I had no interest in groveling apologies.

‘If he were really sorry, he should’ve apologized to our poor protagonist instead of me.’

Then I might’ve considered it.

Leaving my twisted thoughts behind, I let out a chuckle.

“How amusing.”

With those leisurely words, I reached out.

An elegant movement, like a snake slithering through grass.

My hand lightly touched the pig’s shoulder, sending a chill down his spine.

“Seeing you act so full of yourself... It’s just too funny.”

The guy flinched, his eyebrows twitching.

I know this type all too well.

People driven by pride and insecurity, desperate to show off in any way they can.

The kind of person I despise the most.

There’s a simple way to deal with this type.

You shatter their pride.

Humiliate them, mock them, break down their pretentious sense of dignity.

“How pitiful.”

Operation: Maximum Ridicule.

I flicked my tongue.

A sly, sing-song voice slipped through my lips.

I didn’t bother planning my lines.

The trait “Smiling Mask” would take care of it for me anyway.

“Judging by your words earlier, you seem more suited to being a street thug than a noble.”

= Did you stuff a rag in your mouth? And you call yourself a noble?

“Yelling at a delicate young lady—where’s your sense of chivalry?”

= Where’s your pride as a man? If you’re going to live like that, just chop it off.

“For someone of your size, you sure have a small heart.”

= For someone built like a hippopotamus, you’re awfully petty.

“Your mother must have a hard time. They say raising children is the toughest job, after all.”

= Your mom.

A barrage of insults rained down on him.

The guy seemed dazed, overwhelmed by the flood of humiliations.

How does it feel? This is the K-gamer’s signature teabagging.

The key here is the audience watching us.

The same guy who was acting like a wild beast minutes ago now revealed as a mere pup.

The onlookers would laugh at him.

And the more they laugh, the more his pride crumbles.

“What a unique individual.”

= Idiot.

As I continued this delightful barrage, a girl came into view.

Pink hair, trembling green eyes.

Our beloved protagonist.

‘Regia Filarts.’

She was on her knees, looking this way.

Shivering like a frightened rabbit.

Just as cute as in the game—a truly adorable creature.

I gave her a quick wink.

When our eyes met, I meant it as a signal not to worry too much.

‘That aside... It’s about time, isn’t it?’

I checked the time and mumbled to myself.

As soon as the thought crossed my mind, a voice echoed in my ears.

<The entrance exam will begin shortly.>

<All applicants, please follow the guidance to your designated areas.>

An announcement that cut through the tension.

Finally, I stopped the humiliation session and took my hand off the guy’s shoulder.

His face was bright red.

His arms trembled—he must’ve felt utterly humiliated.

“Well then, let’s end it here. Let’s hope we never meet again!”

= Don’t push your luck. Unless you want to die.

I smiled brightly.

This time, I didn’t bother hiding the sinister undertone.

It was a blatant warning.

“...Thank you for your mercy.”

The guy bit his lip for a moment before bowing and backing away.

A textbook “third-rate villain.”

It really hammered home the fact that this was a game world.

Mulling over pointless thoughts, I started walking in another direction.


Our protagonist, still trembling slightly.

I extended a hand to her.

“Are you alright?”


The girl, who had been in a daze, finally snapped back to reality and took my hand.

“Th-Thank you...”

“You’re very welcome.”

“I was in a difficult situation, and you really saved me.”

“Haha, I was just doing what anyone would.”

“But still, you ended up helping me...”

Even though it was just a personal vendetta, the protagonist was sincerely expressing her gratitude.

Her kind-hearted nature was already showing.

I felt a rush of warmth in my chest.

This really was the “Regia Filarts” I knew.

I’m a fan. Please hug me.

I swallowed those words and instead smiled warmly.

“You might have heard earlier... I’m Judas Snakes.”

“I’m Regia Filarts.”

“Meeting like this must be fate. Would you like to accompany me?”

“A-Accompany you?”

“It’s my first time at the academy, you see. And I didn’t bring any attendants, so it feels a bit lonely to walk around alone.”


Her green eyes flickered with hesitation.

She was probably nervous around nobles. It’s still early in the game, after all.

After some hesitation, she finally nodded.

“...If you’re okay with it, Young Master.”

“I’d be honored.”

It felt like meeting a long-admired idol.

I was overwhelmed with indescribable emotion when another announcement urged us forward.

<This is a final reminder.>

<The entrance exam will begin shortly.>

<All applicants, please follow the guidance to your designated areas.>

I spoke to our frozen protagonist.

“Shall we go?”


Three years after my transmigration.

I was finally stepping into the academy.


Over the past three years, I had a lot on my mind.

Being suddenly dragged into this world left me in quite a state of confusion.

-This must be a dream...

-Or have I really lost it? Damn it, I should’ve played games in moderation.

-I have no idea what’s going on anymore...

I think I went through a bit of a wandering phase.

It takes time to adapt to a new environment.

I was no exception.

About a month later, I came to a realization.

That this whole situation was real.

And that there was no way back.

After accepting that harsh truth, I resolved to live my life in this world.

Clinging to what’s out of reach is just plain stupid.

It’s wiser to embrace reality.

-Actually... maybe this isn’t so bad?

I decided to look on the bright side.

It’s not like I had any attachments—I led a lonely life without anyone around me.

And getting transmigrated in a game I was obsessed with was kind of lucky.

-Guess I’ll go for the ending.

I mean, I got transmigrated as the final boss.

Maybe this is a chance granted to me after all those thousands of hours of gaming.

1,943 attempts.

I never got to see the ending before being dragged into this world, so I’ve never actually witnessed it.

A happy ending for this world.

-This time, for sure.

That’s the nature of an unfulfilled dream.

I longed for a sparkling conclusion.

That’s why I obediently followed the original story’s path and came to the academy.

My goals were simple.

Enjoy life at the academy, help the protagonist’s party, and stop the world from being destroyed.

In the end, I wanted to see the happy ending.

-If I could get closer to the original characters in the process, that’d be nice too.

It was, after all, my favorite game.

Seeing the characters I’d only watched through a screen come to life before my eyes would be an incredible experience.

It was the inevitable desire of a diehard fan.

I’ll treat them well if we become friends.

I’ll protect them from dangerous enemies and be as supportive as I can.

In the original, Judas was a traitor who deceived everyone, but I was determined to be a reliable ally instead.

Yeah, I was definitely determined... but...


Why is she acting like this all of a sudden?

“Miss Regia, aren’t you being a bit too tense?”

“A-Ah... I’m sorry!”

“Oh~ no need to apologize.”

Regia flinched at even the slightest comment.

She looked like a frightened rabbit.

‘What’s going on? This isn’t her usual personality.’

I tilted my head in confusion.

There was a setting where she found it difficult to deal with nobles, but this was a bit extreme.

Her usual carefree nature wasn’t showing.

‘What’s the problem?’

I scanned her quietly, thinking it over.

It didn’t take long to figure out the reason.

“Did you hurt your wrist?”


She must’ve injured it when she fell earlier.

Regia kept rubbing her wrist.

It seemed my guess was spot on, as she gave a strained smile.

“...I think I twisted it a little.”

“That’s not good. An injury right before the exam?”

“It’s fine. It doesn’t hurt enough to affect the test.”

“Even so, it’s still concerning.”

I let out a quiet hum.

Was there anything I could do to help?

After some contemplation, I suddenly remembered something and reached into my pocket.

“Miss Regia, how about using this?”

“Is that... a bandage?”

What I pulled out was none other than a bandage.

A clean, white medical bandage.

I casually handed it over.

It was way too big to fit in a coat pocket, but let’s not dwell on that.

Some things are better left unexplained.

“It just so happens I had this in my pocket. I’d be glad if you used it.”

“W-Wait, how did that... fit in such a small pocket...?”

“It’s a secret.”

I deftly dodged her bewildered question.

To prevent any further queries, I gently took hold of her arm.


“Just hold still for a moment. I’ll wrap it to keep the injury from worsening.”

I unrolled the bandage and carefully wrapped it around her wrist.

At first, she seemed a bit flustered, but soon she quietly accepted my touch.

“Th-Thank you... I feel like you’ve been helping me so much since we met.”

“Please don’t feel burdened.”

“But still...”

“I’m more than happy just to have helped you, Miss Regia.”


Oops. Did I get too carried away with nostalgia?

Regia tilted her head in confusion, question marks practically floating above it.

The pink-haired girl hesitantly opened her mouth.

“Um... Do you know me by any chance, Young Master?”


“Well... It’s just, you’re being so friendly...”

Of course, it was another tricky question.

How was I supposed to explain that?

As I stood there with a forced smile, it was the deep voice behind me that saved me from the situation.

“Judas Snakes. You’re up next.”

It was the assistant in charge of the entrance exam.

He glanced at the list of applicants, nodded a few times, then gave me a light look.

“Please follow the guidance to the exam site.”

“Oh~ Yes! I’ll be right there!”

It was the perfect chance to dodge the question, so I jumped up with my hand in the air.

Nice timing.

“It’s my turn. I’ll be back after taking the exam.”

“O-Oh... Yes, good luck on your test...!”

“Haha! I’m glad to have your support!”

Well then, I’m off!

Leaving those words behind, I made my way to the exam site.


I stepped into the exam room, my heart pounding with excitement.

I was filled with anticipation.

This was Gallimard Academy, the top educational institution on the continent and the main setting of the original story.

What exciting things could happen here?

Surely, an entrance exam at such a prestigious institution would be unique and intriguing, right?

“All you have to do is attack the target in front of you.”

But it didn’t take long for those expectations to be shattered.

I looked at the assistant with a disappointed expression.

“Surely you don’t mean that small, cute little doll standing over there?”

“That’s correct.”

“Good grief...”

I let out a frustrated sigh.

In the direction I was looking, there was only a single doll resembling a scarecrow.

I was hoping for something more spectacular.

“I trust you know how the scoring will be measured?”

I have no idea.

“The entire exam is being broadcast via magical devices, so the applicants in the waiting area can watch each other’s tests.”

I was too busy chatting with the protagonist.

“I wish you the best of luck.”

Damn it.

Of course, I couldn’t say any of that to the assistant responsible for scoring me.

I guess I’ll just have to wing it.

I should’ve paid more attention to the instructions...


Regret was useless at this point.

Accepting the harsh reality, I braced myself.

It was the stance for casting a spell.

‘Let’s aim for something that’ll place me in the middle ranks.’

I carefully examined the target.

It wasn’t an ordinary doll, of course.

Various defensive, absorption, and calculation formulas were woven into the fabric.

I suppose it lived up to the academy’s reputation.

‘I need to be careful... Can’t let them notice anything.’

I wasn’t aiming for the top spot.

The more attention you get, the more hassle you attract.

I wasn’t interested.

Even if they offered it, I’d decline.

‘I’ll aim for just enough to avoid damaging the doll.’

Mumbling quietly to myself, I pointed my fingers like a gun.

As I focused mana at my fingertips, it condensed into a jet-black bullet.



With a sound like air escaping, the darkness shot out.

The projectile flew swiftly.

In an instant, it struck the target’s forehead.


The shadow slammed against the defensive spells.

The spinning bullet seemed like it would pierce through the center, but its momentum gradually faded.

It may look simple, but this was the academy’s entrance exam target, after all.

It wouldn’t be easy to break through.

In the end, the mana bullet dissipated without leaving a single scratch.


The doll, which had been standing still, toppled over from the impact.

I glanced over the scattered target on the floor.

\'This should be enough, right?\'

The dummy wasn\'t damaged, and the magic I cast wasn\'t particularly flashy.

There was nothing that would attract attention.

The output was just about average for the academy.

Even I thought it was a perfectly controlled performance.

"Aha~ As expected, adjusting the power is really tricky."

I muttered so quietly that no one could hear.

With a satisfied smile, I brushed off the mana remaining on my hands.


Just as planned.

"Hehe, maybe I\'ll go watch Miss Regia\'s test after this."

…At that time, I had no idea.

That the faculty at the academy.

The professors watching through magical devices were in a complete uproar over my test.

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