
Chapter 576 - Rescuing the Naga (3)

Chapter 576: Rescuing the Naga (3)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Main Mage Tower, a magic laboratory in the fourth basement

Purple magic runes crackled in the air like electricity. The runes were arranged in circles. Like soldiers in the vanguard, they charged towards a dark red glow in the center.

Three crystals as big as a human’s brain were placed in a triangle around the dark red glow. They were the source of the purple magic runes.

Beyond the crystals stood two Magicians—Eleanor and Vance. The two of them were intently observing the crystals’ power input. Should any anomaly arise, they would immediately step in to rectify it.

“How’s it going?” Link asked. He had come to check on Katyusha’s conditioning.

“Everything looks to be in order. But something strange happened a while ago,” said Vance, a confused look on his face.

“Do tell.”

Vance pointed at the white energy flow pouring out of the Mage Tower. “It happened just last night. The energy flow here had always been stable. We never had an issue with it. However, since one in the morning, there have been three small consecutive Mana outbursts, as if something’s disturbing the energy flow. What’s strange is that Eleanor and I have inspected the surrounding Mana channels. But there seems to be no sign of anyone tampering with them.”

Link was stunned. The first thing he thought of upon hearing this was that this must be Bryant’s handiwork!

The energy flow that was used to break through Katyusha’s defenses came from the Mage Tower’s Mana core. Link had personally overseen its construction and regulation. Every Monday, he would come by for an inspection to make sure that the Mana core was functioning properly. His last inspection had been two days ago. It was still working normally back then.

Also, Link would be able to sense the presence of any foreign power interfering with the Mage Tower’s energy flow from a hundred miles away. However, nothing seemed to stand out in the vicinity at the moment.

“I’ll go check on the main tower’s Mana network.”

He was now feeling a bit anxious. Bryant had been staying in the Scorched Ridge for the past few days. Celine had reported that the man’s behavior seemed suspicious. He might have found a way to gain entry into the laboratory.

Link began checking the main tower’s Mana system, starting from the laboratory, then along the conduit pipe, all the way to the Mana core. Still, he found nothing.

Everything seemed normal. There was no sign suggesting that an outside force had invaded the place, which meant that the disturbance was not man-made.

Link was now puzzled. Strange indeed. Could it be that Bryant’s using a technique even I don’t know about? If that’s the case, what’s he sticking around here for?

Still trying to figure out how Bryant did it, Link decided that he needed more data. He began observing the Mage Tower’s energy flow. He had also set up a Memory Crystal in order to record the next energy outburst when it happened.

He had only just started looking at the numbers when an hour later, another Mana outburst occurred.

This time, Link saw with his own eyes the disturbance in the Mana current. An abnormal tremor appeared in it, affecting the whole thing. The sensation Link had at that moment was that of a giant rocking the entire Mage Tower about, trying to tip it over.

When the tremor occurred, due to the continuous flow of Mana, tiny chaotic eddies began to form in it. They might not have much effect on low-level magic, but they presented a serious threat to the Legendary-level Hidden spell that was keeping Katyusha subdued. These tiny disturbances were able to cause the spell to lose its effect!

Link immediately tried to suppress the sudden disturbance in the Mana channel. He noticed that Vance and Eleanor were also trying to do the same thing.

Four seconds later, the eddies disappeared. Everything was back to normal.

Link took a look at the high-quality Memory Crystal he had placed beside him. It had recorded the whole thing down as it happened.

Link then watched the disturbance unfold again and again on the Memory Crystal. Each time, he would look at the numbers he had jotted down and then make all sorts of calculations with them.

He had completed the entire evaluation process after watching the Memory Crystal at least 12 times. However, his anxiety only intensified as he scanned the formulas and intensity curve of the tremor he had scribbled down in his notebook.

All signs indicated that in order to set off such a tremor in the Mage Tower’s Mana system, the disturbance needed to be global in scale.

In other words, this disturbance needed to encompass the entire realm.

Just what kind of power are we up against, to have such an effect? Could it be the appearance of another divine gear? Link frowned.

When the Dark Serpent first descended on the mortal plane, Link’s power was only at Level-6. He was still so weak at the time that he did not sense any disturbances in the realm and so never experienced anything like this in the past.

This did not mean that others were oblivious to the ripples sent out by the Dark Serpent’s appearance.

After thinking for a while, Link sent a telepathic message to Lily the tower spirit. In an instant, Lily conveyed the message to Evelina, Elovan, and Milose.

When the Dark Serpent first appeared, the Isle of Dawn must have kept a record of the changes brought about by it across the realm.

Five minutes later, the three Legendary High Elves arrived at the main hall of the Mage Tower. As one of Ferde’s chief Magicians, Evelina walked in front, followed from behind by Elovan and Milose.

“My lord, is there something wrong?” asked Evelina. The two High Elves behind her were also looking curiously at Link.

Link was about to explain what was going on when suddenly he stopped. He then raised a finger and whispered, “Try to feel the Mana flow in the Mage Tower.”

A new tremor had appeared, this time even more intense than before. There was even a sudden fluctuation in the brightness of the overhead magic lights.

Of course, ordinary people might not be able to perceive these changes. But to a Legendary master, these changes were as clear as day.

As soon as he sensed the Mana current growing even more turbulent, Link immediately tried to bring it back under control until it returned to normal. He then looked at everyone and asked, “Did you all feel that?”

The three High Elves nodded.

Evelina said, “This disturbance is most unusual. Even my Elemental Pool was affected by it. I was just about to report this to you. It felt like someone was barraging the city with Level-10 offensive Legendary spells from the ocean a hundred miles away.”

Link nodded. He looked at Elovan and Milose. “What do you two think?”

Elovan said, “I am of the same opinion as Evelina, but judging from the direction of the disturbance, it seems to be coming from the Isle of Dawn.”

Milose was about to say something but then closed his mouth.

“If you have something to say, say it now. This is a mission of sorts. If you’re able to provide valuable information, you will be rewarded with Magic Points,” said Link.

Milose jerked up and then said, “When the Dark Serpent appeared, I was stationed at one of the Isle of Dawn’s watchtower. From the watchtower, we would watch for any energy disturbances in the Firuman realm through a magic net powered by Nature power. The commotion we felt just then was a lot more intense than the one caused by the Dark Serpent itself.”

“Oh?” Link was surprised to hear this. He then asked, “I also sensed that the energy disturbance this time was coming from the north-east, which is where the Isle of Dawn is. What do you think?”

“Yes, that’s what I was thinking as well.”

“What about you two? Anything you’d like to add?” Link looked at Elovan and Evelina.

Elovan thought for a moment, then said, “If what Milose said is true, then it is possible that the Isle of Dawn may be working to activate the World Tree’s power as we speak. Such a thing has only happened twice in the past. The first time was 2300 years ago when the Calamity Dragon King Ira invaded the Isle of Dawn. The High Elves had activated the World Tree to trap the Dragon King within an impenetrable Eternal Time Ward. The second time was 800 years ago, when the God of Slaughter, Dalas was attempting to descend on the realm of Firuman. Though he had been thwarted, he had left a huge crack in the realm. The High Elves had used the World Tree’s roots to seal up the crack. The two times the High Elves used the World Tree’s power had left permanent changes on the entire realm. Even now, the Tree’s effects can still be felt. If the Isle of Dawn is activating the World Tree right now, there is a high chance the High Elves’ target this time is Ferde. My lord, we need to prepare ourselves immediately!”

Link was stunned. He had known for a long time that the World Tree possessed incredible power. But now he learned that it was even capable of fending off foes like the Dragon King, Ira and the God of Slaughter, Dalas, both of whom were terrible presences closer to divinity than anything else in the realm.

Link now had a clearer picture of its power.

The World Tree was a force that stood on the pinnacle of the Firuman realm. Outside the Isle of Dawn, Link might be untouchable, but if he dared come within shooting distance of the island, his body and soul would probably be disintegrated on the spot.

Link then asked, “Is there no way at all to deal with the World Tree?’

“There may be a way,” replied Milose.

Raising a brow, Link asked, “Let’s hear it.”

“The World Tree’s power may be the pinnacle of the realm, but it is also way too powerful for any mortal being to handle. Not even the High Elf queen could wield its power alone. For 1000 years, the World Tree has operated according to an innate set of rules. One of those rules was that it should never be used to attack those who possess Nature Power. Even if those with Nature Power were to attack the World Tree, it would only seek to defend itself and drive its aggressors out of the Isle of Dawn.”

Elovan added, “The rules governing the World Tree are not that complicated. Besides not attacking its own people, the World Tree’s rules also include protecting those with royal High Elf blood. Under its shade, royal High Elf members will not be injured by attacks from the outside and are also prevented from hurting each other.”

Hearing this, Link looked at Evelina. She was a High Elf princess. Though her blood was impure, royal blood still ran through her veins.

Evelina shrugged. “Basically what they said, but I would just like to correct what Elovan said. In truth, the royal family members can attack each other. To do so, the High Elf elders must first deliberate with each other before activating a judgment magic seal. After being granted permission by the World Tree, the elders would then remove all Nature Power from an offending member of the Royal High Elf family in order to pass judgment on him or her.”

Link fell silent, ruminating on something. Half a minute later, he said, “Evelina, I would like to study your bloodline power.”

High Elf customs had always been an enigma to him. He decided to go to the Isle of Dawn one of these days to probe even further into this.

“It would be an honor...” Evelina gave Link a bow, but before she could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by a sudden explosion.

The explosion had come from the North. The impact was so great that they could feel a violent tremor running through the Mage Tower.

Startled, all four of them quickly rushed to the window. They saw a white ball of light with a diameter of more than 20 feet rising up from behind a hill.

Evelina shouted in surprise, “My god, it’s a Level-9 Blazing Sun spell!”

The Blazing Sun spell was one of the most potent fire spells in the mortal realm. If the ball of light exploded in the middle of the city, everything in it would be wiped off the map.

This should not have happened. Lily the tower spirit had been keeping watch for any energy anomalies in the city all this time.

If the spell were to go off in the outskirts of the city, the explosion would engulf everything in a sea of eternal fire, and there would be more than 1000 casualties as a result!

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